DATELINE July 10, 2017
UCSC 420 CELEBRATION 2013. I’ve wondered for decades just what their 420 parties were like. Here’s one version… |
VERY SCARY SNAKE FOOTAGE!!! I’M NOT KIDDING…this film is very scary. Two kids catch (and basically torture) some very large snakes. |
WHERE’S THE MONUMENT? WHERE’S THE FORT? Botanist, environmentalist Grey Hayes told a couple of funnies on last week’s Universal Grapevine. He was talking to a group of tourists in Davenport who wanted to know where the monument was…they had come to see the Monument in the Cotoni-Coast Dairies National MONUMENT. He added that not long ago he was down in Monterey and heard numerous tales of folks who had searched there for the “fort” in FORT Ord. Easy for us to laugh!!! I was spoiled as a kid because my buddies and I could walk to a real fort at Fort Erie and play war.
OUR SANTA CRUZ HOMELESS CRISIS. It’s time to declare that we’ve talked and programmed the homeless topic to shreds…and it looks like we’ll continue to beat that horse just about forever. Definite legal changes need to be made. Solid steps need to be taken…and as we can see from the complete nothing that has come from our City Council, it really is in a crisis state. Gary Patton former Santa Cruz County supervisor for 20 years created a list of five (5) concrete changes that could move Santa Cruz and the homeless far ahead. Steps that would take work, and faith, and trust..and they are the most solid homeless solutions I’ve seen. He had only two minutes to speak at the recent Homeless Forum so he wrote a letter to the City Council. Gary and I talked about his letter on Universal Grapevine last Tuesday (7/4) you can hear that conversation here… tap on July 4
This is the entire letter…
Dear Members of the City Council:
Since I was not able to finish my comments at the City Council forum on housing, held at the Civic Auditorium last Tuesday, June 27th, I am sending this email as a follow up.
The first point I made at the forum is a point that Maria Gaura also made, in a recent letter to the Santa Cruz Sentinel. If you haven’t seen her letter, I’d like to draw it to your attention. Her main point is irrefutable:
“We cannot rely on the market to lower the cost of housing here.”
Since the price of things goes up when there is more demand than supply, it might seem like a good strategy to increase the “supply” of housing to meet the “demand,” so the price of housing will go down. It doesn’t work, and it never will work in Santa Cruz. In Bakersfield, maybe it would work, but we live in one of the nicest communities on earth. Everyone would like to live here (so the demand might as well be infinite). The territory here (and thus the potential to “supply” housing to meet the “demand”) is extremely limited (as are our natural resources and our existing community infrastructure).
To make more specific the source of the “demand” that so over tops the possible “supply” that we can never hope to lower prices by “supplying” more housing, consider these three factors: First, there is a global demand for California real estate, as investors from all over the world seek to invest in land on the California coast. Second, we are “right over the hill” from one of the most rapidly-growing economies in the world, with tens of thousands of people, or even hundreds of thousands of people, making much more money than any worker in Santa Cruz ever can. Third, we have our own “demand-generating” growth machine right here in Santa Cruz itself, in the form of our University of California campus that is seeking, always; to expand, expand, expand.
There is no way that Santa Cruz can ever lower housing prices by building more market rate housing. In fact, as any fair analysis of the so-called “Corridors Plan” shows, “upzoning” properties, to allow for more building, increases the sales price of the properties that get “upzoned,” thus making whatever new housing is built more expensive, not less expensive, since land cost is the major cost involved in housing.
If we want to make progress on affordable housing in Santa Cruz, there are only three strategies that can work – and one of them is emphatically NOT setting up new zoning districts that will increase the density on existing properties, raising their price, and stimulating more building. That is a strategy that would likely result in the elimination of existing housing units, and one which would certainly lead to the production of new, and more expensive units, since the new land prices will demand higher prices for new development.
What are the three strategies that might work?
