BRATTON…what and who to vote for, Tourist ships coming to Santa Cruz? GREENSITE…on future West Cliff Drive battles. KROHN…when Santa Cruzans organize, our progressive community. Library issues, developing “downtown”, the Nissan into Soquel surprise. STEINBRUNER…Soquel Nissan Dealer OK’d – but why?, Santa Cruz copying San Jose, who runs the county, Madonna Construction and soil contamination, Aptos Village deals, What South County vision, Soquel Creek water issues, where’s Sen. Monning’s water tax bill? PATTON…getting out the important voters. EAGAN…another classic “Subconscious Comic”. DeCINZO…opines on horses and biker trails. JENSEN…about Beast the movie, not her book! BRATTON…critiques Beast and Solo: A Star Wars Story. UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE FUTURE GUESTS. QUOTES… for “JUNE”

DATELINE May 28, 2018
BI-ANNUAL HOLIDAY TIME. Once again, needing a break from the rigors and whims of the weekly BrattonOnline and my two weekly KZSC radio programs, I’m going to Victorville and Mar Vista (Los Angeles) for the next week and a half. SO…no BrattonOnline or my two radio show next week…and it’ll all be back the week of June 11th.
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER GOES TOPLESS! Think again about our former governor and our present president. Watch Arnold grope a dancer… |
Governor | Delaine Eastin |
Lt. Governor | Gayle McLaughlin |
Secretary of State | Alex Padilla |
Controller | Betty T. Yee |
Treasurer | Fiona Ma |
Attorney General | Dave Jones |
Insurance Commissioner | Ricardo Lara |
State Board of Equalization | Maria Cohen |
United States Senator | Kevin De Leon |
United States Representative | Jimmy Panetta |
Member State Assembly | Mark Stone |
Judicial Superior Court Judge | Syda K. Cogliati |
School Superintendent | Tony K. Thurmond |
Prop 68 | YES |
Prop 69 | YES |
Prop 70 | NO |
Prop 71 | YES |
Prop 72 | YES |
Measure S | YES |
Measure T | YES |
Measure U | YES |
SANTA CRUZ by DRONE VIEW. Always fun to see the place…BUT turn off the music, it’s broken. |
HOW TO VOTE ON TUESDAY JUNE 5TH. If you’ve read BrattonOnline more than once there’ll be no surprises in my urging, pleading, and at least trying to cajole you into voting for the best of everything and everybody. I did as much research as possible, and then I asked many of my most trusted friends and acquaintances who and how they are voting…or have voted. I voted last Thursday in person at the County Building. It was so crowded there that they let me vote by myself in the little Wedding Chapel room…which I never knew existed.
You might notice my not listing a vote for SANTA CRUZ COUNTY THIRD DISTRICT SUPERVISOR. Coonerty or Pleich. That’s because I have so many good, and not good points connected with both of them that my final vote was so full of doubt that I don’t want to talk about it.
TOURIST BOATS/SHIPS DOCKING IN SANTA CRUZ? Pat Matejcek sent this very depressing and scary notice… “Leaders in Eureka are trying to make the tiny North Coast city a cruise ship destination. On Monday, they welcomed their first cruise ship to the bay in six years. Passengers were greeted with cider and live jazz music then departed on tours of the redwoods and the old town Victorians. A “who’s-who” of Eureka politics sipped champagne with the captain. Here are some photo highlights.
// Lost Coast Outpost | Times-Standard
Read that issue of the Eureka Newspaper over carefully. Read the comments. Ms. Matejcek added. “the Eureka Mayor wanted the ships!!” Think for a minute (or much longer) how the Boardwalk/Seaside Company would profit from this. Think again about the “trolley” taking the tourists to Pacific Avenue and what ??? Taco Bell, Urban Outfitters, Starbucks, or Five Guys Burgers? What is even more scary is trying to bet how our current City Council would vote on tourist cruise ships docking here.
You’ve seen them. You can’t miss them. You may have ridden one. Or jumped out of the way of one. The 250 city-approved red e-bikes from Jump Bikes, an Uber-owned company, are now for rent via an app on your smart phone at 27 outdoor locations or hubs and more are expected if demand grows.
What possible objection could there be to providing more bicycles to encourage more people to get out of their cars and reduce our carbon footprint? That’s the sales pitch. For proponents that hypothetical is sufficient. But is it accurate? What impacts are being ignored? What hidden agendas are in the works?
