FIREBALL RIDE AT THE BOARDWALK. I think I ran this one before, but it’s still scary!! |
Buddy Rich & Jerry Lewis – Drum Solo Battle (1965) |
DATELINE September 4, 2017
OMEI’S CLOSING – NOT FROM ANY BOYCOTT. Everybody got really jumping about the so-called BOYCOTT of the Omei Restaurant because owner Roger Grigsby had, and has been a long time right wing financier and donated $500 to David Duke the former head of the Ku Klux Klan. If we stop and think about it…it wasn’t the boycott that did the closing, it was the entire restaurant staff quitting all at once. Any boycott even in Santa Cruz would have taken days longer.
SHELLEY BERMAN DIED. Back in 1964 my trio “The Goodtime Washboard 3” opened for Shelley Berman at the “hungry i” in San Francisco. We’d finished a long run at the Purple Onion (almost across the street) and just the chance to go big time at “the i” loomed large. This was the time of Mort Sahl, Tom Lehrer, Lenny Bruce and other geniuses. Shelley had just experienced that terrible documentary showing him losing his temper somewhere backstage…and we were all terribly afraid of him losing it again, he didn’t. Matter of genuine fact he had Enrico can the vocalist that filled between us and his act. He gave us dozens of pointers, hints, and ideas…a real pro. And of course it was at the hungry i where he made his big hit comedy album in 1957. Footnote: our trio also played at the newer hungry i out at Ghirardelli Square and Charles McCabe “The Fearless Spectator” was a regular fan…ahhh those days, and nights!!!
RANCHO DEL MAR DEVELOPMENT. I hope everyone reads Becky Steinbruners weekly article…weekly! When you read her news last week you saw that the TRC developers were going to shut down existing, operating businesses in the Rancho Del Mar plaza. The Sentinel caught onto it and did a front page story a few days ago. Folks who care about Aptos and South County news should keep up with Becky S. she keeps us well informed. If you too are wondering what the future of Rancho Del Mar will look like since TRC (Terramar Retail Centers) bought out Safeway take a look at any one of their schlocky plaza re-dos…
http://www.trcretail.com/sf-east-bay Safeway’s plans don’t look quite so bad in hindsight do they? The latest news is that none of the carpenters that TRC Developers hires to work on the Rancho development will be local!! Lower labor bids are coming in from the Sacramento area. More than that as we have read TRC is evicting most of the lower level merchants so they can begin “renovating”. For example Baskins Robins Ice Cream store will not be allowed to move into the upper level of the Rancho but the Kitchen Store has been given the ok.
SANTA CRUZ NUTRITIONALS IS HIRING!!!….and??? Santa Cruz Nutritionals has about 500 employees now and the good news is they have new management and they are hiring “for all shifts”. Wouldn’t it a great and environmental concept if they started using employee buses to pick up their employees from an easy to park location and dropped them off at their Westside factory? The Westside is getting more and more full of traffic and this could be a giant step forward. Especially so since the Garfield Park Church Circle will soon be up for development.
GARFIELD CIRCLE CHURCH FOR SALE FOR $2,995,000. The David Lyng/Redfin real estate ad reads… “Large lot in the heart of Westside Santa Cruz with large ocean view! The lot currently has a church on it, but is zoned for residential use, and is R-1-5 which will allow for ten 5,000 Sq. Ft. Lots. Truly a one of a kind lot that will make for a one of a kind investment!”. With our Santa Cruz City Council making decisions and especially with Mayor David Terrazas heading the dais next year you can bet your top and bottom dollars that the existing Disciples of Christ Church will vanish into real estate heaven in weeks. Huge high rising floors of stucco and cheapness will replace the 1000’s of square feet of community meeting rooms and and hope of meditation space for any reason. We need to make bets on which developer will get there first. Check out the ad… then you’ll see what I mean.