First, it is critically important to try to find ways to take housing out of the regular “market,” where excess demand for Santa Cruz real estate will always push housing prices higher, and to impose price restrictions, in various ways. Second, the City should be seeking to reduce demand, in any way it can. Third, generating money to subsidize affordable housing, which must then be maintained as affordable by an in-perpetuity resale price restriction, is another way to make some progress.
None of these approaches is a panacea, but all of them would actually help, while the City’s apparent current strategy – trying to stimulate new market-rate building to meet housing demands – will only make things worse.
I have five specific suggestions for Council action, based on the outline above. I do think that the City has a housing “crisis,” and I therefore do NOT think that the Council should wait to take action until the end of the elaborate process outlined at the housing forum, with listening tours and all the rest. Take action as soon as possible on any and all solutions that might help. Here are my five ideas:
#1 – STOP further growth at UCSC. This is already the official position of the City Council and the Board of Supervisors. However, it is one thing to “say” this, and a completely different thing to organize a legal and political effort actually to accomplish it. I urge you to begin immediately to do the latter, which means mobilizing the community, mobilizing students, faculty, and staff on campus, and launching an effort that will have to involve the State Legislature and the Regents. The Council should do everything it can to make certain that the Santa Cruz Campus does not grow beyond the size authorized in the currently-effective LRDP.
#2 – Make large new employers pay to construct price-restricted affordable housing. In other words, as large new employers increase the “demand” for the housing that their workers need, make them help with the effort needed to “supply” affordable, price restricted units.
#3 – Reinstitute a true “inclusionary” housing program with no escape hatches. Currently, the City allows a developer to pay a fee to the City, instead of actually building affordable units, and this makes the construction of new affordable housing the City’s problem. Every time a new housing development is approved, one condition ought to be that the developer will ACTUALLY BUILD a percentage of the new units and sell them at a permanently restricted price, affordable to an average or below average income person working in Santa Cruz. Furthermore, the inclusionary percentage should be much greater than 15%. I suggest 50%. You will be told that no one will build anything with such a significant inclusionary requirement. Maybe, but remember how high the “demand” is for housing here, why not see. Since every new unit of new market rate housing is actually a “loser” for the City, in terms of the cost of new services versus taxes generated, and since the more market rate housing that is built the more demand there is for service level workers, thus increasing the need for affordable housing (with no place for these people to find housing), this approach is definitely worth a try.
#4 – The Council should do everything it possibly can to institute a program of price control for rental units. I know that “rent control” has a lot of problems, and that the City has limited authority, but I urge the Council to use every bit of authority it does have to put rental price restrictions in place at the earliest time possible.
#5 – Finally, as noted earlier, “upzoning” actually increases the cost of building new housing, because it increases the price of land. The Council should consider the option of “downzoning” properties, with any subsequent “upzoning” to be granted only in connection with the actual construction of permanently affordable, price-restricted housing.
Thank you for taking seriously the suggestions in this email – and for following up on other suggestions made by those who testified at the housing forum. There is no doubt that Santa Cruz has a housing crisis. In a crisis, we need to try to do new things, and we need to move quickly to respond to the crisis. Addressing our housing crisis is not a “planning” exercise. It’s genuinely a matter of life or death for some, and if we don’t do better than we have, the community that we all love will be lost.
The recent decision by the UCSC administration at OPERS (Office of Physical Education, Recreation and Sports) to not renew the contracts of two head coaches as well as all assistant coaches as part of a “restructuring” is par for the course at the city on the hill. What makes it unusual is that we got to hear about it.
I can’t speak to the merits of the coaches’ and assistant coaches’ grievances but judging by the support they have received, their track record plus the lack of specifics offered for such a “restructuring” I’d wager that they have been subject to the sort of workplace bullying that is a hallmark of the UCSC non-academic administrative units. Such bullying may also occur in the academic side of things but I have no inside experience to draw upon. I do have 30 years experience working as a staff member at UCSC and can attest to the callousness and bullying that substitute for workplace respect, especially towards those whose jobs are not part of the inner circle’s favorites: ones they trot out for window dressing. I can assure you that as head of Rape Prevention Education I was not one of their favorites.
