Blog Archives

January 4 – 10, 2018

Highlights this week:
SADLY SHRINKING SENTINEL, Digital First Media muck, Netflix’s Black Mirror, Sentinel’s questionable movie reviews…GREENSITE on the city’s Bike-share program…KROHN and People’s power, Housing, City Library issues…STEINBRUNER about Aptos Village Secrets, Nissan Dealer in Soquel, Pacific Avenue development, County Budget & pensions, Redman Hirahara House, Merriman House, Rancho del Mar lacking….PATTON and Netflix’s Black Mirror show re our high tech future…DeCinzo and San Lorenzo Park…Eagan re Hats…Eight 10’s at Eight…Jensen and The Shape of Water…I critique Darkest Hour, The Shape Of Water, All the Money in The World, The Greatest Showman…QUOTES about “The New Year”.

DOWNTOWN SANTA CRUZ, 1966. Again we see Spike Jones’s Union Tire and Gas Station at the corners of Water, Mission, Front and Pacific Streets. There’s the McHugh & Bianchi Market, The Tea Cup Restaurant (and bar). On the lower left there’s a sign with the letters B.A.P. does anyone know what B.A.P. stood for? Send answers (and any feedback) only to thanks.

photo credit: Covello & Covello Historical photo collection.

Additional information always welcome: email

BARBARA DANE & group! Barbara Dane has been singing for decades. We had
a jug Band together back in the day. That’s me on the jug.
BARBARA DANES 90TH BIRTHDAY PERFORMANCE. She went on to sing with all the greats!!!
10 AMUSEMENT PARK RIDES. Think about our local roller coaster then take a look at these thriller-diller rides


SADLY SHRINKING SENTINEL First it was Wallace Baine, then Don Miller, then Karen Kefauver, Stacey Vreeken, and Haven Livingston…all gone. Now we have to wonder about such favorites as Donna Maurillo, Offra Gerstein, Jondi Gumz, Julie Jag — and how about the new column by Steve Kessler? As we’ve been reading, the cutbacks are all generated by Digital First Media. Go here… to see the extent of their print empire, consisting of 97 newspapers. Here’s an example (quote) of what they promise to do for advertisers… “Taking an omnichannel approach, we look at a comprehensive view of the purchase journey for your ideal customer group and model the optimal combination of digital touchpoints to increase your marketing efficiency”.

WIKIPEDIA says this about Digital First Media… “Digital First Media is a management company specializing in newspapers in the United States. It is headquartered in Denver, Colorado. It manages the MediaNews Group, Southern California News Group, Digital First Ventures, and 21st Century Media. Its website states it is “a business name of MediaNews Group”. .As of 2012, the combined newspapers and online media outlets managed by the company had 66.6 million readers. According to June[when?] comScore numbers, Digital First Media ranked No. 8 in comScore’s General News Category ranking. On March 21, 2016, a bankruptcy judge approved the sale of Freedom Communications and its two major newspapers, the Orange County Register and the Riverside Press-Enterprise to Digital First Media. The papers were integrated into Digital First Media’s Los Angeles Newspaper Group, which was renamed the Southern California News Group on the same day”. We just have to adjust to the fact that Santa Cruz has lost any semblance of a locally-owned or even locally-focused print newspaper. A similar story happened — and is still happening — at the Monterey Herald. Read this Herald story…. It tells how George Ow and Geoffrey Dunn tried to buy back the Herald to keep it local. It’s another rapid advance into the tech future that the TV program “Black Mirror” centers on.

BLACK MIRROR ON NETFLIX. Gary Patton in his column this week tips us off to the gripping, fearful, and excellently-acted British Television program Black Mirror on Netflix. It’s not a series: each segment is a complete story, and usually based on what the future will be like if our present day tech devices take over even more of our lives. It’s into its fourth season now, and a fifth has been promised. Famous American and British actors show up in each episode…and you’ll end up thinking in new ways as you use Facebook, You Tube, and iPhones.