Jean Brocklebank of “Don’t Bury The Library” committee writes..We took a thorough tour of the present Main library, all 44,000 sq. ft. of it, during the second Downtown Library Advisory Committee (DLAC) meeting. I noticed a lot of inefficient use of space and a lot of sloppy housekeeping. That on top of years of deferred maintenance was annoying to witness.
The library does not need “more” storage, just better management of existing storage space.
The main problem is that many people want to turn the library into a community center, a museum, a day care center, a homeless services center, a place for at risk children to read a book aloud to dogs. a co-working space for chatting and a cafe. Everything BUT a library! We already have a museum, co-working space, dozens of cafes, a homeless center and the Boys and Girls Club downtown … all within a few blocks of the library. We don’t need to repurpose the library for all of those things. What we need is a library where patrons can find information, do research, read, use a computer, print materials, check out materials and have it quiet so they can concentrate on information gathering and absorption.
The City received $27 million of Measure S money and the City decided to allocate $23 million to a new library. No one is suggesting a 3rd or 4th story to the existing library, which has 44,000 sq. ft of space already. Besides, structurally, the bottom two stories will not be able to bear the weight of two more stories.
The date of the Downtown Library Committee meeting is September 13 between 6 – 9 pm in the upstairs meeting room of the library and our Don’t Bury The Library web site
September 4, 2017
Wallace Baine, commenting on the closing of Caffe Pergolesi and Logos Books, coinciding with the opening of Abbott Square, writes, “But change has little respect for nostalgia and those of us around today can watch it unfold—with melancholy or excitement or a tincture of both, as we see fit.” (Sentinel 8/31/17) This way of thinking obscures the human agency that orchestrates change and elevates it to a force of nature to which we must adapt. Thus, only our attitudes towards it are within our power to control. Such a worldview is a boon to those who wield the batons of change. It ensures that most will accept change albeit grudgingly and a swift kick in the nostalgic pants will keep the rest in line. The closing of Logos had more to do with changing buying habits and Pergolesi had more to do with the property owner’s (as distinct from the business owner’s) interests, but nevertheless, such changes are human driven. Had we known, we might have made a difference.
Currently in Santa Cruz, significant change is being imposed from a combination of large-scale property, speculative development interests and the city’s Economic Development Department. Boosted by UCSC growth, Silicon Valley, global marketing, tourism and a growing income divide, Santa Cruz is ripe for the picking. The casualties will be the locally owned, small, long-time businesses including the wharf, low- income workers and the familiar town we know and love.
The agents of change, in this case, the city’s top management staff, are adept at giving us spin. Consider the following statement from the city’s Economic Development director, Bonnie Lipscomb, commenting in the Sentinel on the height and density changes to downtown that are in the wings: “Being able to be at the forefront of adding critically needed housing for our community is part of the larger revitalization effort. Having more people living downtown will help strengthen vitality of our downtown into the future, particularly with the challenges of online retail right now — you can definitely see how having more bodies downtown and having retail surrounded by downtown and residents is going to be very helpful.”
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~Gillian Greensite is a long time local activist, a member of Save Our Big Trees and the Santa Cruz chapter of IDA, International Dark Sky Association http://darksky.org Plus she’s an avid ocean swimmer, hiker and lover of all things wild.
By: Chris Krohn Email Chris at ckrohn@cruzio.com |
September 4, 2017
This past Sunday, Councilmember, David Terrazas penned an opinion piece in the Santa Cruz Sentinel titled, “A Healthy, Vibrant Santa Cruz,” and then went on to describe a city troubled by found needles, “fences and security cameras…”
While I agree on the Santa Cruz troubles, which Terrazas writes about including “chronic drug use, recidivism and untreated mental illness,” I part company with his main solution of “increasing police staffing” and waiting for Samuel Beckett’s local version of Godot, the county board of supervisors, to act. Increasing the number of police has been tried before and the fact now remains that we have a problem attracting qualified officers to one of the region’s most expensive housing markets. At least six funded sworn officer positions have yet to be filled.
So maybe we can go a different route back to the future. Why not use the money that’s in the budget to fund a social worker in every police car? a 24/7 emergency shelter? drug and alcohol treatment facilities? and increased mental health programming?