It’s worth noting that the top layers of non-academic administration have ballooned in the past 30 years. When I started working at UCSC in 1979 there was a Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and a handful of unit heads. Since that time the campus enrollment has tripled while top -level non-academic personnel has probably increased ten to twenty fold at a conservative estimate. Vice-Chancellors, Associate Vice-Chancellors and Assistant Vice-Chancellors have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. All with support staff. Based on this fact alone it could be concluded that campus growth is inefficient. Ironically, decisions made at the top such as the recent OPERS “restructuring” are made ostensibly for “efficiencies” although such “restructuring” rarely if ever reaches the top.
In 1979, no campus in the country believed that rape was a serious problem. Today we know differently. Many campuses, including UCSC face lawsuits and investigations due to their poor handling of cases of sexual assault and sexual harassment. If I had to summarize my 30 years working at UCSC it would read, “a privilege and an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of students while advancing the cause of rape prevention education in the face of the administration’s best attempts to marginalize, demoralize and reorganize the unit out of existence.” The struggle was over access to students, viability of the program and visibility of the issue of rape on campus. Most UC’s, despite their being the first university system in the country to accept a rape prevention education program due to the pioneering work of Maria Sakovitch from UC Berkeley, were uneasy at having the word “rape” out there for all to see. I still recall a faculty member in 1979 remonstrating with “couldn’t you call it something else?” The subsequent 30 years were littered with the exhausted bodies of rape prevention educators fighting for survival on their respective campuses. And the administration eventually won. You won’t find the word “rape” in many campus programs these days. Acronyms such as CARE have become the norm. I used to advise my peer educators against using an acronym; it is a political act to use the word “rape” after thousands of years of silencing rape and rape survivors.
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Gillian Greensite is a long time local activist, a member of Save Our Big Trees and the Santa Cruz chapter of IDA, International Dark Sky Association http://darksky.org Plus she’s an avid ocean swimmer, hiker and lover of all things wild.
Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium, June 27, 2017
It was advertised as a “City Council Study Session on Housing,” but it quickly developed into a community discussion on The Great Santa Cruz Housing Crisis. And a crisis it is! With median home sales topping out at $875,000 at the end of May, and 2-bedroom apartment rents exceeding $3500— and in one special case on Darwin Street the asking price was $3800!–Santa Cruzans of many stripes filed into the civic auditorium on Church Street to tell their stories of living in an increasingly unkind and often hostile local housing market. Santa Cruz is only exceeded by Brooklyn, N.Y. when measuring the jaw-dropping gap between exorbitant housing costs and the abysmal low wages paid in what some realtors quaintly refer to as, the hot “Silicon Beach” economy. I turn my column over this week to those of you who “showed up” at the podium to present to the city council your housing ideas and stories. The meeting commenced with over 400 in attendance. I counted 70 people at 10:40pm, and by around midnight, 47 stalwarts remained, which was so heartening to this councilmember and so emblematic of how much this community wants to do something now, in order to affect the ill-effects of our housing crisis. It was refreshing to see this kind of town hall discussion, and of course, we do need more because addressing this crisis will take time and more good ideas. Although the city council made no decisions at this meeting, I will be pushing to agendize these community ideas and allow councilmembers to vote up or down on whether to pursue them.
Some of the comments from those who attended the Civic Auditorium Study Session
Let’s see what we’ve got…
David Minton Silva: “We are suffering from classism…we are too poor to rent our own homes.
David Willis: “Offer incentives to landlords, schedule meetings with them…connect them to services” [for their sometimes mentally ill and disabled Section 8 tenants].
Zav Hershfield: “Discrimination does exist…” [with respect to immigration status and those with disabilities.]
Gretchen Regenhardt: “Housing discrimination is under-reported…the vacancy rate is so low that landlords can discriminate with impunity…it happens to people with children all the time.”
