HILARY BRYANT MEETS SCRP. The Santa Cruzans for Responsible Planning invited City Councilperson Hillary Bryant to a “lets meet each other” session last Wednesday (March 23). She can tell you more specifically who was there. It was the usual collection of SCRP members. That means there were elected and appointed city officials, members of commissions, and representatives of lots of area organizations, all in all, about 14 of us. To cut right to it, I think everyone agreed, and we don’t always, that Hilary would make a much better Mayor than Scott Kennedy, Cynthia Mathews, Mike Rotkin and certainly Ryan Coonerty. We told her how sad it was that “Boardwalk Charley” and “Stucco Swenson” couldn’t have built their La Bahia according to existing codes and Coastal Commission rules because it would have been up and running and producing taxes years ago. SCRP also pointed out that IF the Coast Hotel development plan had gone through even against the 1000’s of voters signatures opposing it, that the City would be in even more serious debt right now. We told her too how other Council members like Katherine Beiers hold regular cabinet and public meetings and listen to the public instead of plotting and planning behind closed doors like Ryan, Mike, Cynthia and Scott do. Hilary and we agreed that there is an unfair amount of work for council members to do and that it’s a shame that instead of having individual staff help; everyone has to depend on City Staff and Barisone for advice and direction. We agreed too that one year as mayor isn’t enough to carry out significant projects.
JOHNNY CARSON INTERVIEWS LIZ TAYLOR. Ted Burke was kind enough to send in this classic interview.
MORE SCRP AND HILARY MATERIAL. Members agreed afterwards that Hilary Bryant voiced positive thoughts about bringing the extremely expensive de-salination plant to a public vote, that’s a huge plus right there. We all seemed to agree that the 2 minute time limit on trying to communicate with the City Council just isn’t fair. We also agreed that there isn’t any opportunity to openly discuss issues with the Council. It’s 2 minutes, then sit down…no feedback principle causes frustration on both sides. We agreed with her too on the creating of more livable spaces downtown. David Terrazas will be our guest at the next SCRP meeting, snicker, snicker, LOL. 🙂 & OMG and WTF?
SANTA CRUZ’S FIRST FREE MEDICAL CLINIC? Stan Stephens historian/researcher/editor sends this in…This may be the first Free Medical Clinic for Santa Cruz? Based on many other examples of the generosity of F. A. Hihn, I interpret this to mean that he donated the space. The Santa Cruz (branch) of the Society of California Pioneers used his building, free of charge, since he was the perpetual President, from the time of its founding in Santa Cruz, 1881, until his death in 1913, when the Society in Santa Cruz died with him.
(Source: Santa Cruz Surf 1893 Jul 19 2:3 Display Ad)
over F. A. Hihn Co’s. Offices in the rooms of the California Pioneer Society.
Hours for the Treatment of Patients.
Monday-10 A.M., Surgical Diseases; 11 A.M., Medical Diseases.
Tuesday-1 P.M., Diseases of Women; 2 P.M., Medical Diseases.
Wednesday-10 A.M., Surgical Diseases; 11 A.M., Medical Diseases.
Friday-1 P.M., Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat; 2 P.M., Medical Diseases.
PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS residing and practicing in this city will ALWAYS be in ATTENDANCE at the above hours.
NICK HERBERT CLAIMS JAPAN RADIOACTIVITY REACHED BERKELEY. It doesn’t seem like that puny little radioactivity is all that much but its good fun to visit Nick’s website anyways. http://quantumtantra.blogspot.com/2011/03/fukishima-fallout-reaches-berkeley.html
MOVIE TITLE HISTORY CLIP. A brilliant pastiche of how film titles have evolved |
PATTON’S PROGRAM. Gary lays out the problems in the proposed CEQA rollbacks and the danger to the environment. Then he tells about plans to re-vitalize downtown Marina.( Bratton note…I know Marina’s downtown well, I shopped there a lot in 1955 when I was stationed at Fort Ord and again when KBOQ first started broadcasting and I had a weekly show there. Help Marina!!!)
Gary states an idea about De-Sal… “Desalination, in one way, raises a major philosophical issue. Must supply and demand imbalances always be “solved” by increasing supply, or could we achieve the necessary balance by working on the “demand” side of the equation? Historically, Americans have always increased supply when limits are reached, but a more efficient use of existing resources may be even better, and specifically where water supply is concerned”. Click here to read the rest of his broadcasts.