Don Williams of the UCSC theater department re-reading and re-membering Dr. King’s “I have a Dream” speech at Santa Cruz clock tower last week. |
Santa Cruz has a rich history of progressive politics. Some people in the Santa Cruz city government might hold the position that the city should only act in a serious way to address homelessness, petty crime, drug and alcohol addiction, and our mental health crisis if, and only if the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors acts. Councilmember Terrazas clearly outlined several of the problems our city faces, but simply waiting for the county to act while throwing more police at an intractable social problem are not the answers. While I agree that county resources would help, the city of Santa Cruz has forged ahead before, and now is not the time to wait for the county’s help if they are an unwilling partner.
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Bernie Sanders Tweet of the Week
“We stand with the immigrant families who are scared to death, to young people on the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program for whom America is their home.” (Aug. 28)
And, if you want to read about some activist’s push-back on Bernie’s weakened single-payer bill, as opposed to John Conyers’ House Version now supported by 116 other members, read this thought-provoking piece.
~Chris Krohn is a father, writer, activist, former Santa Cruz City Councilmember (1998-2002) and Mayor (2001-2002). He’s been running the Environmental Studies Internship program at UC Santa Cruz for the past 12 years. He was elected last November to another 4-year term on the Santa Cruz City Council.
By: Becky Steinbruner Email Becky at KI6TKB@yahoo.com |
That is a good question…considering there is no money for local infrastructure to serve the general population. AB 186, co-authored by Assemblywoman Susan Eggman (D-Stockton) and Senator Scott Wiener and Assemblywoman Laura Friedman , would fund a pilot study in seven counties, including Santa Cruz County, and is now under consideration by the legislature.
Here is the essence of the bill:
“AB 186, as amended, Eggman. Controlled substances: safer drug consumption program. Existing law makes it a crime to possess specified controlled substances or paraphernalia. Existing law makes it a crime to use or be under the influence of specified controlled substances. Existing law additionally makes it a crime to visit or be in any room where specified controlled substances are being unlawfully used with knowledge that the activity is occurring, or to open or maintain a place for the purpose of giving away or using specified controlled substances. Existing law makes it a crime for a person to rent, lease, or make available for use any building or room for the purpose of storing or distributing any controlled substance. Existing law authorizes forfeiture of property used for specified crimes involving controlled substances. This bill would, until January 1, 2022, authorize specified counties or cities within those counties to authorize the operation of supervised injection services programs for adults that satisfies specified requirements, including, among other things, a hygienic space supervised by healthcare professionals or other trained staff health care professionals, as defined, where people who use drugs can consume preobtained drugs, sterile consumption supplies, and access to referrals to addiction substance use disorder treatment. The bill would require any entity operating a program under its provisions to provide an annual report to the city, county, or city and county, as specified. The bill would exempt a person from existing criminal sanctions while he or she is using or operating a supervised injection solely for actions or conduct on the site of a safer drug consumption services program for adults authorized by a city, county, or city and county.”
Here is the link to the amended version of AB 186.
The bill passed in the Assembly on 6/1/17 with a vote of 41-33. Local representatives Mark Stone and Anna Caballero both voted in favor of the bill. The bill has been amended by the Senate and is now in its third reading, which means it will be voted upon soon. You might notice that the amended version requires approval of the respective County Boards of Supervisors and City Councils. If the County representatives deny the project, can the cities within the chosen County still approve a pilot project within the city boundaries? I think so. How would something like that be funded? How would the pilot study injection center location be decided upon?
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Take a look at the history of the District’s response (Page 58 of the agenda packet) to my repeated earlier requests for action on this irregular unmetered service connection that lacked anti-contamination devices. For weeks, the District staff replied “we are taking appropriate action” to my inquiries (which were copied to all members of the Board) while continuing to allow Barry Swenson Builder crews to use the water from this unmetered connection.
I wonder if the District’s ratepayers know about this? Which Plan do you think Barry Swenson Builder would choose?
