Bratton… project 2025 … Greensite… Greensite on Grand Jury Recommendations to City Council… Steinbruner… Thank you Sandy Brown, Bond measures, and Aptos… Hayes… Humans are animals, and sharing your house with plants… Patton…Hillbilly Allergy … Matlock… 9-1-1 for wipeout of a whiteout…unfair dropout…babysitter washout…conversion…fraud…flying ketchup…and nine mooches…. Eagan… Subconscious Comics and Deep Cover… Webmistress serves you… Dead and Company at the Sphere Quotes on… “Jerry Garcia”

Dateline: July 31, 2024
PROJECT 2025 AND WHY CONGRESS SHOULD REJECT IT. For some hazy tricky reason we’ve never been given a clear and straight explanation about Project 2025. Here’s what James Carville sent out to many of us last week.
Project 2025 is a dangerous blueprint for dismantling our democratic institutions and imposing MAGA extremism on America. Developed by key figures from Trump’s administration and his closest allies, Project 2025 threatens our rights, freedoms, and the foundations of our democracy.
It seeks to end reproductive freedom by banning vital medications and limiting access to contraception. Our education system faces an existential threat with plans to abolish the Department of Education, jeopardizing millions of students’ futures.
The initiative doesn’t stop there. It aims to politicize our civil service by replacing career officials with MAGA loyalists, corrupting the impartiality of our government. Environmental protections would be gutted, with climate change initiatives dismantled in favor of increased fossil fuel production.
Perhaps most alarmingly, Project 2025 advocates for an unprecedented concentration of power in the executive branch, undermining the crucial checks and balances that safeguard our democracy. It even seeks to roll back civil rights protections by eliminating terms like “sexual orientation” and “gender equality” from federal laws.
This is not just another policy proposal — it’s a comprehensive attack on American democracy, backed by Trump’s network and MAGA extremists.
We can stop this dangerous initiative and preserve the America we believe in.
Send a message to your senators and representative now demanding they publicly disavow Project 2025 and commit to protecting our democratic institutions.
VANISHED INTO THE NIGHT. Netflix movie (5.2 IMDB) An Italian family’s two children are kidnapped and a huge ransom is demanded. The acting is poor, the plot is questionable and only Santa Cruz small boat owners will stay awake to solve the twists and inadequacies.
LAND OF BAD. Netflix movie (6.6 IMDB) An unexplained battle that happens in South Africa and the Philippines within our own armed services, namely the air forces versus the infantry! It’s high tech adapting to traditional military systems. It’s probably all very true but the presentation is slow and boring.
ROCCO SCHIAVONE: ICE COLD MURDERS. Prime series. (7.8 IMDB) An absolutely engrossing, tightly knit movie about an Italian (Aosta is the city in Italy) detective whose wife is either murdered or maybe was suicidal. He’s quirky, smokes pot, and heads up a great cast in an excellent series. Go for it. I’ve repeated this review because too many folks forgot the title.
GOYO. Netflix series. (6.5 IMDB) Hard to believe and follow this tearful drama from Buenos Aires. It’s about a museum guide who has Asperger’s. We get to look at his sex life, how he loses control, and his new love of the beautiful woman guide that changes everything.
A MAN IN FULL. Netflix series (6.5 IMDB) Jeff Daniels at his very best acting (not so much) costars with Diane Lane in this drama centering on his real estate empire and all the complex issues we find in real estate everywhere. Lucy Liu plays a big part in it too as we watch his partial control over himself and his holdings mostly disappear inside banks, attorneys, and drawn out office scenes.
ROALD DAHL’S ESIO TROT. Prime movie. (6.9 IMDB) The top name cast has Dustin Hoffman and his chasing of Judi Dench while Richard Cordery leads us on this boring, predictable, comedy. It’s another back balcony upstairs/ downstairs over used plot. Hoffman is very disappointing when you start thinking back to his classic and serious films, he’s 87 years old now.
THE ASUNTA CASE. Netflix series. (6.9 IMDB) Another Spanish movie based on a true story about a local couple whose adopted Chinese daughter is found murdered. Even the police are suspected of the crime. Mistakes are made, the story stays tight, worth watching.
GANGS OF GALICIA. Netflix series (6.3 IMDB) A Spanish murder adventure about a woman whose father gets murdered, so she goes inside some drug cartels to find out and get revenge on whodunit!! Great seaside- water footage. With boats and police everywhere.
SUNNY. Apple series (7.3 IMDB) A Japanese comedy starring Rashida Jones who loses her husband and has a robot replace him. There’s way too much mugging, drinking, and undirected reactions to make this worth watching…avoid it
DESPERATE LIES. Netflix series. (7.0 IMDB) Juliana Paes takes the lead in this Brazilian re-take after re-take about childbirth. It appears that she got drunk, went to bed with two guys and got pregnant from both of them….and had twins! Complex, barely believable, only a bit humorous, but you will stay focused.
FANCY DANCE. Apple movie. (6.6 IMDB) Executive directed by Forrest Whitaker and starring Michael Rowe. It’s all about Native Americans and their family structure and personal issues. It’s both sensitive and amateurish and lacks a forceful direction.
YOUR HONOR. Netflix series (7.6 IMDB). Bryan Cranston along with Hope Davis and especially Rosie Perez lead this New Orleans saga. The son of a crime boss is killed and it’s the judge’s son who gets the blame. Well worth watching.
HOUSE OF THE DRAGON. HBO series. I re-watched much of this series prequel to Game of Thrones just to check on how relevant and applicable it may still be. It definitely has lost the magic and charm, probably due to our increasing and improving the world. Game of Thrones was back in 2011 and had an amazing 72 episodes. House of The Dragon begins 17 decades before Game Of Thrones.
A BODY THAT WORKS. Netflix series. (7.7 IMDB) It starts slow as we watch a scared and un-pregnant 37 year old woman decide to get a surrogate woman to carry her baby. There’s much realistic action and re-actions between the two “pregnant” couples.
NIGHTMARES AND DAY DREAMS. Netflix series.(6.6 IMDB) A collection of 7 episodes starting in Jakarta with a baby falling from a balcony, some concepts of torture, and then… switches to a bread factory !! All seven chapters are like that and they hang together neatly, but full of blood and guts.
ROCCO SCHIAVONE: ICE COLD MURDERS. Series. (7.8 IMDB) An absolutely engrossing, tightly knit movie about an Italian (Aosta is the city in Italy) detective whose wife is either murdered or maybe was suicidal. He’s quirky, smokes pot, and heads up a great cast in an excellent series. Go for it.

