BRATTON…Saving the historic Merriman House from the Fire Department. GREENSITE…Still in Australia…still no internet. Next week for sure! KROHN…Letter to Justin Cummings and Sandy Brown for Vice Mayor. STEINBRUNER…Announcing her new run for County Supervisor, Aptos Village and Zach Friend, Zach’s trash talk, UCSC’s LRDP. PATTON…Politics and power and Fun! EAGAN…Deep Cover, Subconscious Comics JENSEN…Reviews the Good Liar and Pain and Glory. BRATTON…no new ones and some critiques of excellent “old ones”. UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE GUEST LINEUP. QUOTES…”COLLEGE”
DATELINE November 25
Joe Michalak, the Commissioner of our Santa Cruz County Historic Preservation Commission,
has been working and researching hard for years now to save the Robert Merriman House. Last week he wrote to BrattonOnline… “Thanks for your mention of the Merriman House. After we lost the battle with the County, I received a call from the Planning Department informing me that I could have the house if I’d be willing to move it at my own expense. She even gave me the name of a house-moving company. That possibility wasn’t in the cards. If I didn’t want the house, she informed me that the Fire District wanted to use it for a “burn” exercise. I told her that burning down the Merriman House would not be a good look. Just to clarify, the Merriman House came under County jurisdiction, and is not regulated by the City of Santa Cruz. The County Historic Resources Commission had oversight”.
Joe Michalak continued… “here is the document that Judy Steen and I researched and wrote to County Supervisor John Leopold and county staff, regarding our rationale for saving the house and turning it into a community resource that could be integrated into the Dientes Health project. It is a little detailed, but contains a history of Robert Hale Merriman and his subsequent impact. John Kenneth Galbraith praised his heroism and character. John McCain, looked to Robert Jordan (the fictional character based on the life of Merriman), the hero of For Whom the Bell Tolls as his lodestone. After reading the Hemingway novel at the age of twelve, McCain was inspired by Jordan’s deeds and dedication to “a cause greater than oneself.” McCain asserted in his biography that the Jordan character inspired him during the most horrific moments of his captivity in a North Vietnamese prisoner-of-war camp.
One of the best books on the Spanish Civil War is the one written by Adam Hochschild, Spain in Our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939 (Houghton Miffline, 2016). You must also read Marion Merriman and Warren Lerude, American Commander in Spain: Rober Hale Merriman and the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, (U. Nevada, 1986). Marion, Bob Merriman’s widow recounts their life together in Berkeley and the battlefields of Spain”.
Santa Cruzans who care about tradition, honor, and community should care about this fatal attack on our history. From what I surmise the best action we can take is to write, email, call County Supervisor John Leopold and let him know how disappointed we are in his actions. It was more than kind of John Laird to send BrattonOnline this note last Thursday. “Bruce You mentioned Robert Merriman in your column. There’s a great book – Spain in Our Hearts – 2016, by Adam Hochschild (involved with Mother Jones – his wife Arlie Hochschild taught at UCSC in the early years). The book is about Americans in the Spanish Civil War, and has great info on Robert Merriman, including the end”. John is of course running for 17th district California State Senate. Bill Monning is termed out. Our bizarre district includes Atascadero, Pismo beach and 11.7% of Santa Clara County.
Gillian Greensite is a long time local activist, a member of Save Our Big Trees and the Santa Cruz chapter of IDA, International Dark Sky Association Plus she’s an avid ocean swimmer, hiker and lover of all things wild. |
Nov. 24, 2019
Dear Justin,
Thank you for allowing me to join you today. I appreciated seeing everyone, and I am glad you are meeting regularly with these folks. I regret that my passion is likely to have made you uncomfortable.
Giving Thanks
A lot has happened this year. We have made some terrific strides in what I call, “the progressive project.”
- More general fund money went to projects and programs supporting kids, workers, and tenants than would have if the four of us had not been elected.
