BRATTON…John Laird to run for Bill Monning’s senate office?, Measure O lawsuit filed against City, City Council and Owen Lawlor Developer… 2018’s Sentinel prediction, Kessler, Primack and the shrinking Sentinel, Tom Noddy and the Flying Karamazov Bros., good bye John Dizikes. GREENSITE…debunks the “housing crisis.” KROHN…extra busy. No column, back next week. STEINBRUNER…no PG&E power , road blocked, back next week. PATTON…and“The Good Life”. EAGAN…Subconscious Comics and “Divided Government” in Deep Cover. JENSEN…about Roma and Harry Potter BRATTON…I critique “If Beale Street Could Talk” and lotsa good movies out now.UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE GUEST LINEUP. QUOTES…on “Storms”

MUSICAL SAW DUET. Odd, just odd that’s all. |
Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) on a Harpejji G16. Watch your first harpejji concert. |
DATELINE January 7, 2019
JOHN LAIRD INTO BILL MONNING’S SENATE SEAT? Last Tuesday night (1/1/19) on my Universal Grapevine radio program, Gary Patton surprised me — and probably most listeners — by saying that John Laird is seriously considering running for California State Senator Bill Monning’s seat. Bill terms out in 2020. He was elected in 2012 to the senate, and re-elected in 2016. John says he’ll send me more details ASAP! Santa Cruzan John Laird is currently our California Secretary of Natural Resources. John has been in public Service for 40 years, 23 of which were in elected office. Go here for his longer bio…
MEASURE O LAWSUIT AGAINST CITY OF SANTA CRUZ, THE CITY COUNCIL AND DEVELOPER OWEN LAWLOR. Activists Shelley Hatch and Ron Pomerantz have “filed a Petition for Writ of Mandamus against Respondents City of Santa Cruz and City Council of the City of Santa Cruz . I’ve taken as much of the legal words in the action and included them in the next few paragraphs.” The Petition alleges that Respondents violated the California Constitution and a local voter-adopted initiative, Measure 0, that requires new developments to include a share of price restricted affordable housing in new housing developments, and that Respondents violated the California Environmental Quality Act”. Owen Lawlor of Lawlor Land Use Development Company is the developer of the proposed Pacific, Laurel and Front Street mixed 205 residential units and commercial 6 story building.
This lawsuit challenges the failure by Respondents City of Santa Cruz and City Council of the City of Santa Cruz (collectively referred to herein as “Respondents”) to enforce the requirement of a voter-adopted initiative measure that requires new developments to include a share of price-restricted affordable housing in new housing developments (Measure O). While Respondents pay lip service to the need for affordable housing, what Respondents actually do is to use the need for such affordable housing as an argument to endlessly promote market-rate development within the City of Santa Cruz.
Such market-rate development fails to quell or dampen the need for affordable housing. Contrary to the impression that Respondents have given by their promotion of market-rate housing, providing more market-rate housing does not actually provide a solution to the housing woes besetting the community, and does not alleviate the need for affordable housing.
In fact, as long as market-rate housing in the City of Santa Cruz, or even the County of Santa Cruz, is less expensive than housing in Santa Clara County (the address of the economic juggernaut infamously known worldwide as Silicon Valley), and as long as there is a world-class university, Airbnb and second homeowners, Santa Cruz will remain steadfastly unaffordable. No amount of market-rate development in an attractive California coastal area will dampen prices such that homes are affordable. Indeed, respondents ignore the economic realities of homebuilding. Density in San Francisco did not reduce the price of homes any more than it did in the New York City Borough of Manhattan.
The high cost of land and labor in California, and Santa Cruz, and the fact that developers only build when demand is strong, means that housing affordability will remain a perennial problem. Measure O, the growth management initiative adopted by the voters in 1979 that also created the City’s Greenbelt, recognized the folly of mindless growth and mandated an affordable housing requirement for new development. Measure O recognized that there was “an already existing housing crisis in the City of Santa Cruz… .”. The commitment, courage, and willingness shown by Shelley Hatch and Ron Pomerantz is amazing and inspiring. Now we get to watch how the new City Council will work under pressure.
SANTA CRUZ SENTINEL January 2018. Exactly one year ago this week I wrote in this space….