Holding Local Government Accountable

“Does government waste, inefficiency, or lack of responsiveness concern you?” So goes the introduction to the Santa Cruz Grand Jury website, encouraging community members to get involved.
After an intense year of work, I and the other grand jurors from the 2023-24 year are hoping that the effort will lead to needed functional changes in local government. As I wrote earlier, press coverage is crucial to getting the word out. Interestingly, so far it has been the print media, the Sentinel and the Good Times that have stepped up to the plate and covered at least some of the reports. The online publications, Lookout and Santa Cruz Local have been disappointingly missing in action despite requests for coverage to the former.
All the Grand Jury reports address important issues and I hope you have read at least some of them. Given that I usually write on Santa Cruz City matters, I’ve here selected recommendations from the two reports that investigated issues under the purview of the Santa Cruz City Council. The law requires that the City Council respond to the recommendations by the due date. Grand Juries can only recommend adoption; they cannot require it. If the council refuses to adopt a recommendation, only the public can achieve compliance through political pressure.
The recommendations listed below were carefully developed from intensive investigations. Each recommendation is linked to a Finding (F1 etc.) Each Finding is based on factual evidence. For facts to be considered evidence they must be corroborated from multiple sources. Nothing is left to opinion or only one source. All must pass scrutiny from county counsel and the presiding judge. I encourage you to consider the recommendations carefully and be actively involved when they are on the City Council agenda, likely late August, or early September.
Housing For Whom? An Investigation of Inclusionary Housing in the City of Santa Cruz
R1. The Grand Jury recommends that the Santa Cruz City Council state exactly which HCD (Housing and Community Development) Income Levels are covered by the City’s Inclusionary Housing Ordinance and Resolutions and make that information public by December 31, 2024. (F1)
R2. The Grand Jury recommends that the Santa Cruz City Council develop an ongoing system to track, document and verify within 30 days of occupancy whether a unit is occupied by an income-verified local resident or local worker as required by the Ordinance, specifying which category the renter fulfills, and have such a system in place by January 31, 2025. (F2)
R3. The Grand Jury recommends that the Santa Cruz City Council document the percentage of the City’s Inclusionary and 100% Affordable Housing units that are rented to UCSC students, making that data public by February 28, 2025, with annual updates. (F3)
The required City Council response is due by September 19, 2024
City Of Santa Cruz: Preventing Rape and Domestic Violence
Where’s The Priority?
R1. The Grand Jury recommends that the City Council fund a dedicated staff person for the Commission for the Prevention of Violence Against Women (CPVAW) with skills commensurate to the need for program and resource development, community outreach and visibility, data research and report writing and have such position advertised by December 31, 2024. (F5, F3)
R2. The Grand Jury recommends that the City Council reevaluate the legal ability of CPVAW commissioners to access redacted police reports of rape as described in this investigation and present the results of that research by December 31, 2024. (F6)
R3. The Grand Jury recommends that the City Council begin evaluating options with the Santa Cruz City School District to reinstate the in-person self-defense program for middle and high school students of all genders by January 31, 2025. (F4)
R4. The Grand Jury recommends that the SCPD (Santa Cruz Police Department) update its website to include the detailed metrics on Rape Incidents submitted to NIBRS (National Incident Based Reporting System) and CIBRS (CA IBRS), ensuring all data entries are accurate and available at each meeting of the CPVAW, and have this in place by January 31, 2025. (F8, F9)
R5. The Grand Jury recommends that the SCPD reinstate community alerts for incidents of stranger rape, with case-by-case updates, by December 31, 2024. (F7)
R6. The Grand Jury recommends that the Commission and the SCPD submit comprehensive annual reports as called for in Ordinance 81-29, using the 2005-07 reports as a model, with the 2024 Annual Report placed on the Commission’s agenda by December 31, 2024, and future reports submitted on a consistent, annual basis. (F1)
R7. The Grand Jury recommends that the 2023 Report be amended to remove the national entry on stranger rape, replacing it with accurate data for the City of Santa Cruz by December 31, 2024. (F2)
R8. The Grand Jury recommends that the CPVAW update the status of the Safe Place Network and the Bar Coasters program. If the programs are to be discontinued, a public CPVAW meeting is advised for that decision. If the programs are to be continued, the date of January 31, 2025, is recommended for the full reinstatement of these programs. (F3)
R9. The Grand Jury recommends that Focus Area 5, Public Safety of the 2023-28 Five Year Strategic Plan include an entry prioritizing the prevention of rape and domestic violence, as mandated by Ordinance 81-29, and published by February 28, 2025. (F10)
R10. The Grand Jury recommends that the City Manager increase the visibility of the CPVAW programs and events by publishing relevant information, at least quarterly, in the City Manager’s Weekly Update and that the first article be published by December 31, 2024. (F11)
The required City Council response is due by September 25, 2024
Gillian Greensite is a long time local activist, a member of Save Our Big Trees and the Santa Cruz chapter of IDA, International Dark Sky Association Plus she’s an avid ocean swimmer, hiker and lover of all things wild. |