I attended the recent Planning Commission where a neighborhood appeal of the Jump-bike location for Woodrow and West Cliff was heard. It was a full house and all but one spoke against this specific location as bringing commercial interests into the neighborhood, adding scores of e-bikes on the already crowded West Cliff Drive path and visually degrading the coastline with rows of bright red rental bikes as in the simulated photo. The group Friends of West Cliff has appealed the other 5 coastal bike hubs to the California Coastal Commission which will vote on this issue at its June meeting in San Diego. Item 22 under New Appeals. Judging from the staff report and recommendation it is unlikely the Commission will vote that the appeals raise substantial issues, which is a requirement for further deliberation. If you want to comment, do so before June 1st. Impact on path access and safety for walkers is a key concern.
Although this is a relatively small issue in the scheme of things, my radar for twaddle started pinging when Public Works staff in charge of the project reported that the librarians at Garfield Park library were enthusiastic at the prospect of one of the e-bike hubs being located in front of the library, removing fifty percent of the public car parking: twaddle. Staff’s statement that the selection of hubs was based on broad community input: twaddle. Soliciting support at Bike-to-Work Day and Open Streets does not equal broad community input. Asserting that providing these bikes will reduce carbon emissions when a team of 8 to10 Jump Bike workers in a warehouse at Harvey West Park drives around and collects bikes left attached to bus stops and trees and returns them to their hubs: twaddle. Jump Bikes must be a lucrative business: 8 to 10 workers for 250 bikes is a ratio that puts our schools’ teacher to pupil ratio to shame.
The Planning Commission vote was 5-2 with Commissioners Nielson and Spellman voting to uphold the neighbors appeal against the hub on Woodrow/ West Cliff. As architects, they seemed to understand the visual clutter that these multi e-bike hubs are imposing on our coastal beauty. The other commissioners just didn’t get it. When Commissioner Spellman asked why Delaware St. wasn’t chosen as a site for hubs since it has all the necessary attributes without the undesirable visual impacts, staff’s response was that the people who chose the hub locations didn’t want that location. Well excuse me!
The hidden agenda is to create conditions sufficiently crowded to rationalize the closure of one lane of West Cliff Drive and make it one way. Commissioner Conway asked staff to look specifically into this option. Not so hidden anymore. While this would be popular in some circles it would be the end of livability for the lower west side neighborhoods as traffic cuts through quiet neighborhood streets to get access back to the coast. It has been tried before and each time massive neighborhood objections have forced it off the table. If city staff were wise, they would work with the neighborhoods rather than against them. As a well-known local shared with me, long ago West Cliff Drive used to be narrower. It would be possible to widen the path to accommodate more bikes and walkers, narrow the road and keep it both ways for cars and road bikes, both of which would need to travel more slowly which is not a bad thing. Or, as Santa Cruz is increasingly marketed for tourists, live within our limits and make West Cliff path for walking and wheelchairs only. Wisdom unfortunately seems in short supply at city hall so a major, unnecessary battle over West Cliff Drive is likely just around the corner.
Gillian Greensite is a long time local activist, a member of Save Our Big Trees and the Santa Cruz chapter of IDA, International Dark Sky Association Plus she’s an avid ocean swimmer, hiker and lover of all things wild. |

Breaking News: Organizing Neighbors Works
This week I want to acknowledge a few of the people-initiated actions that led to some city hall power brokers having to change policy courses, rethink their priorities, and actually have to deal with the needs and wants of voters. We often dwell on the times that these same decision-makers failed to heed the people’s call to stop, and change course. The dreaded BearCat tank was one, for instance; rezoning of the Unity Temple church property from multi-family to hotel in order to make way for the Broadway Hyatt is another; and a lot of effort was put into obtaining some affordable units at two Swenson projects, the 94-condos at 555 Pacific and the 79-condo scheme at 1237 Pacific, but to no avail. That meant 173-units of housing in all and yet nothing was designated as affordable, at least not for ten years. But alas, there were other more recent political endeavors undertaken that have yielded some positive change.
Progressive Community Strikes Back
The Corridors Plan has been put on hold (shelved? maybe, maybe not) because of the work of the Branciforte Action Committee’s (BAC) relentless door-to-door, town hall, and telephone pole placard-style of campaigning. It was a grassroots campaign that halted some pretty onerous single-minded, profit-driven desires that saw developers in cahoots with city planners. Of course, this one ain’t over, but it has been significantly put on hold for a while. The current rent freeze now in effect in the city of Santa Cruz has led to countless rent increases NOT taking place. Of course, it may be short-lived until the results of the November election are in, but for now we need to declare a victory…because it is keeping some people in their homes right now.