JANUARY 1 ST, 2018 SADLY SHRINKING SENTINEL First it was Wallace Baine, then Don Miller, then Karen Kefauver, Stacey Vreeken, and Haven Livingston…all gone. Now we have to wonder about such favorites as Donna Maurillo, Offra Gerstein, Jondi Gumz, Julie Jag — and how about the new column by Steve Kessler? As we’ve been reading, the cutbacks are all generated by Digital First Media. Go here… to see the extent of their print empire, consisting of 97 newspapers. Here’s an example (quote) of what they promise to do for advertisers… “Taking an omni channel approach, we look at a comprehensive view of the purchase journey for your ideal customer group and model the optimal combination of digital touch points to increase your marketing efficiency”. (1/07/19… Jondi Gumz just left after 26 years and Wallace Baine had a piece in Sunday’s (1/06/19) S.F. Chronicle).
James Weller from Sanctuary Santa Cruz and the Peace United Church of Christ wrote a much-deserved critique on Facebook last week. Jim also adds that he has no authority to speak for those organizations, or for any of their members other than myself. Open the link, or links, to his entire piece — but his calling out of Kessler and Primack is spot on. Read how they slam Justin Cummings and Drew Glovers votes. Read about their accusation of exploiting the very legal UCSC student votes…and the ridiculous welcome to the “reality of governance”. See what Weller says about rent control and the “purchase of Propaganda”. And special thanks to James Weller, for allowing me to re-print all of it here…
“Enough already, from the stalking horses harnessed to the Sentinel’s bandwagon of shameless commerce. I’m talking about the politically purposed pundits Mark Primack and Stephen Kessler, whose blatherings seem to be the Sentinel’s favorite blunt instruments, pounding away at least once a week on the Opinion page.
What disgusts me is not so much that these smarty-pants oracles are beating their drums for the bourgeoisie, but that their utterances are full of errors. Worse, these are intentional errors.
Kessler, for instance, in his January 5 blurt, claims that Justin Cummings and Drew Glover, two of the three City Council candidates elected in November, nevertheless did “lose the popular vote,” laughably likening the function of our local popular election to that of the Electoral College.
Kessler’s rubric is “City Council Reality Check: Do the Math.” But he showed his work, and it is obviously bogus. No passing grade for you, Stephen. You compare the total number of votes for Drew and Justin with the total number of votes for all the other eight candidates, saying moronically that “a two-to-one margin” did not vote for the winners. Do I really need to point out that the total number of votes for all the candidates does not equal the number of voters?
He says that Justin’s and Drew’s campaigners asked supporters not to vote for a third candidate, though they could have. Yet, incredibly, Kessler ignores the common-sense certainty that most voters did nevertheless vote for three candidates, although we cannot determine which voters voted for whom. If every voter made three choices, then the total number of votes divided by three would equal the number of voters, which would come to 25,000. Now, look: Cummings won 12,516 votes, Meyers won 11,862, and Glover won 10,972. That means each in turn was favored by a whopping plurality among the rest of the candidates, though Cummings did poll an absolute majority among all of them.
No matter how you slice it, the winners won by solid pluralities of the popular vote. Period. Kessler got it badly wrong, and with a purpose.
Like Primack, Kessler whines about Glover’s “exploitation of the [UCSC] student vote” calling it a “clever political stratagem,” as if there were something nefarious about that. In his very next sentence, Kessler calls that outcome “fair and square by the rules of residency and same-day registration.” Well, duh. Those are the rules, aren’t they, Stephen? And the vast majority of us approve of them.
There are other equally telling lacunae in Kessler’s commentary, and nowhere does he tell the plain truth about why the likes of him, and Primack, are in print in the first place. When Kessler pompously says to Cummings and Glover, “welcome to the reality of governance,” as if he has any authority in the matter, the agenda is thinly veiled.
This isn’t about political philosophy. It’s about rent control, stupid. It’s about sore winners in the successful campaign to kill Measure M, the recently defeated rent-control and tenant eviction protection ballot measure. Glover, Cummings, Brown, and Krohn publicly supported M. Now, they are a majority of the City Council, which is what Kessler, Primack, and the Sentinel are freaking out about.
Some 57% of Santa Cruz residents are tenants, and they overwhelmingly support rent control, the failure of M notwithstanding. M was killed by nearly a million dollars’ worth of deceptive and diversionary propaganda bought and blasted at us by landlord interests, which bamboozled the electorate. The age-old ruling class strategy is to divide the populace, in this instance by pitting tenants against homeowners, and students against everyone else.