Last Wednesday’s “Can Santa Cruz Manage It’s Housing Destiny?” event that featured Senator Scott Weiner, Supervisor Manu Koenig and City Councilmember Sandy Brown had a full house at the Hotel Paradox. Despite quite a few YIMBY-clad tee shirt wearers, judging by the roars of applause when Sandy Brown challenged Senator Weiner’s claim that Santa Cruz can fix the outrageous housing affordability problem by just building more and more under State mandate, there was a large majority attending who are concerned about losing local discretion and the character of our Communities.
“We always hear ‘it won’t pencil out’ to build more inclusionary affordable housing. Well, what rate of return are these developers requiring? I dug and dug, and determined it’s 20%-25%!” said Councilmember Brown. Wow. And I thought that the CPUC’s guaranteed return of 11% for utility companies was high.
Later in the evening, Mr. Sibley Simon, CEO of Workbench, which is submitting the 16 story ClockTower Project, and the controversial Food Bin Project on Mission Street in Santa Cruz, confirmed that Ms. Brown had correctly reported the profit margin number. He had alot to say, barely taking a breath to allow Moderator Chris Neely from LookOut to interject a question or two. Mr. Simon admitted he did not know much about the Clocktower Project. I wondered why Mr. Simon was the only developer asked to be interviewed for the entire second hour?
Hopefully, this event recording will be available soon.
Take a look at the ten bond and tax measures that have been filed so far, with another three more likely:
VotesCount, Local Measures
It is shocking, and so far in my research, none will allow exemptions for seniors, disabled or Veterans on fixed incomes being stretched thinly these days.
Why this mad rush for money grabs in so many arenas?
I think I figured it out, by reading the Scotts Valley Fire District Resolution for their $24.5 Million Bond measure.
It’s because of Assembly Constitutional Amendment ACA 1 /ACA 10 on the November 5 ballot, which if passed, will allow any other bond or tax measures also on the ballot for special districts, cities or counties to be approved with a 55% threshold, rather than a 2/3.
Isn’t that amazing?
ACA 10 would amend ACA 1 to limit its application to general obligation bonds, amending the State Constitution to afford special districts, cities, and counties, the same 55 percent vote threshold allowed for approving school district bonds. It would affirmatively apply its provisions to any local bond measures submitted at the same election as ACA 1 or at a later election held after the effective date of ACA 1, subject to certain requirements.
ACA 10 would remove from ACA 1 a new 55 percent voter approval threshold for special taxes for the purposes of funding the construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or replacement of public infrastructure, foreclosing the possibility that public agencies would be able to utilize that provision following voter approval at the November election. The State Constitution currently requires two-thirds voter-approval for both special taxes and general obligation bonds placed on the ballot by special districts, cities, and counties.
ACA 10 Strikes 55% Special Tax Threshold from ACA 1 on November Ballot
Take this LookOut survey and share it with others. This information will help craft LookOut interviews and forums with school board candidates and bond measures. Share your priorities for your local school board – Santa Cruz Local
The Land Trust of Santa Cruz County, posing as a “citizen”, spent big bucks to have paid signature gatherers standing out on the sidewalks to get the necessary number of qualified signatures to get this bad tax on the November ballot. This information is now public, thanks to the political committee raking in nearly half a million $$ to shove this bad tax along having to file a Form 460 with the Secretary of State.
Isn’t it interesting that Friends of Santa Cruz County Parks had $10,000 just lying around to donate to the Land Trust’s sneaky special parcel tax coming your way on the November ballot? What about the $25,000 donation from Patricia Quillen, wife of Reed Hastings, the CEO of NetFlix? Netflix Chief Reed Hastings’ Wife, Patricia Quillin, Was a Quiet Force in the 2020 Election in California
This is a really bad tax, promising to fund so many types of projects, but laying out no clear path to ensure the money will actually accomplish anything of benefit, other than filling the pockets of the County treasury and non-profits , like the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County, who will benefit. The “Advisory Committee” filled by those appointed by County and City officials would decide how the anticipated $7.3 Million annually collected would get spent, after the County government grabs the top 6%. There would be strong input by the non-profits who have collected nearly half a million $ to get this bad tax on the ballot, but it is unknown who would hold any of them accountable.
Pay attention!
Your Santa Cruz County Fire Chiefs’ Association does not support this Measure because it would not directly contribute to wildfire risk reduction nor directly fund all local fire agencies who are responsible for wildfire risk reduction.
*Past promises on two local sales tax increases were supposed to fund fire protection, but ZERO dollars have gone to fund local fire agencies or projects that would reduce fire risk, confirmed by the County Grand Jury in 2022.
Read more here why the Santa Cruz “Water and Wildfire Protection Act” (for short) is a bad tax that the Land Trust of Santa Cruz County, Peninsula Open Space and Sempervirens is somehow being allowed to be called a “voter initiative” and thereby be approved with a 50% + 1 approval threshold rather than a 2/3 majority with no exemptions for seniors, disabled or Veterans.
The Santa Cruz County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) will finally review the long-overdue AP Triton Consultant report on the effectiveness of the fire agencies in the County when they meet next Wednesday, August 7 at 9am.
The problems with Santa Cruz County Fire Dept., supposedly governed by the Board of Supervisors, has poor financial transparency and the Board really doesn’t care, allowing CALFIRE to run the show with no accountability.
If you live in the rural areas of Santa Cruz County, chances are you are in County Fire Dept. area, funded by County Service Area (CSA) 48 property tax assessments, and includes well-trained Volunteers. It was many of these such Volunteers who stayed behind and saved many homes in the 2020 CZU Fire…and subsequently terminated as Volunteers by CalFire.
LAFCO Agenda item 6b is sure to spark lively discussion, and hopefully lead to a much-needed governance change for improved accountability and representation.
Please share this information with others who live in the rural areas.
On July 31, the County’s Commission on the Environment held a public forum with speakers from the County Water Resources Dept. and Public Works to unveil the Climate Adaptation and Action Plan (CAAP). It was well-attended, with good presentations.
The public was not allowed to comment until near the end, given only three minutes to comment on nearly two hours of information-rich presentations. Some folks (including me) left before that opportunity in order to attend the forum next door at the Hotel Paradox about housing mandates and saving the shred of local discretionary control remaining.
Note the excellent information and suggestions the public did present at about minute 1:37:00.
One of the projects described is the Soquel Drive Buffered Bike Lane Project from State Park Drive in Aptos to Dominican Hospital. Most of the on-street parking in that stretch will disappear to create protected Class 2 and Class 4 bike lanes. That means there will be striping and, in about half of the distance, reflective vertical posts to separate the bike lane from the vehicle lanes, narrowing the traffic lanes for “calming”. Well, let’s hope that works.