ANOTHER SENTINEL GRIPE. When Wallace Baine was the Sentinel’s film critic we had consistency. You might agree with him a lot, or maybe never, BUT you knew what kind of films he liked, and you could judge accordingly. Now the Sentinel has any number of syndicated critics/reviewers to choose from. They can pick a positive film review or a negative review from any source. Wallace was forced to choose either a good or bad review too…but not very often.

Gillian Greensite is a long time local activist, a member of Save Our Big Trees and the Santa Cruz chapter of IDA, International Dark Sky Association  Plus she’s an avid ocean swimmer, hiker and lover of all things wild.

Dateline: January 1, 2018

In contemplating what to write about at the start of another year’s journey around the sun, I decided on something small and ostensibly uncontroversial: the city’s proposed Bike-share program, due to start in March of 2018. What could possibly be at issue with such a positive gesture towards alternative transportation?

If the comments on Next Door are any measure of the community’s opinion, the program is already generating controversy — and it’s easy to see why.

The program will provide 250 bikes for rent at 25 stations around the city: so far so good. The bikes are bright red and designed to prevent theft with no removable parts, built-in U-locks and a GPS tracker: even better. These JUMP bikes, as they are called, are a joint venture between Social Bicycle of New York and the city of Santa Cruz, with the former being responsible for the provision and maintenance of the bicycles: better yet. What could possibly go wrong? Well, 15 of the 25 stations require the removal of 1-2 on-street parking places, many of which are in front of people’s homes, much to their surprise. One station is in front of the Garfield Park library, which caused me to fire off an email of protest long before I saw the comments on Next Door. I’m a regular user of the Garfield Park library, one of life’s simple pleasures, and mostly I walk or ride my bike to and from. However if I’m on my way home and driving, I’ll park outside and run in to return or pick up a book. There’s almost always a space available: that is until the spaces are turned into a bike-share station. Trying to park a car elsewhere on Woodrow is difficult since it’s a unique street and what about patrons with mobility issues? Grrr…

Then I saw the comments on Next Door. I’ll take their word for it that they weren’t asked whether they wanted a station in front of their houses. I can say without fear of contradiction that few of my Westside neighbors would welcome losing their on-street parking for a collection of ten bikes plus people. My hunch is the same sentiment exists on the eastside. A good idea was suddenly losing its appeal. How could this happen? According to the city’s blurb on the program, there was outreach, and people weighed in with comments with 80 suggested locations for stations. That sounds reasonable, although comments were mainly solicited from Santa Cruz Open Streets, a bicyclists-promoted event and Bike to Work Day: the stakeholders. That might not be a problem if the JUMP bikes were to be centrally located in a city garage or at Louden Nelson Community Center, rather than removing on-street parking in front of people’s homes and taking away access to a neighborhood library. If the goal is to encourage more visitors and residents to ride a bike then outreach should extend beyond the converted. Aggravating car drivers is not a good motivator. And if the city is taking away parking in front of my house and installing a new activity, I’d surely like to be consulted with the option of refusal.   

A further look into the program raises other questions. The bikes will cost $4 an hour. In order to use one, you have to download an app, fill out a liability waiver, sign a contract and provide a credit card. That would seem to leave out a lot of young people. You have to be 18 to sign a contract unless your parent is there to sign. The bikes don’t have to be returned to a station since they can be tracked via the GPS and non-return costs a mere $1. Who will collect a bike left on the beach in Capitola?

While encouraging more people to ride a bike is worthy of support, there is no indication that a poorly thought-out program will achieve that goal. On a deeper level, the city’s practice of reaching out to self-interested “stakeholders” with a fait accompli while ignoring those who will be impacted is a recipe for failure. We have experienced that with the De-sal plant, the Wharf Master Plan and the Corridors Plan to name a few. Fortunately the Bike-share program is a relatively small program and hopefully it is not too late for a mid-course correction. Comments are being solicited until January 10th and should be addressed to Amelia Conlen,


(Chris Krohn is a father, writer, activist, former Santa Cruz City Councilmember (1998-2002) and Mayor (2001-2002). He’s been running the Environmental Studies Internship program at UC Santa Cruz for the past 12 years. He was elected last November to another 4-year term on the Santa Cruz City Council).