Yet in fact, very many voters who were scared off by the manufactured hue and cry against M allowed that they actually do support some form of rent control, but not this one. It was a ubiquitous refrain. In its particulars, M was a necessarily complex proposition, made weirder by the wild card of Proposition 10, conjuring a political Schrodinger’s cat if there ever was one.
But the 2018 election circus that seemed to be all about Measure M is over with. Before us lies the very different realm of municipal legislative process. And, guess what? In 2019, according to the will of the People, by due process, there definitely will be a rent control ordinance enacted by the Santa Cruz City Council. You can bet on it.
One thing on which Kessler agrees with the majority of us is that the process should “be a matter of reason, listening, persuasion, negotiation, [and] compromise.” I believe all that will indeed happen.
But this time, the landlord interests will not be able to buy their desired outcome by carpet bombing us with their purchased propaganda, as they did in 2018. This time, all their money will be to no avail. They’re going to have to come to the table. And there are way more of us than there are of them”. James Weller
TOM NODDY & THE FLYING KARAMAZOVS! Tom Noddy emailed to say he’s working on getting the original four Flying Karamazov Brothers plus himself to re-unite at the 50th anniversary of the Oregon State Fair. That’ll run August 23rd – September 2. Longtime Santa Cruzans who loved our downtown will never forget the Four Flying Karamazovs (UCSC students who went on touring the world, even making big time films). They’ll also remember Tom Noddy the bubble guy and Artis the Spoonman and all sorts of great entertainers that made our Pacific Avenue so unique.
JOHN DIZIKES DIED. There are certain people who create a place — or better yet, space — in their community that no one else can fill. John Dizikes was one of those special people. He had an unusual ability to be larger than life, to simply fill more dimensions than most folks do. No matter how many decades later, John represented all those special and unique features that UCSC had when it opened. He was a great radio interview, an incredibly knowledgeable opera companion, and we’ll all miss him…very much.
Let’s get one thing straight. We do not have a housing crisis. We have a UCSC- generated student growth crisis. Calling it a “housing crisis” is addressing the symptom not the cause. Putting a band-aid on the symptom without excising the cause will not solve the crisis. The cry to “build more housing!” manipulated by developers and housing zealots and latched onto by well meaning, concerned residents will fail to make a dent in the crisis unless the cause is named and tackled head-on.
Consider that in 2002, the UCSC student population was 12 thousand (11 thousand undergraduates and 1 thousand graduates.) The maximum rent for a 4-bedroom house, the size favored by students when they move off campus after their first or second year was reported to be $2300 a month. A Sentinel article on UCSC and downtown rentals for the beginning of the 2002 academic year, written by staff writer Heather Boerner noted that, “This summer, it’s not so bad being a student looking for a place to live. More rentals are on the market, both downtown and at UC Santa Cruz. Rents remain slightly lower than they were last year for the type of big houses students pile into.” And more good news, “don’t expect the student rental market to make renting more difficult for long-term residents this fall.”
Contrast that with a January 1st. 2019 Sentinel article by reporter Jondi Gumz in which Paul Bailey of Bailey Properties notes that a 3 bedroom home (which can house 6 students) rents for $4800 a month. Other than the massive rent increase for a smaller house, the only other metric that significantly changed in that time is the size of the student population. There are now 19 thousand students (17 thousand undergraduates and 2 thousand graduates) enrolled at UCSC with half of that number competing for off-campus housing, allowing landlords to raise rents to whatever the market will bear and enticing speculators to buy up and profit from the situation. Pro-development advocates fabricate a slew of culprits for the “housing crisis”: slow growth activists; environmental regulations; permit costs; rental inspections etc. They conveniently leave unexamined the UCSC demand side, which sits like an 800-pound gorilla on the neck of Santa Cruz, the smallest town to host a UC campus.