Soquel Drive and State Park Drive construction of new Buffered Bike Lanes.
The next such public forum will be September 25. The Commission on the Environment will discuss different aspects of the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan at each of their upcoming meetings. The presentations will be grouped by the County Departments responsible for implementing the various Objectives in the CAAP. While this meeting will include presentations from CDI Recycling and Solid Waste staff and the Water Resources Manager, the next meeting in September in Watsonville is scheduled to have a presentation from OR3 staff covering the CAAP Objectives they are responsible for implementing.
Last week, the construction supports for the Chanticleer Overpass were removed, repackaged, and likely will get moved to the location near State Park Drive in Aptos for the Mar Vista Overpass planned there. Crews are already mowing down lots of trees to make way for this portion of the Segment 11 RTC/County/CalTrans Project.

Here is the view from Mar Vista Drive at McGregor Drive in Seacliff. The cones on the corner are part of the Mar Vista Overpass landing zone. This is one of two areas where the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) declared eminent domaine against the affected Homeowners’ Associations. You can see the equipment in the background…mowing down trees.
A few years ago, a Community group of local residents was asked to provide input on this Overpass project. Everyone clearly said this was not the best location, but that moving the proposed Overpass closer to Mar Vista Elementary School and Cabrillo College area would be superior. The RTC ignored the group’s recommendation, citing environmental concerns. Hmmm….
After the Santa Cruz County Fair Board meeting a couple of weeks ago when the Board approved spending $55,000 to study why there was a dirt slide adjacent to the main parking lot in 2023 rains, I drove out to take a look. As far as I could tell, it seemed the dirt and debris slid because of saturation of unengineered fill. It was just a pile of dirt and debris that the former CEO allowed to get dumped there, hoping to widen the parking lot a bit, but it failed.
Now, the same thing is happening on the opposite side of the parking lot, but this time there seems to be some unwritten agreement between the new CEO Zeke Fraser and Granite Construction to dump a mountain of soil (origin and cleanliness unknown) at the edge of the parking lot and next to the creek. It was shocking to see the devastation in this riparian area to make room for the clandestine parking lot expansion work that, according to reliable sources, Granite has been doing at night for the past six weeks.

What is not readily visible in the picture above is the devastating tree removal and soil adjacent to the creek that leads to College Lake in Watsonville, but you can get a sense of it below.

CEO Fraser had made no mention of it in his public report to the Board during the meeting. When I queried him about what I saw, he said he “forgot” to mention it to the Board, but “It’s just some extra dirt to use for the Monster Truck show at the Fair, and other places afterward.” He stated “it’s from College Lake project, and good dirt.” He wasn’t sure why there were portable light towers at the site, or sections of new 12″ plastic drain pipe stored there, but assured me he would check into it.
Upon questioning the agency doing the project at College Lake, it was confirmed that Granite is not a contractor on that project, and did not haul soil from the College Lake project, and that no contractor associated with the College Lake project transported soil to the Fairgrounds.
Upon questioning a few nearby residents, I learned that Granite Construction has been hauling truckloads of soil at night to the Fairgrounds parking lot for at least six weeks. The soil is likely from the Highway 152 and Holohan Road improvement project.
The enforcement staff at California Fish & Wildlife, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board now know about this mysterious project that CEO Fraser “forgot” to inform the Board was happening.
Shouldn’t Granite Construction officials have known better?
The Fairgrounds is owned by the State, as the the 14th District Agricultural Association. This casts a dark cloud on the State’s staff, who should and likely does know better.
The question is: Is the soil now towering over the creek that leads to College Lake contaminated (there is a gas station at the Holohan intersection)? Will it also fail in the future when it becomes saturated by heavy winter rains, and compel the Fair Board then to allocate big money to fix? What about the creek?
This is just opposite the site of the new South County Park at 181 Whiting Road, where County staff has boasted there could be a connection to the Fairgrounds for emergencies.
Please write Senator Laird and ask for investigation and enforcement actions
What about pedestrian safety in Aptos Village? Neither the County nor Swenson really cared about studying that when this disgusting project was approved in 2012 with only a Negative Declaration for environmental impacts. But now that phase 2 of the ghetto is getting built, local residents are more than a little concerned about pedestrian safety. The Seacliff Improvement Association received a grant for conducting outreach surveys and public education on pedestrian safety improvements in the area.
On Sunday, August 11, meet at 10am on the astroturf “Village Green” at Aptos Village Way and Parade Street. There will be appearances by elected officials for some grand photo ops. Maybe there will be some helpful ideas…such as the taxpayer-funded lane restrictions painted on Soquel Drive last week by County crews.

Becky Steinbruner is a 30+ year resident of Aptos. She has fought for water, fire, emergency preparedness, and for road repair. She ran for Second District County Supervisor in 2016 on a shoestring and got nearly 20% of the votes. She ran again in 2020 on a slightly bigger shoestring and got 1/3 of the votes.
Email Becky at |