Jacob: “Instead of solving homelessness, we’re putting up more fences (U.S. Post Office) and moving on.”
Abbi Samuels: “Although the homeless aren’t a protected class, they should be.”
Curtis Relliford: If you ain’t got no money, get yo broke ass home.” (refrain) “…$2500 for an apartment? It’s just not right.”
Simba Kenyatta: “The Rent-Takers, I don’t call them ‘landlords,’ raised my rent $400 in one month, then another $100 last month…These Rent-Takers are exacerbating the mental health problems of tenants.”
Fred Geiger: “We are not going to build our way out of this [housing shortage] problem.
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Bernie Quote of the Week:
“Nobody who works 40 hours a week should be living in poverty.” (9-3-14)
BTW–This week the Santa Clara City Council will be debating moving to $15 per hour by 2019. Can Santa Cruz be far behind? Follow the “Fight for $15” on Twitter at #FightFor15 and #RaiseTheWage
The Picture this week takes some description. The Rev. Billy Talen of New York City is unique. He and his Church of Stop Shopping have toured the US, singing inside multiple WalMarts and other chain stores; he brings a full choir with him. (You Tube their “We Are the 99 %“). http://www.revbilly.com/ His energy is now focused on climate change. He invites anyone to come and write with him once a week on the Fifth floor of Trump Towers on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. I felt privileged to write with him this week in Trumpian Territory. The Trump Tower “garden” is a public easement–public benefit–and is open to all. According to Rev. Billy’s attorney, Wylie Stecklow, Trump received 24 more floors of condos for including this garden and keeping it open to the public. In the picture, Rev. Billy and some “parishioners” are praying over a weed they found growing up through an otherwise completely paved-over space.
(Chris Krohn is a father, writer, activist, former Santa Cruz City Councilmember (1998-2002) and Mayor (2001-2002). He’s been running the Environmental Studies Internship program at UC Santa Cruz for the past 12 years. He was elected last November to another 4-year term on the Santa Cruz City Council).
Mark your calendar for Saturday, July 22, 11am-3pm, on the front lawn of the historic Branciforte Grammar School, corner of Water Street and Branciforte Avenue. Back in the late 1700’s, the Spanish government chose three key areas to establish non-secular claims of Alta California. Villa de Branciforte, established in 1797, was considered crucial because of the natural harbors and abundant resources and was pragmatically more important than the other two holdings at San Jose and Los Angeles.
Did you know that Santa Cruz County was actually initially called Branciforte County and encompassed land as far north as Pescadero? Contrary to popular myth, the Brancifortians were not all banditos and crooks!
Please join the July 22 Celebration for an afternoon of free music, food, talks by local historians, adobe brick-making, (hobby)horse races, and a walking tour led by noted historian Mr. Norman Poitevin which will culminate with a garden tour at the nearby Branciforte Adobe (not usually open to the public but owners Maria and Bruce Caradonna are gracious).
Please tell your friends and neighbors.
I hope you all had a great and meaningful July 4th Independence Day celebration. I had fun marching with a good number of residents in the Aptos Parade, building community support for a public/private purchase of the Aptos Village Project’s PHASE II land to rebuild the world-famous Post Office Bike Jumps and Pump Track and securing parking for runners and bikers into Nisene Marks. Afterward, a few of us tabled information and petitions at the entrance to the Aptos Village Park, to talk with people about the idea.
I was amazed at how many people really do not know what is happening in the area behind the Bayview Hotel. Most were stunned to hear that the Aptos Village Project will add 8,000 more vehicle trips each day, according to County Public Works Traffic Engineer, Mr. Jack Sohriakoff. Most people just thought there would be a New Leaf Market built and nothing else, so were shocked to hear that the County wants Barry Swenson Builder to cram in 69 new residential units, 15 new stores, 4 new restaurants, in addition to the 17,000 square foot New Leaf Market. And where will all the additional water required come from? Hmmm…
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That was the message Mr. Bruce Walton of TRC Retail left for me late last week. I have not yet been able to contact him to find out more, but the fact that this developer is talking with the public is in itself, good news. Stay tuned, and plan to attend the Zoning Administrative Hearing July 21, 9am, 5th Floor of the County Building.