UCSC growth is also the cause of the current landlord/tenant hostilities over rent control. It is true that earlier rent control campaigns pre-date rapid UCSC growth but it is the more recent explosion of campus growth that has created the conditions for landlords to capitalize on a fifty percent rent increase in the past 4 years, an untenable situation for renters, especially lower income students and all low income service workers and families, predominantly Latinx. While landlords fume and tenants march, it is clearly not a level playing field. One side is making money and the other is paying the price. Meanwhile, the Regents who created the local housing crisis send missives from the UC ivory tower that the plan is for a further 10 thousand student-enrollment at UCSC. Time to lift our collective heads from the sand, acknowledge that building more in the face of expanding student enrollment is a dead end and organize, not only for a moratorium on further UCSC growth but a roll back to a 2002 enrollment level. That will solve the housing crisis. A far better alternative than paving over paradise.
Gillian Greensite is a long time local activist, a member of Save Our Big Trees and the Santa Cruz chapter of IDA, International Dark Sky Association Plus she’s an avid ocean swimmer, hiker and lover of all things wild. |

Chris Krohn is working with his new City Council colleagues and it’s taken considerably more time out of his work lefe. He will be back next week.
(Chris Krohn is a father, writer, activist, and was on the Santa Cruz City Councilmember from 1998-2002. Krohn was Mayor in 2001-2002. He’s been running the Environmental Studies Internship program at UC Santa Cruz for the past 14 years. He was elected the the city council again in November of 2016, after his kids went off to college. His current term ends in 2020.
Email Chris at |

As of 7:32 am on January 7 Becky had no PG&E power in her house and the road was blocked. So no STEINBRUNER STATES report this week!
Becky Steinbruner is a 30+ year resident of Aptos. She has fought for water, fire, emergency preparedness, and for road repair. She ran for Second District County Supervisor in 2016 on a shoestring and got nearly 20% of the votes.
Email Becky at |

December 31, 2018 #365 / The Good Life (According To David Brooks)
David Brooks, columnist for The New York Times, titled his December 18, 2018, column, “Who Killed The Weekly Standard?” For those who don’t know, The Weekly Standard was a rather conservative publication (but not a publication that was very enthusiastic about our current president).
On December 17, 2018, the owners of The Weekly Standard, a couple of rich, conservative, white guys (you can read Brooks’ column to learn more), abruptly shut it down.
What struck me in Brooks’ column was his definition of “the good life.” Brooks said “the good life” was exemplified by The Weekly Standard:
The good life consists of being an active citizen and caring passionately about politics; … it also consists of knowing something about Latin American fiction, ancient Greek culture and social impact of modern genetics; … it also consists of delighting in the latest good movies and TV shows, the best new cocktails and the casual pleasures of life.
Many of us would agree that the “latest good movies and TV shows,” and “casual pleasures,” are among the things that make life good. I am not so much, personally, interested in “the best new cocktails,” though I do like Latin American fiction. I am not against ancient Greek culture, either. While this is definitely my personal view, I tend to worry a bit, and do not rejoice about, the “social impact of modern genetics.”
Brooks is right on target, though, at least I think so, when we look what Brooks puts at the top of his list:
The good life consists of being an active citizen and caring passionately about politics.
Let’s not forget that. As Hannah Arendt points out, in her book, On Revolution, “being an active citizen” and “caring passionately about politics” is what that “pursuit of happiness” thing is actually all about.
You know the “pursuit of happiness” I am talking about, right? I am sure it can include all sorts of “casual pleasures.” The “pursuit of happiness” is one of those “unalienable rights” mentioned in the Declaration of Independence! It is right up there with life and liberty, and according to Arendt, Brooks is correct in saying that it consists of “being an active citizen and caring passionately about politics.”
For 2019 and 2020, keeping Brooks’ definition in mind, let’s let those good times roll!
Gary Patton is a former Santa Cruz County Supervisor (20 years) and an attorney for individuals and community groups on land use and environmental issues. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. You can read and subscribe to his daily blog at
Email Gary at |

EAGAN’S SUBCONSCIOUS COMICS. Peer into the wild, profound world of yours and my id, ego, and unmentionables.
EAGAN’S DEEP COVER. See Eagan’s “Divided Government ” down a few pages. As always, at you will find his most recent Deep Cover, the latest installment from the archives of Subconscious Comics, and the ever entertaining Eaganblog. Eaganblog has his “View From The Solstice” poem (very subtle) and his blog contains “Just Say Suck” which is nearly unforgettable.