Email Chris at

Dateline: December 17, 2017
“People Power Continues in 2017”


Leopold the cat. I love my cat…and he reads the NY Times daily.

The SC city council meeting was packed on Dec. 5th. These are just a few of the more than 50 comments that were heard at the public podium in council chambers. Taken together they reflect the essence of the housing debate in SC.

  • Bruce Van Allen said the city should be involved in offering legal services to tenants.
  • Zav Hershfield pleaded with the council, “all we are asking for is a level playing field.”
  • Vicky Winters asked the council to think about the impact of the housing crisis on young children.
  • Ernestina Saldaña was clear: “Property management companies are the problem.”
  • Deborah Marks was firm: “Treat neighborhoods as partners, not enemies.”
  • Josh Brahinski asked those present to join a new group, “Landlords for Rent Control.”
  • Steven echoed why so many showed up to what was supposed to be THE solution-oriented meeting during the Mayor’s year of housing, “We want a rent freeze now…we do not want to be punished for not owning property.”
  • Dawn Scott-Norris spoke against “gentrification.”
  • David Subock had an idea. “I’m putting together alternative standards” for building accessory dwelling units (ADUs) that are “deed-restricted.”
  • Mark Primack said the city has made so many mistakes in searching for housing solutions, “the corridor plan was a fiasco,” and the rental inspection ordinance was a “misstep.”
  • Gail Jack came with a complete recipe for lowering housing prices: rent stabilization, repeal Costa-Hawkins, vote for an immediate freeze on rents, provide legal support for tenants, support building affordable ADUs, and preserve existing affordable housing after their sunset date.
  • Walt Wadlow weighed in: “…overbuilding has the potential of destroying a gem of a town.”
  • Matt Nathanson said, “It’s really about affordability.”
  • Sarah was loud and clear: “Are you going to Oakland?…let’s bring it to the (UC) regents! Let’s make them accountable.”
  • Rick Longinotti said the planning department should cross off the “covered parking requirement” in residential neighborhoods. He also said his family has rented out five units in San Francisco since the 1950’s and have done just fine by that city’s rent control law.
  • Andy spoke for landlords, as did four others from realtor groups and the California Apartment Association, when he said there are “unintended consequences of rent control,” that we need to avoid, but he added that he’d “love to have rent control for my kids.”
  • Gary Patton said “don’t give away neighborhood integrity.”

The Downtown Library Advisory Committee Sends Its Recommendation to the City Council. Is it Reflective of the Community?

On December 13th, the Downtown Library Advisory Committee (DLAC), appointed to direct the spending of $23 million for a new or improved facility, decided to go with “Option B” and voted to go ahead with the consultants’ advice of placing a new library in a 5-story parking garage on the current site of the SC Farmer’s Market at Lincoln and Cedar Streets. Doesn’t sound so good on the face of it, does it? But after attending the meeting I have to believe DLAC members did what they thought was most prudent, and some actually said the committee’s charge was not about parking cars or about addressing homelessness. I think they’re right. So now it’s up to other committees and commissions like the Downtown Commission and the Climate Change Action Plan committee to weigh in and offer the city council their best advice. DLAC members heard an earful from the public with respect to the “library-garage” project. It is likely that over 200 members of the public came forward during their various meetings to tell them to separate the library from the garage. In the end, it seems to me they were offered options that were difficult to choose other than the one they did, which places the downtown library squarely inside of a 5-story garage. But wait. Perhaps asking the consultants to come back with other alternatives could’ve been a fifth option, but only four were put on the table for the committee to vote on. Stay woke and stay tuned on this one!

On December 3rd, I heard the voices of over 100 present at the DLAC meeting. They advocated for the following:

  • The library should be a cultural stand-alone place.
  • Wasn’t the group (DLAC) just to look at what to do with the $23 million (bond money)? If we go beyond $23 million we need another bond measure.
  • “Hell, no more parking” (structures)!
  • The current options are too vague and ambiguous.
  • Put a stand-alone facility at Cedar and Lincoln with a plaza for performance space.
  • More resident input is needed. Can we have more community meetings?
  • Why was the current downtown library not well-maintained?
  • What will the current library be used for if the move is completed?
  • There was nothing in the bond measure (Measure S, June 2016) about moving the library.

