BRATTON…Circle Church property update, an opinion column, Sustainable Transportation and bike parking. GREENSITE…on ADUs.KROHN…defining Far Left and its history. STEINBRUNER…Monterey Bay Economic Partnership event and Related California. PATTON…The Good Mayor. EAGAN…Subconscious Comics and Deep Cover. JENSEN…reviews Green Book. BRATTON…critiques the new films. UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE GUEST LINEUP. QUOTES…from Donald Trump!
Funny Sea Lion/Seal Video Compilation | Dogs of the Sea |
King High Tide at San Lorenzo River, Santa Cruz, CA |
DATELINE December 3 (before city election results)
CIRCLE CHURCH PROPERTY. There was a meeting last Thursday (11/29) in the Circle Church, managed by Mark Thomas, a realtor from Lighthouse Realty. 75 or more community members attended. Justin Cummings, Donna Meyers and Chris Krohn also attended. Sue Powell was there too, and she Facebooked… “Thank you for the reminder about the Errett Circle development meeting. It was well-attended. The “Circle of Friends” bought the property a year ago and hired Thatcher Thompson to draw up plans. The majority of community members in the audience opposed the development. My POV is that it is elitist, lacks diversity, and does not fit in the neighborhood. Any mandated affordable units will most likely be built elsewhere. It is an important central location with an incredible view to the ocean, and it should remain as a center for community gatherings. New Council, new Planning Commissioners. Hopeful”. Sue didn’t mention that the property sold last December for $3,266,666, and that it’s zoned for residential. The majority of folks attending that meeting proved that most of the neighbors want to see the property remain oriented to community use. Most of the audience applauded when any anti-co-housing property plans were discussed. Many Circle Church neighbors were so mad at the managed presentation that they walked out in frustration. It’s been a genuine community center for 120 years. The property continues to be heavily used, with classrooms, the gym, and the kitchen and sanctuary always filled and booked way in advance with activities. Many folks want and hope that the city can take over the entire facility. The church is not in poor shape, as the would-be developers claim. The developers are pushing for cutting down the trees, destroying the church and making it into 12 two, or two and a half, story houses with 12 ADU’s. It’ll be a huge money-maker for the Circle of Friends and their co-housing development. Let’s hope the city takes a genuine interest in this Circle property: it’s precious ,and a very significant part of our history…and future.
FACEBOOK FOLLIES. I won’t bother repeating all the stuff that a few well-intentioned FB’s wrote in response to my including “scumbag” as a description of Christopher VanHall in last week’s BrattonOnline. My community bell-ringer did tell me that maybe “scumbag” was a little harsh, and that “slick sales pitchman” fits him more accurately. VanHall is generally regarded as the “pastor” of the Circle Church, even though he has no official religious title. VanHall also has a history of owning two churches in South Carolina. You should go to my page on Facebook and read the 6 or more entries, including a response from VanHall. A very important factor in all of this is that in spite of all of above, these FB’ers don’t seem to realize that BrattonOnline is an OPINION COLUMN! It’s like an editorial or any regular opinion column, it’s not “fake news” and doesn’t try to be…what you read here now, and all the way back to 1975 when I started with, Good Times Vol.1, #1 are opinions.
SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTATION. Peter Scott sent this important notice…I recently added three links to videos about bike parking in the Netherlands to our website. The three videos are about new bike parking facilities at transit stations in Utrecht and Delft. These facilities are large — as many as 12,000 bikes can be parked at the Utrecht Centraal Station. Just click here for links to all three. Those links are on the left-hand side. Please read the pieces on Bus Passes, Highway widening, Smart Trains and Rail PLUS Trail. Peter concludes… “I hope you enjoy them. Maybe some ideas here. Do we really need a garage for 12,000 cars?”
The city Planning Director, Lee Butler, read last week’s BrattonOnline piece and wrote to me, wanting to clarify a few points regarding ADU’s (Accessory Dwelling Units) to make sure that I and other community members have a clear understanding of the City’s proposals. (The issue, postponed from the Nov. 27th meeting will be before council on Tuesday Dec.4th, Last minute edit: The item was tabled. The new date for council vote on the ADU proposed changes is Tuesday December 11th after the hour of 8:30 AM). He recommended I read the staff reports and wanted me to know that the reduced setbacks for ADU’s are state law; that the issue of removing owner-occupancy in exchange for affordability is still an ongoing discussion; that the fast track is a result of city council direction. He further clarified that while 56% of city households are indeed tenant occupied, for single-family homes, tenant occupancy is under 1/3rd. He expressed the opinion that removing all parking requirements for ADU’s “goes only a bit further” than existing state law by adding new freestanding ADU’s to the parking exemptions. I penned the following reply:
Hi Lee,
Thanks for taking the time to write. I reviewed the staff report prior to the Planning Commission meeting on ADU revisions, attended that meeting and have read the staff report for the Dec. 4th meeting. I understand that the city is obliged to conform to state law regarding ADU’s so am not critical of the city for complying. However the proposed city changes go well beyond state law and the impacts on our neighborhoods IMO will be significant and negative. I understand that the topic of ADU’s was high on the list of recommendations from the Housing Blueprint Subcommittee and that council directed staff to bring the issue back as soon as possible. That doesn’t preclude an approach that tries to balance the provision of more ADU’s with a need to protect existing neighborhoods from overcrowding, noise, traffic etc. So far, I see much of the former and little of the latter.