- The Service Employee International Union (SEIU)received one of their largest raises in years–10% over three years;
- all downtown employees are now eligible for Metro bus passes;
- Kaiser-Permanente’s 13 doctors and their staff now have a home in downtown Santa Cruz at the Cooper House;
- Tenant Sanctuary received funding to work with struggling renters;
- we passed the state’s rent control and just cause eviction legislation several weeks earlier than it would have taken effect otherwise;
- two new pro-affordable housing Planning Commissioners were appointed by our majority;
- a climate emergency was passed;
- stopped the Corridors Plan and redirected staff’s work;
- and Oral Communication was moved to the 7pm session so more residents could have access to the city council.
- Further, plans are afoot to go forward with a very needed 24/7 emergency homeless shelter.
There was, of course, more, but in the history of the Santa Cruz City Council these accomplishments will be considered significant progressive gains, ones not seen in more than a decade. Of course, it does take a village of organizers, some prodding and others pushing, to make such strides, because four councilmembers alone cannot do it.
Issues on the Progressive Table this Thanksgiving
The Harvey West Pool, the Delaveaga Golf Course, 20% inclusionary ordinance, transparency in the way city council agendas are put together, appointments to seats on the Metro and other boards, the city manager’s job status, 0% carbon emissions by 2030, and run-away executive pay are all issues where many residents still seek relief. Many are calling for a different path, a politically progressive path, one that re-orients the old ways of doing the city’s business and makes amends for previous one-sided policies that favor a minority. These issues all involve choices. They are most often political choices, not choices limited to staff expertise.
Politics is About Making Choices
We have a choice before us on Tuesday night. It’s about who will lead the city of Santa Cruz. Will it be just another rubber-stamping experience? Or will it be a Mayor and Vice-Mayor leading a solid progressive majority trying to help our city hold back some pretty powerful players from the real estate and developer sectors? Yes, things have been stirred up, because that is what voters were looking for both in the national and local 2016 election and again in 2018. This past November, to the north of us, a solid progressive city attorney was elected against the wishes of an entrenched mainstream, and the SF Board of Supervisors now has a left-of-center majority. There is a trend here. We can be part of that trend, or not. We make choices. We can choose a Mayor and Vice-Mayor that will lead our progressive coalition, first to a recall victory then to a strong majority in the November 2020 elections. I believe you and Sandy can do that.
Sandy Brown for Vice-Mayor
If we back off now, we will lose ground. Supporting a hostile Vice-Mayor now would not bode well for the recall election or for a progressive victory in November. We have made gains this year, but many more can be made in the year to come if we progressives take and exercise the power voters have given us. In contrast, 2020 will be a rocky year if it is marked by this division. We need to hang on to our tenuous majority of 4 and strengthen it. Sandy as Vice-Mayor will help do that.
Why Sandy?
I take the time to write to you on this spectacularly beautiful Sunday afternoon because I care about this city, about the progressive legacy of this town, about your mayoral year, and about moving the ball up-field and accomplishing what we are capable of this coming year.
Starting off by selecting for the Vice-Mayor’s seat someone who has voted against almost every significant progressive issue we have been able to pass, who has not stood up for workers or renters when given the legislative opportunities, who I am convinced was not completely honest about my so-called “sarcastic laugh,” and who also has deep tentacles inside the recall camp would be a bad omen. Choosing this candidate over our reliable colleague would signal that we are not only giving up our power, but that their recall strategy is working. Our opponents will not take their foot off the recall gas pedal. They will not stop with the constant stream of untruths. They will continue to seed the undermining of our agenda. There is even an announced candidate for council who wants to reinstate the old wildly unpopular Corridors Plan. It would be too much of a minefield to allow her to be in the position of Vice-Mayor.
In Closing–City Council Will Select Mayor and Vice Mayor Tues. Nov. 26 at 8p
Yes, my comments here are filled with “inside baseball,” but that is what we all play, as councilmembers. We must let people outside of the stadium know what is going down inside.