Bernie Tweet of the Year

Now is the time to alter our government. Now is the time to stop the movement toward oligarchy. Now is the time to create a government which represents all Americans and not just the 1%… No more excuses. We must all become involved in the political process.” 

Becky Steinbruner is a 30+ year resident of Aptos. She has fought for water, fire, emergency preparedness, and for road repair. She ran for Second District County Supervisor in 2016 on a shoestring and got nearly 20% of the votes.

Email Becky at

I had three hours to comment on significant modifications to building design for the Aptos Village Project Phase 2, from the time I happened to learn about the Application #171292 Level 4 Discretionary Action. Most local residents, including me, had NO IDEA there are major changes in the works. Is this transparent government? NOPE! The two signs at the construction site are hidden from public view and do not state any close of comment period.

The Planning Department needs to extend public comment before Planner Randall Adams makes a determination. Write Randall.Adams and demand at least three weeks extension for public comment. Supervisor Zach Friend needs to hold a PUBLIC MEETING before any further changes are approved. CEQA process??? Write Zach Friend or phone 454-2200. Demand to see the Environmental Review for this Discretionary action and justification if there is none.

Here is the link to the Planning Department’s Level 4 Discretionary Projects, Page 3 — under “undeveloped land in Aptos Village”
APN 041-011-39 and -40 for Application #171292.

Now, compare the designs for Buildings 1, 2, 8,9, and 10 on the original Tentative Map Project here when you click on “Aptos Village Project Plans”

What I see are a lot of three-story buildings where there were none before, with wrap-around massive structures replacing landscaped areas at the entrance to Nisene Marks State Park on Aptos Creek Road.  I cannot read the fine print of the occupancy details, but it appears that the nature of the mixed-use businesses has also changed, which may alter the traffic counts, traffic circulation and parking. 

The community deserves a public meeting to weigh in on these issues.  Where is the Environmental Review for these Discretionary Approvals of Phase 2 Building Design Modifications?  Ask Randall Adams

click here to continue (link expands, click again to collapse)

Show up on Tuesday, January 9 in front of Grunsky Law Offices (240 Westgate Drive, Watsonville) to support Captain Ryan Peters as he goes into a SKELLY HEARING to defend himself against demotion by the Board. Bring signs and let him know the Community supports him in the course of this outrageous action.

The Aptos/La Selva Fire District Board is proceeding with punitive action against Captain Ryan Peters, President of Union Local 3535 who organized the unprecedented 100% Vote of No Confidence against then-Chief Jon Jones when he prepared to ask the Board for a contract extension. Now, the Board is seeking to have Captain Peters DEMOTED to Firefighter/Paramedic. They would have terminated him had he not had such an exemplary employment and service history. 

Here is information about what a Skelly Hearing involves
Write the Board and let them know what you think

Direct all communication to the Board of Directors to Ms. Tracy New AND SPECIFY THAT YOUR COMMUNICATION IS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE BOARD’S AGENDA PACKET. If you do not specify this, it will NOT be included.

I hope to have photos for you next week of what this Project is looking like.  No reply from the tenants who were evicted last October, but ShowTime Pizzeria has moved next door at 7960 Soquel Drive, Suite E.

The Santa Cruz County Public Works Dept. website for the Aptos Village Traffic Improvement Project Phase I at Trout Gulch was recently updated to warn the public of LONG delays with paving work.  The new traffic light may be operational by January 9.  Gee, I can hardly wait.  Take a look at the website info. here

Contact Project Engineer Carisa Duran or 831-454-3955 with your thoughts.  You might also contact County District Supervisor Zach Friend or 831-454-2200.  He claims that he loves to hear from you.  If that were true, one would think he would begin having public meetings about the Aptos Village Project Phase 2 Building Design Modifications and the 2004 Project Traffic Study that needs to be updated….don’t you think? 