Pete Testorff is one of the Aptos Village Project developers, and he also owns a parcel on Granite Way, adjacent to the development. He recently demolished a 1906 house and is building two huge houses on the parcel. Last week, a significant pond of water appeared within the Aptos Village Project boundaries, directly across from Testorff’s new houses. There is a new service connection on that edge of Granite Way with a lid marked “FIRE”.
The pond persists, so one must assume that it is a leak related to this new connection. Did Soquel Creek Water District technicians do this work? When I reported the leak to staff last week, with photos of the pond, the answer was “We’ll get a technician right out.” I wonder what “appropriate action” will be taken? Hmmmmmm……
Cheers, Becky Steinbruner
Becky Steinbruner is a 30+ year resident of Aptos. She has fought for water, fire, emergency preparedness, and for road repair. She ran for Second District County Supervisor in 2016 on a shoestring and got nearly 20% of the votes.
By: Gary Patton Email Gary at gapatton@mac.com |
#246 / Democracy And The Paranoid Position
Pictured: Phyllis Schlafly |
On Saturday, August 26, 2017, I read an article by Vivian Gornick that mentioned Phyllis Schlafly. For any who may not remember Schlafly, here’s a brief biography from Wikipedia:
“[Schlafly] was known for her staunchly conservative social and political views, her opposition to feminism and abortion, and her successful campaign against the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Her 1964 book, A Choice Not an Echo, a polemic push-back against Republican leader Nelson Rockefeller, sold more than three million copies. She co-authored books on national defense and was highly critical of arms control agreements with the former Soviet Union. Schlafly founded the conservative interest group Eagle Forum in 1972 and remained its chairperson and CEO until her death”.
Gornick’s article, which I recommend, was published in Boston Review, and was called “Feeling Paranoid: Phyllis Schlafly, Trump, and the Terror of Difference.”
Gornick’s article discussed a book I had never heard of, The Honey and the Hemlock: Democracy and Paranoia in Ancient Athens and Modern America. That book was written by cultural anthropologist Eli Sagan. I can’t recommend a book I’ve never read (at least not responsibly), but based on Gornick’s article, the Sagan book is wending its way towards my “must read” list.
On Saturday, August 26th, I also read a commentary published in my hometown newspaper, the Santa Cruz Sentinel, by one of the Sentinel’s favorite cultural commentators, Stephen Kessler. Kessler’s column was called “Open letter to a so-called ‘white supremacist’,” and was a pretty much unexceptional and rather condescending denunciation of those persons who would fit that category.
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~ Gary is a former Santa Cruz County Supervisor (20 years) and an attorney for individuals and community groups on land use and environmental issues. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. You can read his blog at www.gapatton.net
CLASSICAL DeCINZO. See DeCinzo’s “Our friendly oceans” just a scroll below, a twist or two and there you are!
EAGAN’S DEEP COVER. See Eagan’s ” What Climate Change?” down a few pages. As always, at TimEagan.com you will find his most recent Deep Cover, the latest installment from the archives of Subconscious Comics, and the ever entertaining Eaganblog.
SAN FRANCISCO MIME TROUPE. The San Francisco Mime Troupe will be here again performing their newest play, “WALLS“. It happens Saturday September 9 and Sunday September 10 at 3 p.m. in San Lorenzo Park on the flatlands. Bring a chair and a blanket to sit on and a generous donation to help this brave band of actors continue bringing us great commedia and a healthy look at our government. Get there at 2:30 to hear the band play…you won’t forget it…or them.Go here for more data on “WALLS”.
JEWEL THEATRE. Santa Cruz’s own Jewel Theatre opens their 2017-2018 season with Arthur Millers “ALL MY SONS’ September 6th through October 1. If you haven’t attended their plays now in the Colligan Theatre in the Tannery you’ve been missing something. Go here for tickets and info… http://jeweltheatre.net
LISA JENSEN LINKS. Lisa is taking a sort of vacation to work on special things and will return next week. Read her latest stuff this week at Lisa Jensen Online Express (http://ljo-express.blogspot.com/). Also, discover the evocative and fanciful pastels of her Beauty and the Beast illustrator of the month, Binette Schroeder (as the countdown to her own Beast book continues)!” Lisa has been writing film reviews and columns for Good Times since 1975.