The progressives should accept our power now, and exercise it with great care, justice, equity, and fairness.I look forward to working with you this year as Mayor and Sandy Brown as Vice-Mayor. It should be a great year!
Chris Krohn
(Chris Krohn is a father, writer, activist, and was on the Santa Cruz City Councilmember from 1998-2002. Krohn was Mayor in 2001-2002. He’s been running the Environmental Studies Internship program at UC Santa Cruz for the past 14 years. He was elected the the city council again in November of 2016, after his kids went off to college. His current term ends in 2020.
Email Chris at |
November 25
I have been watching the County election website to see what choices voters will have at the polls next March. There is no choice for County District Supervisor in the Second District, other than a trash-talking incumbent whose primary interest seems to be climbing the political ladder. That is no choice.
Because I feel the people in the Second District deserve a choice, I have decided to run for Second District County Supervisor. Unfortunately, in order to even take out nomination papers to have the necessary 20 supporters for my candidacy sign for me to submit by December 6, and therefore officially declare my candidacy, I have to pay $1232.38, non-refundable.
I do not have that money. If you would like to help me scrape that together and give the Second District voters a choice at the polls next March, and support having someone in the office who will listen to what all constituents say, try to honestly help, and not spew vulgar language back at them….I would welcome any and all monetary donations.
Please send checks made out to “Becky Steinbruner” with a notation of “political donation” and mail to 3441 Redwood Drive, Aptos, CA 95003. If you are good at creating websites, I would welcome your help.
I am honest, polite, and sincere. I really care about the people and the environment in this County…and I am worried. I ran for this office in 2016 and was terrified. This time, I am not afraid.
Last week’s Good Times reporter Jake Pierce wrote a glowing report about how funny it is to hear County Supervisor Zach Friend pretend to be a comedian by using foul language and piercing criticism. Is that supposed to be funny? Maybe for some, but many of Supervisor Friend’s constituents have reported he uses the same trash-talk to them when they bring concerns before him and ask for his help.
Wow. What happened to integrity and basic human respect? Apparently Supervisor Zach Friend thinks it is important and acceptable to appear on stage and shock people with filthy language…and treat his constituents as if they are in and of the same.
I think it is odd that Friend was recently featured on Fox News TV discussing the impeachment proceedings. I could not get my old computer system to play the audio…It is probably just as well because I find vulgar language offensive. What a carpetbagger.
Recently, Supervisor Zach Friend voted against the Nissan auto dealership in Soquel because, he said, he could not support building something on the site that could not be torn down 15 years from now when the County wants to build something differently there. His words and logic were shocking (luckily, he did not use vulgar language that day).
So, as the Aptos Village Project’s Phase 2 monstrous development nears coming before the Board of Supervisors for approval, will Supervisor Friend vote against it with the same logic as he used regarding another inappropriate and massive project? Will he take into account all the common people who have voiced protest over the disastrous traffic congestion that Phase 1 has imposed, or the outrageous amount of money that the County has paid to put in one (soon to be two) traffic lights in the Village to mitigate the traffic disaster of the subdivision?
It likely comes down to how much the Aptos Village Project developers and Aptos Chamber of Commerce members donate to his 2020 re-election campaign. Stay tuned…the matter may be before the Board of Supervisors as early as December 10. Do you think it will be on the Consent Agenda?
Take a look at page 3 here to see what’s proposed (try not to use vulgar language when you see this)
You might find the 2003 Market and Financial Issues of Aptos Village Project of interest especially the discussion on page 8 about it being a mistake to try to work with State Parks to supply 100 parking places for Nisene Marks State Park visitor overflow, and to instead build an overpass to the Cabrillo area on the Kock/Carmichael Property. Also of interest is the economic need to have a mini-anchor store…the space that was to be used for that has now been taken over by the MidCounty Safety Center and Supervisor Zach Friend’s office (3220 SF). Some mini-anchor, don’t you think?