ANNIE LYDON & DAVE STAMEY SHOWS. Singer, performer Annie Lydon joins songwriter and world renowned cowboy vocalist Dave Stamey with two shows at Michaels on Main 2519 Main Street Soquel on January 9 & 10. Get tickets immediately …they always pack the house. Doors open at 6:30, show starts at 7:30. Go to and scroll down.
SANTA CRUZ CHAMBER PLAYERS…Concert #3. The concert is titled “On the Shoulders of Giants!”it features the Wild Coast Brass with Kevin Jordan, Concert director and trumpet. They’ll be playing music by J.S. Bach, Barber, Canadian Brass and more. That’ll happen Saturday, January 19, 7:30 pm and Sunday, January 20, 3:00 pm at The Christ Lutheran Church which is at 10707 Soquel Drive, Aptos (Off Highway 1 at Freedom Blvd.)
RED VELVET, THE PLAY. The Jewel Theatre Company, Santa Cruz’s only full time professional theatre company presents Lolita Chakrabarti’s play Red Velvet from January 23-February 17 at the Colligan Theatre in the Tannery. It’s about the backstage world of London in the early 1800’s. The play is Othello and the lead gets sick and a black man from America is about to take his place as the black Othello!! Go to for more data and tickets.

LISA JENSEN LINKS. Lisa writes: “Don’t expect action, but prepare to be immersed in Roma, the cinematic version of deep yoga breathing to observe and appreciate the small details of life, this week at Lisa Jensen Online Express( Also, some further thoughts on where we go when we’re no longer here, with input from Harry Potter and Mr. Earl!” Lisa has been writing film reviews and columns for Good Times since 1975.
ROMA. What’s extra perfect about Roma is that you can see it on the theatre screen right now, realize how perfect a film it is, and then go home and watch it again on Netflix. I did exactly that. Alfonso Cuarón (Gravity, Children of Men, Y Tu Mama Tambien) directed this complex self-biography/masterpiece. I’m not sure what’s best… the acting, the photography, or the story. It’s Mexico City in the 1970’s, and we watch the changes in the life of a housekeeper and of the world she lives in. See it, especially if you like award-winning classics.
BEN IS BACK. Julia Roberts does one of her very best roles in this controlling Mom dealing with her addict son. Lucas Hedges also captures the rest of the screen as the remorseful son who is earnestly trying hard to stay “clean”. A very hard biting drama, and probably has been a true story many thousands of times. Go see the movie. CLOSES THURSDAY, JANUARY 10.
VICE. Not a GREAT movie but an important one. Christian Bale is completely unrecognizable as Dick Cheney and his performance is for sure Oscar-worthy. I had no idea how evil and powerful Cheney became working under and on top of George W. Bush. It is a scary movie and lacks continuity but politics fans need to see it.
WELCOME TO MARWEN. Poor reviews like a 28 on RT, but I liked it much more than they did. It’s “based on a true story” about a guy who got severely beaten by thugs and lost his memory…completely. So he re-creates a new world populated with Barbie and Ken dolls. Steve Carell plays Mark Hogancamp, the real life sufferer who still lives in up-state New York. Since the movie is about a mentally de-ranged guy it too is disturbingly directed. It’s complex, confused and really involving as well as hypnotic.
MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS. Saoirse Ronan and Margot Robbie play strong and competing would be queens in this costume drama set around the 16th century. It’s a battle between the two great actresses over the throne. It’s full of Catholicism, cruelty, cunnilingus, and other controversial topics. It’s way over done and certainly doesn’t add much too cinematic history.
MARY POPPINS RETURNS. This is a NEW Mary Poppins movie. Emily Blunt is no Julie Andrews and if you’re old enough to remember seeing the 1964 original you’ll realize just how wonderful it was. There’s not a single memorable song in this take, there’s no purity, innocence, or genuinely creative additions to the 54 year old original. Lin-Manuel Miranda, Ben Whishaw, Emily Mortimer and Julie Walters with Colin Firth and Meryl Streep added just to give it hype. Meryl Streep is sort of the Ed Winn character but she’s not as good.
BIRD BOX. Sandra Bullock stars in this dystopian melodrama. Invisible aliens attack earth and if you look at them you’ll have to commit suicide!! I saw this on Netflix, it’s brand new in limited release and who knows of it’ll ever go wall to wall in theatre. It’s a mish mash of time periods as Sandra takes two children on a blindfolded row boat trip to escape these invaders. The ending ??? It doesn’t have one exactly, as our heroes stay over at a school for the blind and stare at the sky. The photography is fine, the acting is pretty good, but none of it makes sense.