(Gary Patton is “Of Counsel” to the Santa Cruz law firm of Wittwer & Parkin, which specializes in land use and environmental law. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. Gary has his own website, “Two Worlds / 365” – www.gapatton.net )
Gary Patton also urges…
Take Action to Protect California’s Premiere Environmental Law
Exploiting the hardships caused by the economic climate and the state budget crisis, special interests are redoubling their efforts to pass legislation that would dismantle the Golden State’s premiere environmental law, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Individuals and organizations concerned about the public’s health and well-being, the environment and good government must push back this dangerous new wave of attacks on CEQA. We need your voice and action to help defend the rights of Californians and protect our environment. In February, Senator Canella introduced SB 241—a measure that would allow 125 projects to receive immunity from CEQA. Now he is working on a more sweeping proposal attempting to attack CEQA from all angles.
Send a message TODAY and Email, write or call Speaker Perez and Governor Brown to oppose measures that rollback the public health and environmental protections in CEQA. Obviously, contact your local legislators, too. Use the sample letter below for your message.
Speaker John Perez: Telephone: 916-319-2046; FAX: 916-319-2146 or Email: speaker.perez@assembly.ca.gov
Governor Jerry Brown: Telephone: 916-445-2841; FAX: 916-558-3160 or Email: http://gov.ca.gov/m_contact.php
For examples of how Californians have benefited from CEQA go to: www.calheroes.com
For more information or to receive regular updates about this campaign contact: Jena Price at the Planning and Conservation League at jprice@pcl.org or 916-313-4508.
Sample Letter:
Dear Governor Brown or Assembly Speaker Perez:
I am writing to express my opposition to SB 241 (Canella) as well as other similar and destructive measures attempting to rollback our fundamental environmental protections. These bills and proposals seek to undermine the ability of my community to participate in decisions that determine how our neighborhoods will grow. The legislation eliminates our ability to hold developers accountable for putting measures in place to reduce or avoid a development project’s negative environmental impacts.
For the past 40 years, community involvement in the environmental review process has improved proposed projects, reducing a project’s significant adverse impacts to public health and the environment, while improving our quality of life. These bills would allow a select number of projects to avoid public scrutiny. These bills erode California’s legacy of environmental protection. Therefore, I urge you to oppose these bills in the interest of your constituents and their health and well being.
Your name here
MORTON MARCUS…(ANIMATED). Mort was just about the most animated human I’ve ever known but here’s something I don’t think I sent out before.
VINTAGE DE CINZO. Mr. DeCinzo looks at the positive side of Not widening Highway One….look below.
EAGANS DEEP COVER. Tim dares to go where no man has gone before…only politicians…scroll away.
LANDAU’S PROGRES. Saul’s weekly article is “Systems Come Unglued”. He states, among other things, “The human mind doesn’t easily process catastrophe. As Libyan forces battled, tens of millions witnessed televised images of ocean water rising over barricades, picking up cars, trucks, houses and other edifices and carrying them away – to somewhere else. While TV news reporters told of trains gone missing in northern Japan, other urgent cables warned of the impending battle for Benghazi. Reporters ask: how many will die in this battle? Should the United States interfere militarily as “humanitarian” hawks demand? Read it all here
Saul Landau is an Institute for Policy Studies fellow whose films are on DVD from roundworldproductions@gmail.com
A GOOSE NAMED MARIA. Penny University co-director Paul Lee has told the story of how a goose named Florence became attached to him. No one believed him except Page Smith who did a lithograph of the two of them. But check this out. The phrase “Take me to your Leda” does come to mind. |
LISA JENSEN LINKS. Sheesh, what next, a plague of locusts? While we’re waiting for everything to dry out, visit Lisa Jensen Online Express (http://ljo-express.blogspot.com/) this week to find out about the best book interview radio show you’ve never heard, a vibrant new screen version of Jane Eyre from an unlikely source, and a few more words on the Big Creek Pottery show at the MAH.
Lisa Jensen has been writing film reviews and a column for Good Times since 1975.
WATERS WEIGHS IN. Christina returns from Jersey full of pasta and more pasta. Watch her eat at http://christinawaters.com
JANE EYRE. IMDB lists 22 versions of Jane Eyre including an Italian one dating back to 1910. Many remember Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine and some Masterpiece versions…this new one equals and surpasses them all!! Mia Wasikowska is fabulous as Jane. Just because director Cory Fukunaga was born in Oakland, directed Sin Nombre and went to UCSC doesn’t men he’s all bad 🙂 . Definitely see this movie, like you’ve never seen it before.