Also on page 8 is the opinion that “The development should preserve and expand on the local, small town flavor and quaintness that currently differentiate the Village from other retail centers in the trade area…” Take another look at page 3 on the Phase 2 proposal documents above and tell me that the developers have or will accomplish any of that.
I think it is no coincidence that immediately after Santa Cruz County Superior Court Judge Timothy Schmal denied my legal environmental action against Soquel Creek Water District, the State Water Resources Control Board granted them lots of money to fund their treated sewage water injection project. Soquel Creek Water District was awarded the last of the Prop. 1 grant money, $50 million, and the remainder of teh low-cost 20-year loan money pot: $36 Million. The State had been holding off on awarding them the money because, as Director Bruce Daniels stated, they were very concerned by the legal action and the project being controversial. Hmmmm…. I have alerted the State that I am appealing Judge Schmal’s ruling.
Soquel Creek Water District convinced the State that people just love the idea of drinking expensive treated sewage water, and got 100 of their friends to write letters of support to the State claiming such. I wonder how many of those supporters are paying the exorbitant water bills the District now imposes?
The group photo shown at last Tuesday’s Board meeting showed the entourage that had been to Sacramento that day to testify before the State Water Resources Board and accept the golden ticket. Among them was the $325/hour attorney from Best, Best & Krieger who flew up from Riverside. Also included was Robert Singleton, Director of the Santa Cruz Business Council. He ran unsuccessfully for the Santa Cruz City Council…so he does NOT pay Soquel Creek Water District’s financially punitive and unfair water rates. I wonder why he was invited to join their party bus to Sacramento? Maybe he helped get all those 100 letters of support? Hmmmm….
If think about this, and consider the massive growth the City wants to pound in, you too will see that the PureWater Soquel Project to inject treated sewage water into the MidCounty aquifer is being supported and fast-tracked to remove barriers to increased development in the MidCounty area, and perhaps beyond.
Read what the County 2020 Growth Goal Report states on page 2:
Potential Impacts from Population Growth
“The growth management system was instituted to address resource and public services impacts of growth in the County. The most significant concern regarding resources and infrastructure has been the potential and actual water supply shortfall.”
This report came before the County Planning Commission on October 23, 2019.
Now, review what County Planners submitted in a federal grant application for the Aptos Village Project area to fund traffic lights to mitigate the congestion caused by the development:
“Aptos Village will be the first segment of the Soquel Drive corridor to implement sustainable transit options in advance of new development, and in this way will serve as a model for the rest of the 7-mile corridor.” (page 4 of the 2012 TigerIII grant application)
So, now it becomes clearer why they Soquel Creek Water District is pushing this project to inject 1.3 million gallons/day of treated sewage water into the aquifer for local residents to drink after it sits there for two months. Never mind the huge energy demands and healthy risks…
There are big plans afoot for UCSC, but will they take the load off the strained housing market? What about environmental impacts? There are three community meetings planned with the goal “to collaborate with the campus and local community to address issues of mutual importance.” Here they are:
1) Monday, Dec. 2, noon-2pm Stevenson Event Center, 1156 High Street
2) Monday, Dec. 2, 6pm-8pm Seymour Marine Center, 100 McAllister Way, Santa Cruz
3) Tuesday, Dec. 3, 6pm-8pm Capitola Community Center, 4400 Jade Street, Capitola
The proposed Project has two lawsuits pending against it
What do you suppose it would take to get the UC leadership to sit down at the mediation table with the local City and County leaders and work out something amazing such as what happened in Davis last year? Not only did the University agree to house 100% of all new students and make up for some of the back-log, but also agreed to contribute $2.3 Million to infrastructure improvements near the campus!
Attend the meetings next month, but in the meantime, insist that City and County leaders to step up and follow the good example that the City of Davis and County of Yolo leaders provided. Do we really want to just make the lawyers richer???