~Becky Steinbruner
(Becky Steinbruner is a 30+ year resident of Aptos. She has fought for water, fire, emergency preparedness, and for road repair. She ran for Second District County Supervisor in 2016 on a shoestring and got nearly 20% of the votes).
I enjoyed a recent book review by James Goodman, appearing in yesterday’s edition of The New York Times Book Review. Titled “Profiles in Caution” in the print edition (something different in the online version), Goodman’s review discussed a new book by Steven Levingston, Kennedy And King. King is quoted, in the book, as claiming that, “It is a difficult thing to teach a president.” Hey, if we didn’t know that then, we sure know it now!
What I most liked about the review, however, was an observation by the reviewer, Goodman, which I think is right on the mark:
“What is needed today is not more leaders, a few men and women shaping our destiny, but more followers. What is needed are ordinary people: alert, informed, engaged, mobilized, idealistic but not naïve, critical but not hopeless, confident about who they are and what they want but able and inclined to work with all sorts of others, exercising rights won at enormous cost, starting with the right to vote. What is needed, in short, are more citizens, prepared to lead our leaders toward a more promising land.
If we want to be heading to a “more promising,” if not to the “promised,” land, what we need is, exactly, more “ordinary people” who are “alert and engaged.”
That’s what that American Revolution was really all about”.
~Gary is a former Santa Cruz County Supervisor (20 years) and an attorney for individuals and community groups on land use and environmental issues. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. You can read his blog at www.gapatton.net
CLASSICAL DeCINZO. De Cinzo reminds us of our Carmel neighbor to the south Clint Eastwood…see below.
EAGAN’S DEEP COVER. See Eagan’s “Who Lost the List? ” down a few pages. As always, at TimEagan.com you will find his most recent Deep Cover, the latest installment from the archives of Subconscious Comics, and the ever entertaining Eaganblog.
LISA JENSEN LINKS. Lisa writes: “Fasten your seatbelts for Santa Cruz Shakespeare’s uproarious production of The 39 Steps, this week at Lisa Jensen Online Express (http://ljo-express.blogspot.com). These four fabulous cast members — playing scores of roles — are truly the hardest working people in showbiz! Also, who isn’t psyched up for Game of Thrones, Season 7?” Lisa has been writing film reviews and columns for Good Times since 1975.
THE BIG SICK. Kumail Nanjiani the Pakistani jerk from the “Silicon Valley” tv sit com not only wrote this plot but he and his real wife lived it. The film is a bit long but it’s well worth seeing. It’ll grab you when you least expect it. He’s a standup comic and falls in love with Zoe Kazan, a “white” girl. It’s heart rending, funny and a tale told of cultural differences between his traditional Pakistani family and her very contemporary Mom (Holly Hunter) and dad. Go see it…it’ll surprise you.(and I’ll predict some Awards around December-January).
LETTERS FROM BAGHDAD. Gertrude Bell was an almost unknown British woman who heavily influenced the politics of the Middle East especially Iraq just after World War I. It’s a well done documentary with Tilda Swinton doing Bells voice. It is amazing and more to learn how effective and brave Bell was for a woman of that time.
HURRY>>>>Ends July 13!!!
SPIDERMAN:HOMECOMING. Michael Keaton completely steals every movie he’s ever made and he sure does playing an evil “Vulture” in this latest version of the web spinner (there have been at least 13 versions of Spidey on TV and the movies!!) Spidey is a high school student with Teresa Tomei as his mom. Robert Downey jr. is back as Iron Man. It doesn’t matter much but Gwyneth Paltrow is in it too. It’s a little better than most of the Marvel Comics hero movies but not much. I’d suggest you stay home and wait for Game of Thrones to start again this next Sunday!!