Humans are Animals!
I paced back and forth in front of the glass double doors at the DMV office in Capitola, hoping to get someone’s attention. I hoped that one of the DMV employees would come out to speak to me about making special compensation to allow me inside the building. Prior to my arrival, a DMV employee had placed an official-looking sign on the inside of the door, facing out. It read: “No animals allowed inside.” I saw other humans inside, and no one was coming out to help, so I entered the building and mentioned the confusing sign to the person at the front desk. They replied something like “hah” in passing as they directed me to the correct line, further inside the lobby. The sign has faded, but it is still on the door, many years later.
Do Words Matter?
I’m one of those people who think that it matters what words you use, and that suggesting humans are not animals contributes to the destruction of nature. I learned that there are four kingdoms of life: plants, animals, protists, fungi, and monera. So, if humans aren’t animals, what are we? What if the DMV sign read “No Admittance of Non-Human Animals?” Is that so hard to understand? Some establishments avoid this issue by using the term ‘pets’ – “No Pets Inside.” This doesn’t help much as the word “pet” is defined as any domesticated or tamed animal kept for pleasure, not utility. I suggest that humans are as domesticated as any animals and we hang out with people for pleasure, not utility. The word ‘kept,’ though, gives one pause: ‘kept’ as in rather than ‘kicked out,’ ‘let go,’ or ‘allowed to roam with impunity?’ What is this ‘kept’ word all about? Could it mean marriage? (or is that for utility?)
In sum, I think we should use the terms ‘human animal’ and ‘non-human animal’ if we are distinguishing the two. And, let’s also think a bit more about ‘pets.’
Non-Human Companions
If by the term ‘pet,’ we mean non-human companion, I can safely suggest that pets are an important gateway to providing an introduction of human animals to their animal nature. Consider the pet dog, which we can teach to understand hundreds of English words. As we learn to be good dog companions, and vice versa, we experience the gap between the species narrow. We learn to be compassionate with our pets and they seem compassionate to us. We assign them ‘rights.’
How much dog language do you know? What would it take to learn? Do you doubt that they have their own language?
Are Humans Animals, And Are They Natural?
click here to continue (link expands, click again to collapse)
Sharing your Home with Plants
“Houseplants,” what a term! The term is well known but could just as well be ‘indoor plant pets’ or ‘my photosynthetic family inside,’ or ‘living beautification props.’ You can’t read the term “houseplants” too literally, though some plants do actually provide human housing: we call those ‘timber,’ they fall, and then they ‘lumber’ their way into your wall. Nay, ‘houseplants’ is a term for living organisms in the plant kingdom that are purposefully grown in containers inside buildings. People have various reasons for choosing to grow houseplants; I want to encourage you to try it if you haven’t, or deepen your relationship with houseplants if you already have them.
Reliable Restaurant Review: Houseplants
The very best restaurants I’ve eaten at had lovingly cared for houseplants. Restaurant plants should be clean, well-watered, and vigorously growing. I can’t blame a restauranteur who avoids growing plants -their business is already a lot to manage! But, for those who are able to grow healthy houseplants and create tasty meals – that’s a place I want to keep going back to! Restaurants with plastic plants make me wonder about the ingredients in the food. If a chef can put up with plastic plants, what will they substitute in place of good ingredients on the menu? Restaurants with badly cared for plants are even worse. When I see plants with layers and layers of dust and pests, even plastic plants that are incredibly dusty, in restaurants, the food is inevitably terrible. Luckily, restaurant houseplants are normally displayed in the front window, so you don’t have to enter to use this tip.
Green Thumb Myth
There is no such thing as a green thumb, so beware of using that phrase as a way of getting out of growing houseplants. The myth goes that there is some innate ability to care for plants, that some people have and others do not. When claiming not to have ‘a green thumb’ as an excuse for not growing houseplants, you might as well say “I’m not interested in houseplants,” though that might seem a bit rude in conversation. Alternatively, you might say “houseplants are not my cup of tea.” Growing houseplants is like any other skill you have learned: put a little effort into reading, asking friends, and experimentation, and you will find that, you, too, can grow plants in containers indoors. Why would anyone with such disinterest in houseplants be motivated to change? Many reasons.
click here to continue (link expands, click again to collapse)
Grey Hayes is a fervent speaker for all things wild, and his occupations have included land stewardship with UC Natural Reserves, large-scale monitoring and strategic planning with The Nature Conservancy, professional education with the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, and teaching undergraduates at UC Santa Cruz. Visit his website at:
Email Grey at |