Becky Steinbruner is a 30+ year resident of Aptos. She has fought for water, fire, emergency preparedness, and for road repair. She ran for Second District County Supervisor in 2016 on a shoestring and got nearly 20% of the votes.
Email Becky at |
Monday, November 18, 2019
#322 / Political Hobbyism? Give It A Pass!
A friend recently sent me an excellent article published in the Boston Review, “Politics is For Power, Not Consumption.” I have a feeling that if you read the article you won’t need to buy and read the book shown to the right. I haven’t read the book, but I am definitely recommending the article!
Eitan Hersh, who is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at Tufts University, says that when people engage in genuine political work there is only one reason they do that: they want power. If you aren’t trying to obtain political power then you are not really engaged in politics, according to Hersh. Instead, you’re a “political hobbyist.” Hersh thinks that this is not a good thing. His article explains why.
I tend to think that those engaged in what Hersh would call “genuine,” non-hobbyist political work are not so much seeking out power as they are exercising power they already have. If we want to take self-government seriously, then we need to understand that we (both individually and collectively) have power already. One person’s power is relatively small, of course, but in the course of political organizing, as we combine our individual political power to achieve a particular political purpose, we increase our power. In other words, I basically agree with Hersh, but I want to start from an acknowledgement that we are not “lacking” power which we want to acquire; instead, we are mobilizing the power we already have.
At any rate, my main point in publishing this blog posting is to encourage anyone reading my blog to read Hersh’s Boston Review article, too. Here is a small sample from the article, which I particularly liked:
Each vote may seem like an insignificant drop in a 135-million-vote bucket, but the group labors with the knowledge that it is working in concert with like-minded organizations across the state and country each doing its part. The group also knows, and sees, that opposing groups, with very different values, are also getting supporters for the other side. They are in a pitched battle with one another, each seeking political control.
What they’re all doing, that’s politics.
I often think of groups like this during evenings I spend on my couch. As I fold laundry half-heartedly, I watch TV and clutch my phone. I refresh my Twitter feed to keep up on the latest political crisis, then toggle over to Facebook to read clickbait news stories, then over to YouTube to see a montage of juicy clips from the latest congressional hearing. I then complain to my family about all the things I don’t like that I have seen.
What I’m doing, that isn’t politics.
Most of us are engaging with politics to satisfy our own emotional needs and intellectual curiosities. That’s political hobbyism.
What I’m doing I call political hobbyism, a catchall phrase for consuming and participating in politics by obsessive news-following and online “slacktivism,” by feeling the need to offer a hot take for each daily political flare-up, by emoting and arguing and debating, almost all of this from behind screens or with earphones on. I am in good company: these behaviors represent how most “politically engaged” Americans spend their time on politics.
I think Hersh’s analysis is right. If you are truly politically “engaged,” that means that you are in actual, personal contact with other real people, working together to accomplish a political goal.
Would you believe me if I told you that real politics, as Hersh defines it, is lots of fun?
I’m telling you! It is!!! Better than a hobby!
Gary Patton is a former Santa Cruz County Supervisor (20 years) and an attorney for individuals and community groups on land use and environmental issues. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. You can read and subscribe to his daily blog at
Email Gary at |
EAGAN’S DEEP COVER. See Eagan’s classic Deep Cover down a few pages. As always, at you will find his most recent Deep Cover, the latest installment from the archives of Subconscious Comics, and the ever entertaining Eaganblog.
LISA JENSEN LINKS. Lisa writes: “With the names Helen Mirren and Ian McKellan above the title, who cares about the rest of the movie? Only us pesky critics. Dame Helen and Sir Ian are delightful, of course, but find out why their towering performances are built on an increasingly unstable story in my review of The Good Liar in this week’s Good Times. Also, since my review of the marvelous Pain And Glory didn’t make it into print last week, it’s going up in its entirety this week at Lisa Jensen Online Express ( ).” Lisa has been writing film reviews and columns for Good Times since 1975.