MENASHE. An excellent story about life in a Hasidic Jewish community in New York. A young father tries with all his might to raise his young son in this orthodox world. It’s subtitled and all in Yiddish with subtitles. Go see it.
TULIP FEVER. Christopher Waltz and Alicia Vikander have the leads in this complex, twisted plot that somehow is based on a legendary tulip mania in Amsterdam in the 1700’s . It has beautiful costumes and ok photography but the story line is so pointless, that you’ll sleep during ¾ of the film. A sad disappointment. 10 on RT.
PATTY CAKES. A youngster in New Jersey tries to make it in show biz…you’ve seen this 100’s of times before only not with an overweight unloved pudge as the star. It’s too corny and too predictable and too sad to be a comedy. If you like, or better yet if you LOVE rap music you’ll like this film much more than I did.
I DO…UNTIL I DON’T . It’s supposed to be a comedy about a documentarian making a film about marriage. It stars Lake Bell, Ed Helms, and mostly Mary Steenburgen. Miserable acting, pointless plot twists about fidelity and marriage and goes in absolutely no direction with a boring ending.
WIND RIVER. Jeremy Renner and young beauty Elisabeth Olsen track down a killer on an Indian Reservation in the very cold Wyoming winter. Much better than average, you’ll stay with the plot and quite decent acting…all the way. It males some obvious social comment along the way, and that works too. The conclusion is a bit crude and drunken, but Renner is almost always worth watching.
THE BIG SICK. Kumail Nanjiani the Pakistani jerk from the “Silicon Valley” tv sit com not only wrote this plot but he and his real wife lived it. The film is a bit long but it’s well worth seeing. It’ll grab you when you least expect it. He’s a standup comic and falls in love with Zoe Kazan, a “white” girl. It’s heart rending, funny and a tale told of cultural differences between his traditional Pakistani family and her very contemporary Mom (Holly Hunter) and dad. Go see it…it’ll surprise you.(and I’ll predict some Awards around December-January).
DUNKIRK. Acclaimed auteur Christopher Nolan directs this World War II thriller about the evacuation of Allied troops from the French city of Dunkirk before Nazi forces can take hold. co-star, with longtime Nolan collaborator Hans Zimmer providing the score.
Dunkirk is a city in France and during WWII the Nazis drove the allied troops to Dunkirk’s beaches. There were 400, 000 troops stranded there with no ships to take them to safety. Tom Hardy, Kenneth Branagh and Mark Rylance are in the film briefly and do fine acting jobs. The film is all war and is well made and directed…better than most war films. But with City Of Ghosts playing now that’s the one to see IF you like genuine war films.
THE GLASS CASTLE. Woody Harrelson, Naomi Watts and especially Brie Larson bring this autobiographical life story to the screen. “Dysfunctional family” doesn’t come close to describing their family problems. The problem is that Woody Harrelson almost always plays exactly Woody Harrelson (as do John Goodman,Vin Diesel, Sylvester Stallone, etc.) He’s an incurable drunk and takes his family on his 100’s of trips through hell. It qualifies as a sob story except that Brie Larsen is just mesmerizing and perfect in the role. Plus you have to believe that Naomi Watts is an old wrinkled mountain woman married for life to Woody. ! Go see it and bring a hanky.
ATOMIC BLONDE. Charlize Theron does a nearly perfect job as the Blonde in this James Bond – Berlin Wall era action movie. Very well done fight scenes, complex spy loyalty plot, John Goodman is getting more and more difficult to believe, and he’s in it too. James McAvoy is there too but he doesn’t matter much. It’ll be the first of many sequels believe me, even though it didn’t do that well on opening weekend. Charlize T. also produced the film, and it’s based on a graphic novel.