GREEN BOOK. Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali (from Oakland) are getting extra-super praise for their roles in this almost-true story of a white chauffeur driving a black jazz pianist through the American south in 1962. I couldn’t buy the entire plot. Both Viggo and Mahershala play their roles way over the top…becoming caricatures. There isn’t a surprise, revelation, or any lesson to be learned from this movie. It’s a story we are all too familiar with. If Slumdog Millionaire got an Academy Award, this one could too. But not from me.
BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY. I should note that I’m no fan of “Queen” the band, or of Freddie Mercury, their Mick Jagger-copying lead singer. Nonetheless this Hollywood-style movie is shallow, hammy, trite, and adds nothing to film, music, or history. It’s actually boring for much of its screen time of two hours and 15 minutes.

UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE. Each and every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. I host Universal Grapevine on KZSC 88.1 fm. or on your computer, (live only or archived for two weeks… (See next paragraph) and go to WWW.KZSC.ORG. . Julie James talks about Jewel Theatre’s new play Red Velvet on January 15. Then Celia and Peter Scott talk about Campaign For Sustainable Transportation. Phil Collins from New Music Works discusses their Feb. 2 concert featuring Terry Riley, piano and Sarah Cahill on January 22. Linda Burman-Hall discusses the full season of The Santa Cruz Baroque Festival on Feb. 5. AND/OR…if you just happen to miss either of the last two weeks of Universal Grapevine broadcasts go here… You have to listen to about 4 minutes of that week’s KPFA news first, then Grapevine happens. Do remember, any and all suggestions for future programs are more than welcome so tune in, and keep listening. Email me always and only at
Very touching short piece. Soon, there won’t be any actual survivors of the Holocaust left. It is vital that we do not forget!
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE ARCHIVES. In case you missed some of the great people I’ve interviewed in the last 9 years here’s a chronological list of some past broadcasts. Such a wide range of folks such as Nikki Silva, Michael Warren, Tom Noddy, UCSC Chancellor George Blumenthal, Anita Monga, Mark Wainer, Judy Johnson, Wendy Mayer-Lochtefeld, Rachel Goodman, George Newell, Tubten Pende, Gina Marie Hayes, Rebecca Ronay-Hazleton, Miriam Ellis, Deb Mc Arthur, The Great Morgani on Street performing, and Paul Whitworth on Krapps Last Tape. Jodi McGraw on Sandhills, Bruce Daniels on area water problems. Mike Pappas on the Olive Connection, Sandy Lydon on County History. Paul Johnston on political organizing, Rick Longinotti on De-Sal. Dan Haifley on Monterey Bay Sanctuary, Dan Harder on Santa Cruz City Museum. Sara Wilbourne on Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre. Brian Spencer on SEE Theatre Co. Paula Kenyon and Karen Massaro on MAH and Big Creek Pottery. Carolyn Burke on Edith Piaf. Peggy Dolgenos on Cruzio. Julie James on Jewel Theatre Company. Then there’s Pat Matejcek on environment, Nancy Abrams and Joel Primack on the Universe plus Nina Simon from MAH, Rob Slawinski, Gary Bascou, Judge Paul Burdick, John Brown Childs, Ellen Kimmel, Don Williams, Kinan Valdez, Ellen Murtha, John Leopold, Karen Kefauver, Chip Lord, Judy Bouley, Rob Sean Wilson, Ann Simonton, Lori Rivera, Sayaka Yabuki, Chris Kinney, Celia and Peter Scott, Chris Krohn, David Swanger, Chelsea Juarez…and that’s just since January 2011.
“The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore”, Vincent Van Gogh
It is only in sorrow bad weather masters us; in joy we face the storm and defy it. Amelia Barr
think that the
world should be full of cats and full of rain, that’s all, just
cats and
rain, rain and cats, very nice, good
Charles Bukowski, Betting on the Muse: Poems and Storie
COLUMN COMMUNICATIONS. Subscriptions: Subscribe to the Bulletin! You’ll get a weekly email notice the instant the column goes online. (Anywhere from Monday afternoon through Thursday or sometimes as late as Friday!), and the occasional scoop. Always free and confidential. Even I don’t know who subscribes!!
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