I’m a big fan of LinkedIn and advise my social media clients to make sure they have created a personal LinkedIn page before launching on other social networks. That’s because LinkedIn has become the new Yellow Pages — it’s a go-to source to see someone’s professional background, skills and affiliations in one quick glance. For job seekers, I believe it’s essential. I also recommend business owners have a LinkedIn profile for their company (which is a separate listing than the personal profile).
In celebration of reaching the 100 million user milestone last week (still 1/6 of Facebook’s 600 million users), LinkedIn assembled some fun stats about its members and their professional profiles. For more info, read the LinkedIn Blog post: “100 million members and counting… http://bit.ly/fWFenb and http://blog.linkedin.com/100million.
• 79+ million job transitions/changes tracked
• 428%: Year-over-year membership growth rate in Brazil, the fastest-growing country, followed by Mexico, India and France.
• During the past 8 years, the most common last names of newly registered LinkedIn users alternate between: “Lee,” “Smith” and “Kumar.”
• Some industries with the fastest year-over-year new member growth rates:
Education (175%)
Facilities Services (121%)
Ranching (112%)
• 100% of Fortune 500 companies have executives on LinkedIn
One more helpful story on this subject: http://techcrunch.com/2011/03/22/boom-professional-social-network-linkedin-passes-100-million-members.
(Karen Kefauver is a freelance journalist who writes about sports and travel, including a monthly Sentinel column, Spin City, about bicycling. As a social media consultant she meets with business owners to develop social media strategies and teaches them the best ways to use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social networks for business promotion. Contact Karen at: karen@karenkefauver and visit her website: http://www.karenkefauver.com. Her Facebook Page also offers free social media tips: http://www.facebook.com/karen.kefauver.business).
THE TEMPEST. In the same vein, IMDB lists 20 versions of Shakespeare’s Tempest. And I’m guessing that any one of them is better than this over hyped Helen Mirren effort. So Prospero becomes Prospera…big deal, and what’s exciting about that? What new insight do we get, what creative depth is added…nada! Somebody must have said “This tempest is only a teapot”…forget it. Helen Mirren has been better in every film I’ve seen her in. Her Shakespeare delivery is miserable!!!
OF GODS AND MEN. Even Atheists should like this film. Monks in their monkery in Algiers during lots of Islamic violence is the plot. It’s a true story and it’s excellently well done. See it by all means.
SUCKER PUNCH. One of those special effects, alternate reality, Pan’s Labyrinth type films. I couldn’t figure out any sequence, dozed through lots of Nazi vs. dragon scenes, stared at steam punk machines, and then wondered how John Hamm and Scott Glenn got in it and how much they got paid to do their stupid parts.
WALLACE BAINE & SHMUEL THALER, together again. I’m repeating this for those folks who missed the other time. Their first jump into show biz was so successful that Snazzy Productions is bringing them back again…they say,…” Spend an evening with local media greats Wallace Baine, writer, and Shmuel Thaler, photographer, of the Santa Cruz Sentinel. Wallace and Shmuel will share excerpts from their work in Santa Cruz spanning several decades. Brought back by popular demand. Purchase Tickets online. It happens Saturday, 7:30 PM, April 2, Kuumbwa Jazz Center.
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE. Each and every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. I host Universal Grapevine on KZSC 88.1 fm. or on your computer (live only, or sometimes old programs are on “blog”) at WWW.KZSC.ORG. On Tuesday March 29 Sara Wilbourne administrator of the Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre will discuss their latest plans and projects. Brian Spencer of See Productions will talk about “A Number” the play, opening April 8-23 also on March 29th. Dan Haifley of O’Neill’s Sea Odyssey will discuss nautical and harbor changes on April 5th followed by the New Director of the Santa Cruz City Museum Daniel Harder. Paul Johnston of Organizing for Santa Cruz will tell us about their many accomplishments on April 12, then journalist/photographer Peter McGettigan will discuss his views from behind the camera and reveal his new projects. Any and all suggestions for future programs are more than welcome so tune in and keep listening.
QUOTES. “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything”, Sucker Punch (the film). “Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you what you are“, Jean Brillat-Savarin.
“It is a rather pleasant experience to be alone in a bank at night“, Willie Sutton
Deep Cover

BARTCZAK’S BACKWASH. The majick of Karl Rove.