WONDER WOMAN. IF you like comic book heroes or heroines (hope its ok to use that term) Wonder woman is several cuts about the usual no brainer/ violent/monster filled box office smashes we keep seeing. Gal Gadot is a former Miss Israel and we keep hearing about that. She plays W. Woman. Robin Wright, is in it too and she is a long time favorite of mine. She is Sean Penn’s ex. Chris Pine just jumps around looking like the usual Hollywood cutie pie. If you remember that she’s a comic book star and is supposed to battle, fight and pose in tight pants all the time you could enjoy this more than most of that ilk. Do remember too that Wonder Woman is a DC comics creation NOT a Marvel Comic character…there’s a big difference, and I was recently corrected on KZSC’s Bushwhackers Breakfast Club.
LOGAN LUCKY. This film has just about everything that should guarantee greatness or at least give you two hours of “Good Movie”. It’s a robbery movie that takes place at the annual Coca Cola NASCAR race in Concord North Carolina. Channing Tatum isn’t very impressive, but Adam Driver steals many, many scenes with his one arm. Katie Holmes is in it too but it’s Daniel Craig who is most watchable. It’s odd and weird but Hillary Swank shows up in the last few minutes that must hint that there’ll be Logan Lucky 2. Steven Soderbergh has done better.
SPIDERMAN:HOMECOMING. Michael Keaton completely steals every movie he’s ever made and he sure does playing an evil “Vulture” in this latest version of the web spinner (there have been at least 13 versions of Spidey on TV and the movies!!) Spidey is a high school student with Teresa Tomei as his mom. Robert Downey jr. is back as Iron Man. It doesn’t matter much but Gwyneth Paltrow is in it too. It’s a little better than most of the Marvel Comics hero movies but not much.
ANNABELLE:CREATION. This is supposed to be the prequel to the Conjuring series (in case you’ve seen this haunted doll series). You can stay home and write the tired old script in seconds. Dark cellar stairs, creepy doll in closet, innocent orphan girls, scarecrows, dumbwaiters, you’ve seen it dozens of times if you haven’t been careful.
THE DARK TOWER. How can a movie from books by Stephen King, and produced by Ron Howard, and which stars Mathew McConaughey and Idris Alba be so bad?? (18 on RT). It’s intergalactic, bloody, complexly stupid plot…and it’s filmed mostly in the dark. That saves tons of money spent on special effects. McConaughey is the bad guy and Alba is the good guy, in case somebody forces you to go. It’s more depressing than watching Fox news!!
THE HITMANS BODYGUARD. Samuel L. Jackson probably says “motherfucker” at least 100 times in this car chase, bloody, violent flick. Audiences laugh nowadays at the violence and I have a tough time with that. Jackson is the Hit man and Ryan Reynolds is supposed to be his body guard for some reason that I slept through. Salma Hayek is supposed to be Jackson’s wife and I guess to prove it, she too says “motherfucker” at the very end of the movie. Don’t expect to enjoy Gary Oldman, because he only has about 10 lines.
GOOD TIME. One of the darkest, mean spirited films of the decade. Robert Pattinson (“Twilight” star) does all he can to get his demented brother out of jail. Jennifer Jason Leigh plays the old mentally disturbed girl friend. It’s not exciting or meaningful but it does have some excellently hand- held filmed scenes. Not my kind of movie by any means.
INGRID GOES WEST. It’s being billed as a dark comedy, and I didn’t laugh once. A deranged teen ager is totally hooked and dependent on any and all social media…especially her iPhone. She haunts and threatens her equally nutty celebrity heroine and it all takes place in around and about Venice Beach. I suggest you skip this one. I didn’t forget any star names, there aren’t any.