A Strange Decision
I couldn’t help but be mystified by the county Board of Supervisors decision to allow Nissan to build a car dealership off Soquel Avenue near 41st. This was one of those few blockbuster decisions that happen every decade. It seems to me it was a complete 180-degree reversal from the future many of us thought we were headed towards: alternative transportation, cutting greenhouse gases, and affordable housing now! Aside from the enormous amounts of tax revenue that cities and counties reap from these deals, I thought our county was different. I wanted to think that we were going towards a future not based in gasoline-powered pods, but supporting a more livable community, environmentally sustainable and one fundamentally opposed to more cars. Seems like this property could’ve been housing, which may have brought as much traffic as some Nissan supporters argued, but you would’ve had housing. Now we will get another temple to the automobile. This all makes very little sense.
![]() Waste, the Final Frontier. This is where it all goes, the Dimeo Landfill located up just the coast from Santa Cruz. I toured the landfill with my daughter’s Environmental Science class. Leslie O’Malley the city’s Waste Reduction Coordinator emphasizes the 3 R’s, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and has added others: Repurpose, Refuse (the junk to begin with) and Re-acquaint (yourself with your old stuff). Being at the butt end of our society is both mind opening and mind blowing. |
(Chris Krohn is a father, writer, activist, former Santa Cruz City Councilmember (1998-2002) and Mayor (2001-2002). He’s been running the Environmental Studies Internship program at UC Santa Cruz for the past 12 years. He was elected last November to another 4-year term on the Santa Cruz City Council).

Last Tuesday’s County Board of Supervisor meeting agenda featured the scheduled 1:30 pm item to consider the Planning Commission’s weak recommendations for approval of the Nissan Auto Dealership at 41st Avenue and Soquel Drive, near Soquel Village. Supervisor John Leopold caved in to County greed, and in the process, blatantly disregarded the trust of his constituents that he would keep his public promises and honor the many hours of public meetings and organized efforts by his constituents to get his attention regarding their concerns.
Here is a link to an excellent Letter to the Editor by Ms. Lisa Sheridan , one of the Sustainable Soquel activists who helped gather over 500 signatures on a petition asking Supervisor John Leopold to abide by the Sustainable Santa Cruz County Plan that would include much-needed housing for the area and was developed with many public meetings and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in County staff time.
Here is what local residents posted on NextDoor about the issue:
“From Dick Zacheile.
Our County Board of Supervisors just approved moving the Nissan Dealership to 41st Ave and Soquel Drive, against most citizens’ wishes. With 25-30 citizens speaking against it (vs. 2 for it), our Board changed the zoning to allow this major business to relocate to where it will increase traffic in what is already the busiest area of the County. One Supervisor asked only for more trees and a park. One talked a lot but made little change. Two said/asked nothing or next to nothing. That’s right, nothing. They just sat there. The vote was 4-1. Only Zach Friend voted against it but made no comments or questions to sway the others. There was almost NO discussion between Board members. The well-conceived Sustainable Soquel Plan took much effort and was accepted by the Board in 2014, but it was completely ignored. Citizens spent much time writing letters, attending meetings, informing neighbors, and presented a petition with 500+ signatures. All was completely ignored. It had already been decided; it was a “Done Deal.” The Board certainly did NOT care about public input. It did not even glance at the 500+ petition signers that are against this application Did they think this applicant from Pebble Beach really cared about our traffic problems? So much for our politicians representing us local citizens! Such a poor, disgusting performance by our elected officials.”
You can read Citizen Correspondence on the Agenda Website for the Item #58 here
It was a sad state of affairs that the School Board approved spending $55,000 to prevent the Cliff Swallows from nesting at the new Pajaro Valley High School, located in a sensitive Slough Habitat and continued to spend countless staff hours and precious water to power-wash the nests away. It was indeed very sad to see that the Swallows continued to try building mud nests, resorting to areas closer to human contact and more problematic for maintaining healthy school conditions.