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The image above comes from an article about J.D. Vance (who was born James Donald Bowman). Vance is the author of Hillbilly Elegy and he is currently running for Vice President on a ticket with D.J. Trump. The article from which I obtained the picture ran in Boston Review on July 22, 2024, and is titled, “Liberals Are to Blame for the Rise of J. D. Vance.”
Anyone who regularly reads my blog postings is likely to remember that I have mentioned Vance before, and not very favorably. The title I am using for my blog posting today reflects the fact that I do have something like an allergic reaction to Vance and to Vance’s book.
While Hillbilly Elegy has some worthwhile things about it, I find it rather off-putting for the exact reason that the Boston Review mentions, in the sentence I have emphasized, below:
J. D. Vance’s selection as Donald Trump’s running mate has unnerved many Democrats. He is closely tied to the architects of Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation plan to purge large swathes of the civil service. He is friendly with Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, and Alex Jones, and he warns darkly about falling birthrates and rising immigration. All of this strikes many as remarkable given that Vance began his political career as the darling of the liberal establishment with his 2016 book Hillbilly Elegy, widely praised as offering the definitive explanation of the appeal of Donald Trump to the white working class. In reality, Vance was a prominent Never Trumper in 2016, telling his former roommate that Donald Trump was “America’s Hitler” and publicly declaring he would vote for a third party.
Vance’s political transformation—if it is indeed even much of a transformation at all—from liberal darling to reactionary proto-fascist is easy to dismiss as simply a case of unchecked political ambition and thirst for power. The bigger story is what the fact that liberals’ favorite conservative in 2016 has now aligned himself with the hard right tells us about the deeper pathologies of U.S. politics—above all, the liberal dream of finding a “responsible conservative” to spar with that would render American democracy stable and safe from partisan extremes (emphasis added).
Good “politics,” I believe, does not come from an “unchecked political ambition and thirst for power.” One way to distinguish between what are called “liberal” views and what are called “conservative” views is to focus on the question whether we should think of our politics, and our nation, and our personal position in the world, from an “individualistic” perspective, or whether we should believe, as both Joyce Vance and I never tire of proclaiming, that “we are in this together.”
By the way, though it’s probably quite obvious, J.D. Vance and Joyce Vance are NOT related.
I find myself somewhat “allergic” to Vance because he is someone who always – or at least almost always – puts himself first. A self-centered belief that progress is achieved as an individual project, as opposed to being achieved by a succesful and collaborative social effort, is pretty much the way I distinguish political “conservatives” from political “liberals.” While not totally “immune,” of course, from the temptations of individualism, so-called “liberals” tend to be less susceptible than so-called “conservatives” to the “I alone can do it” syndrome.
Our recently reconfigured presidential race is really about our “future.” Do we like the Kamala Harris future, emphasizing openness and tolerance, and the need to work together, or are we going to be convinced by the claim that “I alone can fix it,” this being the repeated assertion of Donald J. Trump. Trump, by the way, and despite his recent disclaimers, would apparently seek to implement this approach to government by implementing a “Project 2025,” one main feature of which is to eliminate civil service protections for current federal employees, making the main qualification for virtually all federal employees their personal allegience to the “Great Leader.”
The Trump/Vance ticket is proclaiming the “individualistic” ideal. Harris says we’re in it together. “Liberal” that I am, I am rooting for Kamala!
Here is Harris’ picture, just to balance out the picture at the top of my blog posting today. Consider it to be an anti-allergenic antidote:

Gary Patton is a former Santa Cruz County Supervisor (20 years) and an attorney for individuals and community groups on land use and environmental issues. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. You can read and subscribe to his daily blog at
Email Gary at |