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE. Each and every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. I host Universal Grapevine on KZSC 88.1 fm. or on your computer, (live only or archived for two weeks… (See next paragraph) and go to WWW.KZSC.ORG. September 5 has Lisa Hadley and Davis Banta previewing their Quality Of Life play. Then therapist Alexandra Kennedy talks about her Awakening to Life In Transition retreat. UCSC’s Gary Griggs discusses his newest book, “Coasts In Crisis” on Sept.12. Then Patricia Rain talks about her 2nd annual Vanilla Festival. Jane Mio from the San Lorenzo River Mysteries group starts the hour on Sept.19. After which Christina Morgan Cree reveals the fashion secrets of the annual FashionArt show happening Sept. 23. September 26 has Conductor, artistic director Michel Singher talking about the next Espressivo Orchestra Concert happening Oct.15. On October 10 Phyllis Rosenblum discusses the Santa Cruz Chamber Players 2017-18 season. The top winners of the Bookshop Santa Cruz Young Writers contest read their works on November 28. OR…if you just happen to miss either of the last two weeks of Universal Grapevine broadcasts go here… http://www.radiofreeamerica.com/dj/bruce-bratton You have to listen to about 4 minutes of that week’s KPFA news first, then Grapevine happens. Do remember, any and all suggestions for future programs are more than welcome so tune in, and keep listening. Email me always and only at bratton@cruzio.com
This goes to show, sometimes opportunities you think you’ve missed come back around.
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE ARCHIVES. In case you missed some of the great people I’ve interviewed in the last 9 years here’s a chronological list of some past broadcasts. Such a wide range of folks such as Nikki Silva, Michael Warren, Tom Noddy, UCSC Chancellor George Blumenthal, Anita Monga, Mark Wainer, Judy Johnson, Wendy Mayer-Lochtefeld, Rachel Goodman, George Newell, Tubten Pende, Gina Marie Hayes, Rebecca Ronay-Hazleton, Miriam Ellis, Deb Mc Arthur, The Great Morgani on Street performing, and Paul Whitworth on Krapps Last Tape. Jodi McGraw on Sandhills, Bruce Daniels on area water problems. Mike Pappas on the Olive Connection, Sandy Lydon on County History. Paul Johnston on political organizing, Rick Longinotti on De-Sal. Dan Haifley on Monterey Bay Sanctuary, Dan Harder on Santa Cruz City Museum. Sara Wilbourne on Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre. Brian Spencer on SEE Theatre Co. Paula Kenyon and Karen Massaro on MAH and Big Creek Pottery. Carolyn Burke on Edith Piaf. Peggy Dolgenos on Cruzio. Julie James on Jewel Theatre Company. Then there’s Pat Matejcek on environment, Nancy Abrams and Joel Primack on the Universe plus Nina Simon from MAH, Rob Slawinski, Gary Bascou, Judge Paul Burdick, John Brown Childs, Ellen Kimmel, Don Williams, Kinan Valdez, Ellen Murtha, John Leopold, Karen Kefauver, Chip Lord, Judy Bouley, Rob Sean Wilson, Ann Simonton, Lori Rivera, Sayaka Yabuki, Chris Kinney, Celia and Peter Scott, Chris Krohn, David Swanger, Chelsea Juarez…and that’s just since January 2011.
“When the water starts boiling it is foolish to turn off the heat”, Nelson Mandela
“It ain’t the heat, it’s the humility”, Yogi Berra
“Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it do singe yourself”, William Shakespeare
“Those who cannot understand how to put their thoughts on ice should not enter into the heat of debate”, Friedrich Nietzsche
“I am not bound for any public place, but for ground of my own where I have planted vines and orchard trees, and in the heat of the day climbed up into the healing shadow of the woods”, Wendell Berry
COLUMN COMMUNICATIONS. Subscriptions: Click and enter the box in the upper right hand corner of each Column. You’ll get a weekly email notice the instant the column goes online. (Anywhere from Monday afternoon through Thursday or sometimes as late as Friday!) Always free and confidential. Even I don’t know who subscribes!!
Snail Mail: Bratton Online
82 Blackburn Street, Suite 216
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Direct email: Bratton@Cruzio.com
Direct phone: 831 423-2468
All Technical & Web details: Gunilla Leavitt @ godmoma@gmail.com