It was incredibly refreshing to meet with Mr. Joe Dominguez last week at the school, watch the swallows, and talk with maintenance staff. “We can do better than this,” he said, and made immediate changes to the policies. Things are still in the works, but the outlook is MUCH BETTER for the beautiful Cliff Swallows who are genetically-imprinted on the structures at the school for nest-building and raising their young. These birds devour many mosquitoes and other insects…a real public benefit, and truly an outstanding educational opportunity for the students, staff and community. Please contact me if you are interested in helping with the “Friends of the Swallows” group forming at the school. Becky Steinbruner
Becky Steinbruner is a 30+ year resident of Aptos. She has fought for water, fire, emergency preparedness, and for road repair. She ran for Second District County Supervisor in 2016 on a shoestring and got nearly 20% of the votes.
Email Becky at |

#145 / It’s What You’re For

Pictured is Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. Abrams is a Democrat, and she just won a primary contest against another “Stacey,” also a Democrat. The Nation calls Abrams’ victory “revolutionary.”
Joe Garofoli writes a column for the San Francisco Chronicle that he titles, “It’s All Political.” Garofoli’s column on Thursday, May 24th revealed that there was a “major Bay Area connection” behind Abrams’ success:
Long before liberal pundits and MSNBC jumped on Abrams’ bandwagon, she was getting strategic help and money from a small crew of Bay Area political operatives and wealthy donors. She’s about to get $10 million more for the general election from that group, headed by San Franciscans Steve Phillips and his wife, Susan Sandler.
To them, Abrams represents what the Democratic Party should be doing to win back red states like Georgia as a way to take control of Congress and the presidency.
The plan: Forget chasing working-class white voters who backed Donald Trump in 2016. Instead, appeal to a coalition that includes people of color, young voters and progressive whites.
Or, as Abrams said on a 2017 episode of my “It’s All Political” podcast: Democrats need to spend less time convincing “Republicans to be Democrats instead of getting Democrats to be Democrats.”
Let me agree with Abrams on that strategy. Explaining to voters how bad Donald Trump is doesn’t win elections. Hillary Clinton tried it at the presidential level, and it clearly didn’t work. It won’t work for state or congressional campaigns, either.
It is not who you’re against that will be persuasive; it’s what you’re for!
Gary is a former Santa Cruz County Supervisor (20 years) and an attorney for individuals and community groups on land use and environmental issues. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. You can read and subscribe to his daily blog at
Email Gary at |

CLASSICAL DeCINZO. Scroll downward to check out DeCinzo’s views of our “trail users”.
EAGAN’S DEEP COVER. See another of Eagan’s classic “Subconscious Comics” down a few pages . As always, at you will find his most recent Deep Cover, the latest installment from the archives of Subconscious Comics, and the ever entertaining Eaganblog.

LISA JENSEN LINKS. Lisa writes: “It’s no relation to my upcoming new novel, but the British movie, Beast, delivers dark, edgy thrills, this week at Lisa Jensen Online Express ( ). Also, more tributes pour in for my beloved Art Boy, and stay tuned for details on how you (yes, you!) can help us stage his Life Celebration in August!” Lisa has been writing film reviews and columns for Good Times since 1975.
BEAST. A deeply–aimed story of a young woman falling in love with a man with a complex and hidden history. They live on an island amidst a small community that features many involved connections. Jessie Buckley stars, and you’ll never forget either her or the complex twists in this very British murder mystery…go quickly.
SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY. 71 on RT. Sure Han Solo and Chewbacca get their histories told in this 2 ½ hour pointless and nearly plotless cornball saga, and has Woody Harrelson, Thandie Newton and Emilia Clarke (without her silver hair). It may have saved tons of production money but it’s the darkest movie I’ve ever tried to see. I mean everyone is in the dark all the time — so you can NOT see their faces, expressions or planetary make-up. The plot is meaningless. It has absolutely none of the charm, humor, or depth of the early Star Wars films. It’s not worth going to any trouble to see unless you are THAT much of a fan.
LET THE SUNSHINE IN. Juliette Binoche deserves at least an Oscar right now for her role in this very French film. A 90 on RT doesn’t give it enough. Binoche is a Parisian artist who like most earth dwellers has problems with relationships. Bad choices, desperate flings, but damn, it hoits close to anybody’s home who has ever fallen in and out of love. Gerard Depardieu closes the film in a spectacular few minutes while closing credits roll past. See this French film but only if you like well made serious movies.
DISOBEDIENCE, Rachel Weisz and Rachel McAdams are excellent in this heavy religious drama dealing with the Jewish faith and that community in London. It’s the re-kindling love affair between Weisz and McAdams that drives the story. It is intense, serious, and a very good movie.