PAIN AND GLORY. This is probably my favorite film of 2019. I do not state that lightly, I mean it. It was directed and written by Pedro Almodóvar and stars Antonio Banderas, Penélope Cruz and Julieta Serrano. It’s about a film director who has lost his energy and drive to make films. He gets into heroin, same sex love, booze and ultimately back into film making. The acting is perfect, directing is shockingly tight, and a masterpiece. See it as soon as possible.
JOJO RABBIT. A very rare political comedy with numerous funny scenes centered on Nazi Germany,. A little boy has Adolf Hitler as an invisible buddy. Scarlett Johansson plays the little boy’s mom and does one of very finest acting jobs, ever. Hitler and the screwed up political/ military scene will make you think of Trump and our own screwed up political/ military scene. A wonderful and rare film, do not miss it!!
JOKER. Joaquin Phoenix should just be given the Oscar now, instead of all that fuss in January. Yes this is the origin of why the Joker haunts Bruce Wayne (Batman) and it’s so much more than that. The film is deep, dark, brilliant, violent, clever, absorbing, haunting, and will move you into a different perspective. Forget the criticism about protesters; the Joker is insane and magnetic. See this film if you like films beyond what’s acceptable! It just became the biggest – money making attendance record R-rated film ever!!!. Now (11/18) it’s taken in over 1 billion dollars.
THE IRISHMAN. When you have Robert De Niro , Al Pacino , and Joe Pesci in a mobster film directed by Martin Scorsese you have a monumental achievement in motion pictures. Yes it’s 3 ½ hours long and you’ll love every minute of it. It’s a gang driven recalling of their past by these masters, all in their 70’s. Al Pacino plays Jimmy Hoffa and at long last we find out what happened to Hoffa’s body (at least according to this film adaption from a book) when he disappeared in 1975. Go online now and see that people are still today wondering and predicting where Hoffa’s body is, but see the movie first. 96 on RT.
THE GOOD LIAR. Helen Mirren and Ian McKellen two of the finest actors in contemporary films had never made a movie together. It’s too bad that this one wasn’t the predictable, slow moving cute product that it is. It is a treat to watch these pros work together; they are as great as almost every movie goer knows but the script is a poor copy of a plot that deserved to be better. But, in spite of all that, go see it…they are perfect in their parts.
PARASITE. South Korean director Bong Joon-ho outdid his other international screen successes with Parasite. Wikipedia calls it a dark comedy thriller and so do I. It’s winning awards everywhere and deserves them all. There’s brain surgery, murder, basement dwellers, numerous surprises, even some shocks and well worth your seeing it ASAP.
MOTHERLESS BROOKLYN. Actor Edward Norton not only plays the Tourette syndrome plagued detective posing as a reporter but he directed the movie too. It takes place in NYC in the 1950’s . Alec Baldwin plays a character based on Robert Moses the evil developer of NYC. Willem Dafoe and Bruce Willis have small parts. The movie is not only confusing, but it drags on and on with little if any conclusion. And no, you won’t believe Norton’s actors version of faked Tourette’s either.
HARRIET. A real Hollywood tear jerker of Harriet Tubman’s amazing life and what she accomplished fighting slavery. Cynthia Erivo is excellent as Harriet and even looks like her. However the crashing crescendos of sobbing music, the homey corniness of so much of the plot and much of the acting makes this look and feel like a 1940’s Hollywood soap opera.
THE LIGHTHOUSE. Robert Pattinson plays the young, innocent, naïve and new lighthouse keeper wannabe. Willem Defoe works very hard to be the ancient, hard to understand keeper from the old days. Neither of them are likable, and they don’t like each other. And I didn’t like this movie because they were so unlikable. It doesn’t matter much but it’s set in the 1890’s in New England. It’s screened in black and white and in a small square frame.