THE HERO. Sam Elliott plays a 71 year old former movie star and does it absolutely wonderful. The script isn’t earth shaking, it’s actually predictable but it is a fine film. Elliott as “Lee Hayden” has a much younger woman fall in love with him just after he discovers he is dying of pancreatic cancer. He smokes a lot of dope, drinks heavily and thinks a lot. She remains more of less faithful. Go see it just for Sam Elliott’s acting. Better hurry it Ends Thursday, July 13
THE BEGUILED. Colin Farrell, Elle Fanning, Nicole Kidman and Kirsten Durst top the list in this Civil War hokey melodrama. For some reason the director Sophia Coppola is getting big publicity but I saw nothing that gave her any extra directing points. Farrell is a wounded Yankee who stumbles into this very southern girl’s school, and gets all the girls and their leaders to fall all over him. You could stay home and dream up the script.
THE WOMEN’S BALCONY. Don’t believe the word “comedy” in this film’s promotions. It take place in today’s Jerusalem and is all about the orthodox traditions of this one synagogue. It brings out the 100% patriarchal traditions and the nearly futile battle the women fight to still be segregated back into their separate and unequal balcony that collapsed. The women actually are happy that they got their balcony rebuilt. An odd and subtitled film. To actually borrow a phrase from the Roger Ebert reviewer… “the film makes some extremely sharp points about fanaticism, sexism masked as holiness, and tolerance among the faithful”. Ends Thursday July 13.
BEATRIZ AT DINNER. Salma Hayek is a poor, hard working , talented, spiritual, immigrant from Mexico who ends up having an elegant dinner with John Lithgow and some ritzy friends. Lithgow plays Donald Trump…(the character is named Doug Strutt) really. It’s a clunking, heavy, poorly directed, blah of a movie. It could have been sensitive, real, poignant and even witty but it isn’t. The ending is not only terrible but it is cruel, pointless and it’ll make you feel bad. Don’t go. And it takes place in Newport Beach.
WONDER WOMAN. IF you like comic book heroes or heroines (hope its ok to use that term) Wonder woman is several cuts about the usual no brainer/ violent/monster filled box office smashes we keep seeing. Gal Gadot is a former Miss Israel and we keep hearing about that. She plays W. Woman. Robin Wright, is in it too and she is a long time favorite of mine. She is Sean Penn’s ex. Chris Pine just jumps around looking like the usual Hollywood cutey pie. If you remember that she’s a comic book star and is supposed to battle, fight and pose in tight pants all the time you could enjoy this more than most of that ilk.
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES. The absolute bottom of the barrel in sequels. Even the dopey mugging by Johnny Depp (whose brother owned a bookstore in Santa Cruz) Javier Bardem, Geoffrey Rush and Orlando Bloom doesn’t save the lack of a story or plot. The effects are built for 3D but add to the confused and twisted story. Avoid this one like the plague.
THE MUMMY. Well, it has a 16 on Rotten Tomatoes, and I couldn’t agree more. I’ll bet Tom Cruise snuck a whole bunch of Scientologists into this insane, completely confusing, screwy monster movie. It’s by far the worst Mummy movie I’ve ever seen. (probably about 4). Poor Russell Crowe who must need the $$$ to actually take on a role like the evil Dr. Henry Jekyll. Yes, Jekyll…because Universal is putting a Jekyll monster in one of their theme parks.!! It’s obvious you shouldn’t go, no one else is…it’s a huge bomb.
THE HOUSE. Will Ferrell and Amy Poehler can be really sometimes but not when they have a boring old predictable movie like this dud. They play parents who try to raise their daughter’s tuition by having a gambling casino in their basement. Both those stars are clever, smart performers and they and you deserve better than this junk. Much of the profits from this film go to Trump’s Sec. of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin, one of the film’s producers.