Removing any parking requirement for newly constructed ADU’s is a significant change, especially in the single- family neighborhoods, which are undergoing rapid gentrification with small cottages demolished and new, larger dwellings frequently adding an ADU. The reasoning behind such a parking change does not suggest concern for existing neighborhoods, which have spoken up loudly and clearly about parking nightmares on their streets. Yes, ADU’s are a way to add rental housing to existing neighborhoods but for whom and at what cost? With 1440 residential units built since the 2030 General Plan adoption and many more units slated for downtown, it could be argued that the state law easing of restrictions on ADU’s is far-reaching enough and doesn’t require the city pushing that limit further. I’m aware that many want these changes in order to profit off the hot rental market. I’ve heard from those who have lost their privacy, sunlight and open space due to ADU’s. I don’t see ADU’s providing affordable housing for those who live and work here and if they did, I’d not be opposed. In fact I’m not opposed to the reasonable addition to our housing stock via ADU’s. I’m opposed to the removal of reasonable limits that protect existing residents from such development.
Thanks for clarifying the setbacks issue as state law. However, the proposed city change from the current limit of 30% of the rear yard setback for an ADU to 50% is significant and negates staff’s apparent concern for the adjoining residents’ right to sunlight, privacy and open space.
Having more discussion on the trade-off: non-owner occupancy for “affordability” is appreciated. However the proposed change to owner occupancy to include family members seems unnecessary and open to abuse. Having worked at UCSC for 30 years I’m aware of a number of houses bought by parents for their student offspring and friends to live in while attending college. Perhaps a small impact. The larger, more concerning impact is the staff recommendation to allow new ADU’s to be operated as short-term rentals for 3 years, not only ignoring neighborhood impacts but also negating the stated rationale for ADU’s.
Thanks for the invitation for dialogue. Hoping you are enjoying a beautiful sunny Sunday after such welcome rain.
Gillian Greensite is a long time local activist, a member of Save Our Big Trees and the Santa Cruz chapter of IDA, International Dark Sky Association Plus she’s an avid ocean swimmer, hiker and lover of all things wild. |
Far Left
A journalist writing for a local weekly recently called me and my fellow Santa Cruz Councilmember, Sandy Brown, part of the “Far Left.” I wondered what I had done to offend him? Should I cut my hair? Change my pants more often? Were my nose hairs too prominent? Or maybe, just to prove him right, I should don a black arm band and sweat band and run down Pacific Avenue screaming, “death to Amerika.” A part of me thought I should wear more black and spit a lot more. Maybe Sandy and I should call ourselves The F.L. as the insurgent FMLN in El Salvador and FSLN in Nicaragua came to mind.
Some History
A Far Left in the United States, or Europe often saw armed revolution as the only viable political alternative. The Weather Underground, Red Brigades, the Bader-Meinhoff Gang come to mind. Hate to say it, but Sandy Brown and I don’t even possess gun permits. Far Left also conjures up for some the image of the bearded beret-wearing Che poster, or Stalin twirling his famous Simon Legree mustache. (Question: do Far Leftists always have some form of facial hair?) Perhaps cars burning on the Champs Elysee in Paris in ’68 is the image of leftists gone really far? Will autos, or bicycles be burning along Soquel any time soon?
Sandy and I’s Far Left tendencies generally have to do with not building a five-story parking garage on the current site of the Farmer’s Market, or asking developers to keep 25% of the units they build affordable. We did once oppose one of those Uber Jump Bike racks on West Cliff. Maybe the Far Left label comes from the time we voted for money to televise Planning Commission meetings (we lost, 5-2)? Oh, I know what it could’ve been, we voted to increase the city council’s budget supporting childcare facilities in town. We were told the extra $25k would be a budget buster, but we voted yes anyway.