Cheers and Happy New Year,

Becky Steinbruner

Gary is a former Santa Cruz County Supervisor (20 years) and an attorney for individuals and community groups on land use and environmental issues. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. You can read and subscribe to his daily blog at

Email Gary at

Dateline: Friday, December 29, 2017
#363 / Nosedive

I have a recommendation for those who have not yet tuned into the Black Mirror series on Netflix. You should! For those not familiar with Black Mirror, here is what Wikipedia has to say about it:  

Black Mirror is a British science fiction anthology television series created by Charlie Brooker, with Brooker and Annabel Jones serving as the programme’s showrunners. [Black Mirror] centers on dark and satirical themes that examine modern society, particularly with regard to the unanticipated consequences of new technologies.

The image is from Episode #1 in Season #3, “Nosedive.” This episode was a pretty compelling picture of how our society would look if we took seriously all those social media “likes.” In the world portrayed in “Nosedive,” a person’s ability to participate meaningfully in society depends on the “score” that he or she has received from those persons with whom he or she has interacted. Those “likes,” or “dis-likes,” add up. Every interaction gets a score from 1-5, and if your overall score is too low, you won’t even be able to rent a car, must less move into the gated community of your dreams. 

As it turns out, the “Nosedive” world may already exist … in China. Here’s a report from The Wall Street Journal

Apple CEO Tim Cook looks forward to a “common future in cyberspace” with China, he told the Chinese government’s World Internet Conference earlier this month. This was an embarrassing gesture toward a state that aggressively censors the internet and envisions a dystopian future online.

The experience of lawyer Li Xiaolin may give a taste of what that future looks like. During a 2016 work trip inside China, he tried to use his national identity card to purchase a plane ticket. To his surprise, the online system rejected it, saying he had been blacklisted by China’s top court. Mr. Li checked the court’s website: His name was on a list of “untrustworthy” people for having failed to carry out a court order in 2015. He thought he had resolved the issue, but now he was stranded more than 1,200 miles from home.

Mr. Li’s dilemma was due to the Chinese government’s ambitious “social credit system.” Launched by the government in 2012, it vows to “make trustworthy people benefit everywhere and untrustworthy people restricted everywhere” by the time it is fully implemented in 2020.

The main character in “Nosedive” had problems getting on a plane, too.
What Black Mirror tells us is that our modern technologies may, indeed, have dark consequences. One good reason to watch Black Mirror is to help inoculate oneself against the glittering promises that our new technologies advertise. That iPhone X, with its powerful facial recognition capabilities, may not be such a wonderful invention, after all!

I have a hunch we may get a look at why facial recognition isn’t such a good idea in some future Black Mirror episode!


CLASSICAL DeCINZO. An old DeCinzo cartoon makes it clear some things never change!! Scroll down just a bit.

EAGAN’S DEEP COVER. See Eagan’s “The Year In Hats” down a few pages. As always, at you will find his most recent  Deep Cover, the latest installment from the archives of Subconscious Comics, and the ever entertaining Eaganblog with his “Bee Wars” commentary.

EIGHT 10’s at EIGHT PLAYS. For 23 years the Actors Theatre has performed and presented evenings of eight original plays submitted from everywhere… and each lasting only 10 minutes.

Funny, sad, profound, moving and even boring, but wait ten minutes and there’ll be a new one. There are now two evenings “A” and “B” each presenting eight different plays. Its great fun.

They Open Jan. 5 and run through February 4th at the Center Stage Theatre 1001 Center Street (near where the old India Joze used to be). Go here for the rest of the information.

LISA JENSEN LINKS. Lisa writes: “Happy New year to all! Why is Guillermo del Toro’s The Shape of Water the most poignant love story of the year? Find out this week at Lisa Jensen Online Express ( Also, some further thought on beasts, and beauties, and the lure of non-traditional love stories” Lisa has been writing film reviews and columns for Good Times since 1975.  