“Hello, 9-1-1, there’s a black woman running for President of the United States!” That seems to be the panicked message being disseminated by the MAGA/GOP for the past couple of weeks after Kamala Harris dive-bombed the election scene and began to overtake The Donald and his cat-aclysmic, fake Sancho Panza in the polls, a former lead that seemed to have a bright future for them in facing President Joe Biden’s windmills. Trump continues to self-destruct as evidenced by his out-of-control, wild appearance on stage before the National Association of Black Journalists in Chicago. Down-ballot GOP candidates looked on in disbelief as he sabotaged their standings among the electorate, but they only have themselves to blame…they created this Orange Monstrosity! And of course, they, along with his handlers can’t attempt to stop him simply because they are afraid of the reactions, and they see the futility of such a course of action in the end. With no level-headed Mike Pence-type as second banana, they’ll have to go forward with a woman-hating, cat-hating, dishonest charlatan who is too crazy to neutralize Trump’s irrationality. Republican operatives are in a complete panic because Trump can’t stop his grifting…donations to the RNC are paying his legal bills instead of keeping his campaign afloat or benefitting other races. In President Biden’s campaign exit speech, he said, “We are a great nation because we are a good people.” Earlier that day, Trump said, “We are a stupid country that’s led by stupid people.” Whose side are you on?
Bocha Blue, on The Palmer Report, writes, “I want to see a wipeout. It’s not enough, friends and readers, to merely beat them. I want to see a wipeout. I want to clean their clocks and wipe the floor with them. I want to see our margin of victory so large, so amazing, that they won’t know what hit them. We have a few things on our side that will make this wish a reality. Republicans work less hard than we do. Oh, they try. But they ALWAYS seem to get sidetracked by their own weirdness, by outrage at the latest food or drink they must boycott, and by infighting that has torn them apart for years. They have anger but no way do they have our PASSION, our determination…yes, we need to have a wipeout. We want a wipeout. They want a whiteout. A whiteout blanketing America, insolent white Christian MEN, a whiteout so vast, so completely glowingly white that it wipes out all the other colors of the rainbow…like Black, Brown, and Gold.”
We can make Trump’s run for the presidency analogous to a dog running to the door when the doorbell rings…it’s never for them.
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Watch out for flying ketchup bottles at Mar-a-Lago! Seems like at least a year since the events of few weeks ago began…first with the attempt on Donald Trump’s life, followed by the RNC convention where 39-year-old JD Vance became the second banana on the GOP presidential ticket, only to be capped by President Biden’s decision to abandon his attempt to be elected for a second term. Enter VP Kamala Harris in dramatic fashion, tossing her hat into the race for the nation’s top spot, and quickly gaining support of the Democrats who responded with carloads of cash donations. A bewildered Trump called ‘foul‘ since his backers had spent wads of campaign funds to battle Biden in what seemed like a sure path to victory. MAGA is trying to block Harris’s entry by insisting her delegate count doesn’t belong to her, but to the President, as well as the campaign’s $91M money stash, even though she is listed as a part of the Democratic team vying for reelection. And besides, Trump wants compensation for all the time and money spent for his lying and name-calling against Biden…calling it “fraud!” Trump has been out-trumped in his quest to find someone to solidify his base of White working-class voters!