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE. Each and every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. I host Universal Grapevine on KZSC 88.1 fm. or on your computer, (live only or archived for two weeks… (See next paragraph) and go to WWW.KZSC.ORG. November 26 has Rick Longinotti for the full hour. Rick is with Stop The Recalls and Campaign for Sustainable Transportation. We’ll talk about Highway One and the library garage proposal. Winners from Bookshop Santa Cruz’s Young Writers program read their entries on December 3. Alicia Kuhl from the Santa Cruz Homeless Union opens the December 10 program. She’s followed by Jane Mio talking about The San Lorenzo River and related topics. Environmentalist Grey Hayes returns December 17 talking about saving our local environment. OR…if you just happen to miss either of the last two weeks of Universal Grapevine broadcasts go here… You have to listen to about 4 minutes of that week’s KPFA news first, then Grapevine happens. Do remember, any and all suggestions for future programs are more than welcome so tune in, and keep listening. Email me always and only at
I don’t understand a word being spoken, but this is the cutest thing ever! Wait for it… 🙂 |
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE ARCHIVES. In case you missed some of the great people I’ve interviewed in the last 9 years here’s a chronological list of some past broadcasts. Such a wide range of folks such as Nikki Silva, Michael Warren, Tom Noddy, UCSC Chancellor George Blumenthal, Anita Monga, Mark Wainer, Judy Johnson, Wendy Mayer-Lochtefeld, Rachel Goodman, George Newell, Tubten Pende, Gina Marie Hayes, Rebecca Ronay-Hazleton, Miriam Ellis, Deb Mc Arthur, The Great Morgani on Street performing, and Paul Whitworth on Krapps Last Tape. Jodi McGraw on Sandhills, Bruce Daniels on area water problems. Mike Pappas on the Olive Connection, Sandy Lydon on County History. Paul Johnston on political organizing, Rick Longinotti on De-Sal. Dan Haifley on Monterey Bay Sanctuary, Dan Harder on Santa Cruz City Museum. Sara Wilbourne on Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre. Brian Spencer on SEE Theatre Co. Paula Kenyon and Karen Massaro on MAH and Big Creek Pottery. Carolyn Burke on Edith Piaf. Peggy Dolgenos on Cruzio. Julie James on Jewel Theatre Company. Then there’s Pat Matejcek on environment, Nancy Abrams and Joel Primack on the Universe plus Nina Simon from MAH, Rob Slawinski, Gary Bascou, Judge Paul Burdick, John Brown Childs, Ellen Kimmel, Don Williams, Kinan Valdez, Ellen Murtha, John Leopold, Karen Kefauver, Chip Lord, Judy Bouley, Rob Sean Wilson, Ann Simonton, Lori Rivera, Sayaka Yabuki, Chris Kinney, Celia and Peter Scott, Chris Krohn, David Swanger, Chelsea Juarez…and that’s just since January 2011.
“Here is a lesson in creative writing. First rule: Do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing. All they do is show you’ve been to college.” Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without a Country
“But if you tell folks you’re a college student, folks are so impressed. You can be a student in anything and not have to know anything. Just say toxicology or marine biokinesis, and the person you’re talking to will change the subject to himself. If this doesn’t work, mention the neural synapses of embryonic pigeons.” Chuck Palahniuk, Invisible Monsters
“Usually when you ask somebody in college why they are there, they’ll tell you it’s to get an education. The truth of it is, they are there to get the degree so that they can get ahead in the rat race. Too many college radicals are two-timing punks. The only reason you should be in college is to destroy it.” Abbie Hoffman, Steal This Book
“I was not a good student. I did not spend much time at college; I was too busy enjoying myself”. Stephen Hawking
COLUMN COMMUNICATIONS. Subscriptions: Subscribe to the Bulletin! You’ll get a weekly email notice the instant the column goes online. (Anywhere from Monday afternoon through Thursday or sometimes as late as Friday!), and the occasional scoop. Always free and confidential. Even I don’t know who subscribes!!
Snail Mail: Bratton Online
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