THE RIDER. This is an almost-true life story about a rodeo cowboy who got thrown, and thereafter has to live with a steel plate in his head. It’s heartfelt, homey and you probably have to like horses to truly enjoy it. It doesn’t bring out the intelligence, feeling, and knowledge of the hero, but it does contain his real-life father, and friends, acting at their best….which get in the way. It’s a feel good film, however, and worth seeing.
RBG. This nicely-done documentary tells us a lot more than has ever been made public before. Ruth Bader Ginsberg (RBG) is a surprisingly quiet, shy woman. It reminds us that Bill Clinton got her the job as Supreme Court Justice: oddly enough it does not remind us that Ronald Reagan appointed Sandra Day O’Conner as the first woman to serve on the court. See this film. It’ll give you hope that you can fight against the odds.
TULLY. This isn’t a bad movie and the biggest problem with it is that we’ve all heard about how Charlize Theron gained 50 pounds to star in it. So all the way through the movie we keep thinking gee, she really gained 50 pounds instead of being concerned with the plot. The plot is motherhood and she’s the mother of three kids. Then the hired nanny “Tully” comes in and a whole new world opens up. It could have been a much better film but the plot dwindles off someplace…and you won’t be satisfied with the ending.
A QUIET PLACE. Whew!!! This earned 97 % on Rotten Tomatoes — and is a genuinely scary movie. It’s well-paced, with fine acting, and Emily Blunt does a perfect believable mother, guardian and victim role. It’s upstate New York sometime in the future, and aliens (much like the Shape of Water Thing with longer legs) have taken over. The monsters attack and kill anything they hear, so everybody has be deathly silent…which makes for great suspense and tension. The kid who plays the deaf child Regan is Millicent Simmonds: she’s genuinely deaf, and she’s fabulous. Go see this IF you love scary movies.
DEADPOOL 2. Ryan Reynolds again plays Deadpool and any movie goer knows that this is another Marvel Comics CGI fantasy. Marvel Comic movies are as difficult to understand and accept as watching a Butoh or Kabuki play. The first Deadpool movie was violent, full of in-jokes, and Deadpool 2 is in the same mold. Ryan Reynolds adds a little humanity to his character which sets these films apart from the other Marvel Comic sagas. But only attend IF you understand how these super hero flicks work.
ISLE OF DOGS. This is Wes Anderson’s latest, and I didn’t like it any more than any of his other sideways attempts at new cinema statements. The Royal Tannenbaums, Darjeeling Limited, Moonrise Kingdom, and The Grand Budapest Hotel all not just bored me but left me mystified. Rushmore was a notch up. Isle of Dogs uses cute Japanese-themed names like Kobayashi, Atari, Watanabe, Yoko-ono, and the clever Major Domo. The very famous and excellent Hollywood persons who do the voices are near legendary, but Anderson’s attempt at cleverness, brilliance and just plain story telling once again leaves me very cold and bored.
BLACK PANTHER. Like Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman created a lot of good will and empowered women Black Panther does the same for Blacks in America and apparently around the rest of the world. Both are based on comics – DC and Marvel respectively – and are full of violence, killings and special effects. I’m finding it more and more difficult to see these action films with messages like revenge, torture, and blood and guts as having any semblance of cinematic art. Black Panther is science fiction, space travel and still the characters use spears and super hi tech weapons to kill each other. There are messages in this movie so I read…but I sensed nothing positive in it. Now I wonder since this has been such a blockbuster if we’ll see Mexican Panther, Chinese Panther, Croatian Panther?
AVENGERS: AN INFINITY WAR. I am trying with enormous difficulty to like, enjoy understand Marvel Comics blockbusters. It is an entirely separate category of movies centering on comic books and graphic novels. I came of age reading Superman, Batman, Captain Marvel’s first issues in the early 40’s and still these movies go beyond my comprehension. They are the world’s number one money makers, The special effects, the blood, killings, raccoons piloting spaceships just fly beyond my senses. One critic stated that there are 73 main characters in this latest chapter. This is apparently a near perfect Marvel Comic blockbuster. You’re on your own here and it’s two and a half hours long.
THE BOOK CLUB. It’s nearly painful to watch these four “actors” Jane Fonda, Diane Keaton, Mary Steenburgen and Candace Bergen faking it through a very unfunny comedy. Ranging from their early 60’s through Fonda’s age of 80 they get absolutely no chance to show their considerable acting skills. The script is amateurish, the directing and the photography is embarrassing. This movie doesn’t make it on any level…don’t go.

UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE. Each and every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. I host Universal Grapevine on KZSC 88.1 fm. or on your computer, (live only or archived for two weeks… (See next paragraph) and go to WWW.KZSC.ORG. The top 3 winners from the annual Bookshop Santa Cruz Short Story Contest read their works on May 29. I’ll be on vacation June 5 so KZSC’s own DJ Gata will take over for the full hour and play classical rock and her own unique musics. On June 12 Alvaro Perez from Maria Pirata’s UCSC class will report on the UC Strike. Then Lisa Sheridan and Robert Morgan talk about Soquel issues. June 19 has Lisa Robinson from the San Lorenzo Valley Museum describing their current exhibits and future plans. After Lisa, Julie Thayer will update us on the PG&E versus our trees battle. Jane Mio discusses our river system and what’s needed to protect it first on June 26. Then Lisa Rose and Trink Praxel from Santa Cruz Indivisible talk about their upcoming event. Jumping to July 10, Lisa Jensen will be talking about her book “Beast: A Tale of Love and Revenge” and her Bookshop book signing. July 24 has Dr. Larry DeGhetaldi CEO of Sutter Health Santa Cruz and Pres.of Palo Alto Medical Foundation of Santa Cruz talking about medical issues and developments. OR…if you just happen to miss either of the last two weeks of Universal Grapevine broadcasts go here… You have to listen to about 4 minutes of that week’s KPFA news first, then Grapevine happens. Do remember, any and all suggestions for future programs are more than welcome so tune in, and keep listening. Email me always and only at
This is one of those “Why didn’t I think of that?!” things. Or even “Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before now!?!?!”. It’s really brilliant. |
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE ARCHIVES. In case you missed some of the great people I’ve interviewed in the last 9 years here’s a chronological list of some past broadcasts. Such a wide range of folks such as Nikki Silva, Michael Warren, Tom Noddy, UCSC Chancellor George Blumenthal, Anita Monga, Mark Wainer, Judy Johnson, Wendy Mayer-Lochtefeld, Rachel Goodman, George Newell, Tubten Pende, Gina Marie Hayes, Rebecca Ronay-Hazleton, Miriam Ellis, Deb Mc Arthur, The Great Morgani on Street performing, and Paul Whitworth on Krapps Last Tape. Jodi McGraw on Sandhills, Bruce Daniels on area water problems. Mike Pappas on the Olive Connection, Sandy Lydon on County History. Paul Johnston on political organizing, Rick Longinotti on De-Sal. Dan Haifley on Monterey Bay Sanctuary, Dan Harder on Santa Cruz City Museum. Sara Wilbourne on Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre. Brian Spencer on SEE Theatre Co. Paula Kenyon and Karen Massaro on MAH and Big Creek Pottery. Carolyn Burke on Edith Piaf. Peggy Dolgenos on Cruzio. Julie James on Jewel Theatre Company. Then there’s Pat Matejcek on environment, Nancy Abrams and Joel Primack on the Universe plus Nina Simon from MAH, Rob Slawinski, Gary Bascou, Judge Paul Burdick, John Brown Childs, Ellen Kimmel, Don Williams, Kinan Valdez, Ellen Murtha, John Leopold, Karen Kefauver, Chip Lord, Judy Bouley, Rob Sean Wilson, Ann Simonton, Lori Rivera, Sayaka Yabuki, Chris Kinney, Celia and Peter Scott, Chris Krohn, David Swanger, Chelsea Juarez…and that’s just since January 2011.
“Summer is a promissory note signed in June, its long days spent and gone before you know it, and due to be repaid next January”, Hal Borland
“In June, as many as a dozen species may burst their buds on a single day. No man can heed all of these anniversaries; no man can ignore all of them.” Aldo Leopold
“And what is so rare as a day in June? Then, if ever, come perfect days” James Russell Lowell
COLUMN COMMUNICATIONS. Subscriptions: Click and enter the box in the upper right hand corner of each Column. You’ll get a weekly email notice the instant the column goes online. (Anywhere from Monday afternoon through Thursday or sometimes as late as Friday!) Always free and confidential. Even I don’t know who subscribes!!
Snail Mail: Bratton Online
82 Blackburn Street, Suite 216
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
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Direct phone: 831 423-2468
All Technical & Web details: Gunilla Leavitt @
Deep Cover by Tim Eagan.