DARKEST HOUR. Gary Oldman takes the role of Winston Churchill to new heights…and depths. It’s world War II history and the background story of what Churchill had to endure when he first took office as Prime Minister. Oldman deserves the Oscar like few stars ever have. The story is absorbing, educational, and it makes you wonder why the USA doesn’t have someone like Churchill to handle Trump, like Churchill handled Hitler and Mussolini.

THE SHAPE OF WATER. A 93 on RT and that means something! Sally Hawkins plays a beautiful mute working in a lab, who cares for and then falls in love with a mysterious water creature. It’s a fable, a fairy story, and a reminder of the black and white fantasy films from the 40’s and 50’s. It’s directed by Guillermo Del Toro, who did Pan’s Labyrinth and Hellboy, and is such an enormous change from every other film we’ve seen in years that it’s worth going just for the fun of it.

ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD. This movie will forever change your reaction to the Getty Museum in Malibu…trust me. You’ve probably already heard that this movie was completely finished with Kevin Spacey in the lead role of J. Paul Getty, but then with Spacey’s sex problems looming so large they re-filmed the part and replaced Spacey with Christopher Plummer. Ridley Scott directed it, and of course he directed Alien, The Martian, Into The Storm and other big box office hits. Michelle Williams and Mark Wahlberg are the other stars. It’s a cruel, nearly true story about how J. Paul wouldn’t give Italian kidnappers any ransom money when they kidnapped his grandson. I felt far removed from the film, and never identified with anyone in the plot. It was cold, well filmed, and credibly acted but it never drew me into feeling anything for anyone involved.

THE GREATEST SHOWMAN. This is Hugh Jackman trying his best to bring life to the bio of P. T. Barnum. Jackman is an excellent dancer, singer and showman, but this movie just doesn’t have the heart or solidity that a good film should. The music is just more copying of Andrew Lloyd Weber’s gooey showbiz, and it’s shallow, trite, and repetitious to a fault. Don’t bother seeing it.

LADY BIRD. This film restored my faith in great films! RT gives it 100% and it’s the highest rated film in RT’s history!!! Greta Gerwig directed Saorise Ronan and others in this sincere, well-thought-out movie. A teenaged daughter and her Mom have a terrible, never-ending battle over clothes, religion, dating, sex, college and everything else. It all happens in Sacramento in about 2003, which is somehow appropriate. It’s sensitive, subtle, and surprising. Gerwig breaks many directing rules and creates new plot possibilities. Go see this film. Ps….as I’ve told many folks, it’s definitely not about Lady Bird Johnson!!!

THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI. First, please note the 95 RT rating. When you have Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson and Sam Rockwell working in a film directed by an Oscar-winning director you almost can’t miss. It is definitely a dark comedy. The plot contains murder, rape, loyalty, cancer, and some absolutely brilliant acting. Go see it, and force all your friends to see it too.

STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI. Yes, 93 on RT and I thought it was a complete fake of a billion dollar move machine. I’ll always remember going to our Soquel Drive in (just a little stoned) and being completely taken into outer space with Star Wars 1. It had humor, empathy, great imagination, tension and a story you could care about. The franchise now stages monotonous, uncaring, space attacks and wars so numerous that you can’t remember who is on who’s side…and you don’t care much either. There’s the Dark Side, the Resistance, Adam Driver, R2D2, a very dull Carrie Fisher, an aging Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker and those endless space battles that take up probably 33 1/3 of the movie. A great disappointment…go at your own peril, and its 2 1/2 hours extra long.

COCO. A genuine Pixar animated cartoon. And, the animation is amazingly three –dimensional. The plot is totally focused on the very rich and traditional Mexican culture. Day of the Dead, plenty of food, religion, music, and only a little boring after the first half hour. It’s completely original, you’ve never seen anything like this before, its way more creative and developed than what we usually think of as a Disney Cartoon. Go see it.

WONDER WHEEL. One of Woody Allen’s worst films. How he can hit so wonderfully like “Annie Hall”, “Purple Rose Of Cairo”, “Midnight In Paris”,  ” and Blue Jasmine” and create a dull, unbelievable flop like Wonder Wheel? Kate Winslet has never been more unbelievable, Justin Timberlake does better than I would have predicted but he’s out of place in this muck and mire. It’s about their lives in Coney Island in the 1950’s and as I went to Coney Island a few times in the 1950’s so was really looking forward to this screening. Damn. Woody is now making a film titled, “Roda Gigante”…we can only guess! RT gives Wonder Wheel 30.



UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE. Each and every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. I host Universal Grapevine on KZSC 88.1 fm. or on your computer, (live only or archived for two weeks… (See next paragraph) and go to WWW.KZSC.ORG. Santa Cruz City Councilman Chris Krohn opens the new year on Jan. 2 He’s followed by Attorney/activist Bob Taren, looking ahead to the new political year. January 9th has Otolaryngologist, Dr. Douglas Hetzler discussing surfers ear, ear wax and dangers of candling and many other health issues. UC San Diego Professor Emeritus Roddey Reid comes from Berkeley to talk about his book, “Confronting Political Intimidation and Public Bullying” on Jan. 16. Dr. Carlos Arcangeli, noted Urologist, bring us up to date on those problems on Jan.23. Then on January 30 UCSC Music prof. Linda Burman Hall talks about the 45th annual Santa Cruz Baroque Festival opening February 10. AND ALSO…if you just happen to miss either of the last two weeks of Universal Grapevine broadcasts go here You have to listen to about 4 minutes of that week’s KPFA news first, then Grapevine happens. Do remember, any and all suggestions for future programs are more than welcome so tune in, and keep listening. Email me always and only

The Ted-ed videos are often on interesting topics.

UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE ARCHIVES. In case you missed some of the great people I’ve interviewed in the last 9 years here’s a chronological list of some past broadcasts.  Such a wide range of folks such as  Nikki Silva, Michael Warren, Tom Noddy, UCSC Chancellor George Blumenthal, Anita Monga, Mark Wainer, Judy Johnson, Wendy Mayer-Lochtefeld, Rachel Goodman, George Newell, Tubten Pende, Gina Marie Hayes, Rebecca Ronay-Hazleton, Miriam Ellis, Deb Mc Arthur, The Great Morgani on Street performing, and Paul Whitworth on Krapps Last Tape. Jodi McGraw on Sandhills, Bruce Daniels on area water problems. Mike Pappas on the Olive Connection, Sandy Lydon on County History. Paul Johnston on political organizing, Rick Longinotti on De-Sal. Dan Haifley on Monterey Bay Sanctuary, Dan Harder on Santa Cruz City Museum. Sara Wilbourne on Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre. Brian Spencer on SEE Theatre Co. Paula Kenyon and Karen Massaro on MAH and Big Creek Pottery. Carolyn Burke on Edith Piaf. Peggy Dolgenos on Cruzio. Julie James on Jewel Theatre Company. Then there’s Pat Matejcek on environment, Nancy Abrams and Joel Primack on the Universe plus Nina Simon from MAH, Rob Slawinski, Gary Bascou, Judge Paul Burdick, John Brown Childs, Ellen Kimmel, Don Williams, Kinan Valdez, Ellen Murtha, John Leopold, Karen Kefauver, Chip Lord, Judy Bouley, Rob Sean Wilson, Ann Simonton, Lori Rivera, Sayaka Yabuki, Chris Kinney, Celia and Peter Scott, Chris Krohn, David Swanger, Chelsea Juarez…and that’s just since January 2011.


“And now we welcome the new year. Full of things that have never been”. Rainer Maria Rilke
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it”, Charles R. Swindoll
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment”,  Buddha
“First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you”, F. Scott Fitzgerald

COLUMN COMMUNICATIONS. Subscriptions: Click and enter the box in the upper right hand corner of each Column. You’ll get a weekly email notice the instant the column goes online. (Anywhere from Monday afternoon through Thursday or sometimes as late as Friday!) Always free and confidential. Even I don’t know who subscribes!!

Snail Mail: Bratton Online
82 Blackburn Street, Suite 216
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

Direct email:
Direct phone: 831 423-2468
All Technical & Web details: Gunilla Leavitt @


Deep Cover by Tim Eagan.

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