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE. Each and every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. I host Universal Grapevine on KZSC 88.1 fm. or on your computer, (live only or archived for two weeks… (See next paragraph) and go to WWW.KZSC.ORG. On July 11 Ellen Primack exec.dir of the Cabrillo Festival of Contemporary Music tells us about this year’s fest. Then Michael Warren dramaturg, and Aimee Zygmonski managing director ,will talk about Santa Cruz Shakespeare’s plays this season. On July 18 Kevin Collins details plans for the god themed amusement park being developed in Felton. Heather Moffat McCoy the exec.dir of the Santa Cruz City Museum will then be bringing us up to date on what’s new at the museum by the whale. Do remember, any and all suggestions for future programs are more than welcome so tune in, and keep listening. Email me always and only at bratton@cruzio.com
This is how I want to be when I turn 100. I’m sure a lot of you have seen this, but it’s worth watching again. The rapper Macklemore surprises his grandma on her 100th birthday, and it is Glorious! I bawl my eyes out every time I see it. |
NEW UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE ARCHIVE FEATURE. Stuff changes at KZSC a lot. If you missed either of the last two weeks of Universal Grapevine broadcasts go here… http://www.radiofreeamerica.com/dj/bruce-bratton You have to listen to about 4 minutes of that week’s KPFA news first, then Grapevine happens.
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE ARCHIVES. In case you missed some of the great people I’ve interviewed in the last 9 years here’s a chronological list of some past broadcasts. Such a wide range of folks such as Nikki Silva, Michael Warren, Tom Noddy, UCSC Chancellor George Blumenthal, Anita Monga, Mark Wainer, Judy Johnson, Wendy Mayer-Lochtefeld, Rachel Goodman, George Newell, Tubten Pende, Gina Marie Hayes, Rebecca Ronay-Hazleton, Miriam Ellis, Deb Mc Arthur, The Great Morgani on Street performing, and Paul Whitworth on Krapps Last Tape. Jodi McGraw on Sandhills, Bruce Daniels on area water problems. Mike Pappas on the Olive Connection, Sandy Lydon on County History. Paul Johnston on political organizing, Rick Longinotti on De-Sal. Dan Haifley on Monterey Bay Sanctuary, Dan Harder on Santa Cruz City Museum. Sara Wilbourne on Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre. Brian Spencer on SEE Theatre Co. Paula Kenyon and Karen Massaro on MAH and Big Creek Pottery. Carolyn Burke on Edith Piaf. Peggy Dolgenos on Cruzio. Julie James on Jewel Theatre Company. Then there’s Pat Matejcek on environment, Nancy Abrams and Joel Primack on the Universe plus Nina Simon from MAH, Rob Slawinski, Gary Bascou, Judge Paul Burdick, John Brown Childs, Ellen Kimmel, Don Williams, Kinan Valdez, Ellen Murtha, John Leopold, Karen Kefauver, Chip Lord, Judy Bouley, Rob Sean Wilson, Ann Simonton, Lori Rivera, Sayaka Yabuki, Chris Kinney, Celia and Peter Scott, Chris Krohn, David Swanger, Chelsea Juarez…and that’s just since January 2011.
“Twilight fell: The sky turned to a light, dusky purple littered with tiny silver stars”, J.K. Rowling,
“Never waste any amount of time doing anything important when there is a sunset outside that you should be sitting under!” C. JoyBell C.
“Soon it got dusk, a grapy dusk, a purple dusk over tangerine groves and long melon fields; the sun the color of pressed grapes, slashed with burgandy red, the fields the color of love and Spanish mysteries”. Jack Kerouac, On the Road
COLUMN COMMUNICATIONS. Subscriptions: Click and enter the box in the upper right hand corner of each Column. You’ll get a weekly email notice the instant the column goes online. (Anywhere from Monday afternoon through Thursday or sometimes as late as Friday!) Always free and confidential. Even I don’t know who subscribes!!
Snail Mail: Bratton Online
82 Blackburn Street, Suite 216
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Direct email: Bratton@Cruzio.com
Direct phone: 831 423-2468
All Technical & Web details: Gunilla Leavitt @ godmoma@gmail.com