Many in the GOP had second thoughts about the selection of JD Vance on the ticket, and now with Kamala’s show of strength, the dissatisfaction is growing, though Trump will not acknowledge that he has an albatross around his neck…as Roy Cohn told him, “never admit that you’re wrong!” Extremist psychopath Vance has become mired in trying to explain his way out of multiple flubs from past social media posts and TV appearances, Harris changing her characterization of him as a DJT rubber-stamp to describing him as a “hypocrite” and a “major liability.” Counting on her VP running mate to focus on that narrative during the campaign, she is saying, “The message is not just that Vance is ‘weird,’ it’s that the Ohio senator shouldn’t be a heartbeat away from the presidency, and that Trump picking him raises more questions about the top of the ticket.” Picking up on the previous criticisms of Biden by MAGA, she intends to highlight Trump’s 78 years of age to raise the alarm on a Vance presidency…a deflection of GOP targeting her supposed lack of experience. As Harris’s campaign co-chair, Mitch Landrieu, told CNN, “We have a Black woman, we have a White guy, and nobody asked the White guy about his job qualifications.”
As Walter Einenkel writes on Daily Kos, “Vance’s RNC speech was so boring that the enthusiasm from the crowd, who was clearly desperate for something to cheer, came when they started chanting for themselves. Vance says, ‘You guys are a great crowd,’ with the crowd answering back, ‘Yes we are! Yes we are! Yes we are!'” The speech pushed Trump into golden slumbers, but women have since perked up since the surfacing of his old interview with Tucker Carlson, when he called childless women “miserable ‘cat-ladies’ with no direct stake” in America’s future. In 2016’s run for the presidency, Trump’s inner circle included Melania, Ivanka, Hope Hicks and Kellyanne Conway, all instrumental in his selecting of Mike Pence as his VP, but this time around, females were benched…even Melania only brought her smile and a few friendly waves for the gathered at the RNC confab. With The Don letting only men be pivotal in the selection process which resulted in Vance, he is stuck unless, or until, JD offers to jump ship. No doubt the estrogen will continue to roil the campaign if Vance continues with his advocacy of no abortions, elimination of no-fault divorce, and no leaving an unhappy/abusive marriage. A Harris VP selection will certainly have women’s input on her final choice.
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Dale Matlock, a Santa Cruz County resident since 1968, is the former owner of The Print Gallery, a screenprinting establishment. He is an adherent of The George Vermosky school of journalism, and a follower of too many news shows, newspapers, and political publications, and a some-time resident of Moloka’i, Hawaii, U.S.A., serving on the Board of Directors of Kepuhi Beach Resort. Email: |

EAGAN’S SUBCONSCIOUS COMICS. View classic inner-view ideas and thoughts with Subconscious Comics a few flips down.
EAGAN’S DEEP COVER. See Eagan’s “Deep Cover” down a few pages. As always, at you will find his most recent Deep Cover, the latest installment from the archives of Subconscious Comics, and the ever entertaining Eaganblog.
Jerry Garcia
“Deadheads are kinda like people who like licorice. Not everybody likes licorice, but people who like licorice, REALLY like licorice!”
“I’d rather have my immortality while I’m alive. I don’t care if it lasts beyond me at all. I’d just as soon it didn’t.”
“[commenting on environmental issues] Somebody’s got to do something, and it’s a damned shame that it has to be us!”
“Magic is what we do, music is how we do it.”
“Drug use is kind of a dead-end street. It’s one of those places you turn with your problems, and pretty soon all your problems just become that one problem. Then it’s just you and the drugs.”

This is the show I was at in Las Vegas this past weekend. Set 2 is available on YouTube as well. At least right now… This was one of the most amazing concert experiences I’ve ever had! We had seats in the center, and closer than where the video is shot from, but I don’t think the Sphere has a bad seat… |
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