More History
Far Leftists are often seen as seizing office to combat an overbearing dictator–Somoza, Diem, and Pinochet all come to mind, but since Donald Trump does not live in Santa Cruz, it is unlikely that the Santa Cruz version of armed revolution will be spilling into our streets any time soon. And sometimes, because a few of those so-called Far Leftists are bat-shit crazy–Jim Jones, Daniel Ortega/Rosario Murillo, and Pol Pot–the term Far Left carries a good deal of pejorative baggage when used in the Santa Cruz context. Some of these dictators were ruthless people who killed off their opposition wantonly and sought to bring “ordem y progreso” only to maximize the profits of their petrochemical factories, copper mines, and cattle ranches.
Rubber Band Effect
In politics, the political rubber band often snaps back. First, a country is pulled over from the Far Right to the center, only after a left was pushed to the Far Left and picked up weapons, but is that what’s happening in Santa Cruz today? I wonder if Gaspar Ilom (Guatemala), or Roque Dalton (El Salvador), or even Abimail Guzman (Peru) know there’s a Far Left in La Republica Popular de Santa Cruz? If they did, maybe they’ll apply for political asylum? (Wasn’t that a city council agenda item recently?)Insurgents of the Colombian FARC, the Basque ETA, or Western Sahara’s Polisario must all be wondering what they were fighting for if all it took for two members of the Santa Cruz city council to waltz into office and be pronounced as members of the Far Left.
Councilmembers Brown and Krohn showing off “Far Left” credentials in front of surfer statue. |
The “Far Left” Raging Grannies performing recently at Ruth Hunter’s memorial. |
Students waiting in line to vote. Do “Far Leftists” vote? |
Sam Farr, seen recently sporting a Red Gayabera shirt. The “Farr Left” gloves came off when he revealed it was from, now get this a Havana trip with hardcore “Far Leftist,” Ruth Hunter. |
The Bicycle Taxi driver…is he on the “Far Left” too? |
So, what does a Far Left in Santa Cruz even look like? Given that the Far Left is rarely (if ever?) elected, what could be behind this local weekly’s Far Left labeling of the apparent winners of the Santa Cruz city council elections? I was so interested in this notion that I began asking everyone I encountered during the past week what a Far Left is, and does it exist in Santa Cruz? Most people just winced and wanted me to repeat the question. When I did they responded: ‘A Far Left in Santa Cruz, what does that mean?’ I wondered if this weekly media organ is so invested in condos, bike racks, or parking lots that they have to label hardworking, renter Democrats as leftist insurgents. More appropriate labels might be: Left Democrat, Berniecrat, Progressive or New Progressive, but Far Left? Would anyone out there actually believe we have a Far Left city council in this city, or in California, or would you believe there’s one looming and lurking somewhere on the US landscape east of here? Me neither. But if you read the local weekly, there appears to be one in Surf City so beware.
(Chris Krohn is a father, writer, activist, and was on the Santa Cruz City Councilmember from 1998-2002. Krohn was Mayor in 2001-2002. He’s been running the Environmental Studies Internship program at UC Santa Cruz for the past 14 years. He was elected the the city council again in November of 2016, after his kids went off to college. His current term ends in 2020.
Email Chris at |
I was grateful for the extra money that came my way last week, enabling me to afford the $150 ticket to attend the Monterey Bay Economic Partnership “2018 State of the Region” event in Seaside. What I learned was shocking, and has me worried about what Santa Cruz County will be like in the future if citizens who care do not fight back. State Senator Scott Wiener’s SB 35 legislation recently signed by Governor Brown, legally “streamlines” the building permit process to virtually eliminate public process and discourage lawsuits by making plaintiffs post a bond or agree to pay all attorney fees. This will make it a challenge to protect our neighborhoods.
The “State of the Region” event opened with Ms. Kate Roberts, President of Monterey Bay Economic Partnership (MBEP) since its 2015 inception, giving a self-congratulatory acknowledgement to the group that Santa Cruz County Supervisors recently approved MBEP initiative regarding density bonus and re-structured / deferred developer impact fees. These recommendations came from Sibley Simon’s Housing Policy White Paper. (Sibley is president of New Way Homes) She also announced that Salinas City Council had also approved deferred developer impact fees.
The next work MBEP will focus upon will be farm working housing plans with a goal to create 5300 units within the next five years. The group also is working on a transportation initiative and expects that to be their next active campaign. MBEP’s stated Transportation Initiative Goals include advocating for transportation policies and funding, including improved bike infrastructure. With Bud Colligan, CEO of Greenway, on the MBEP Board, you can be sure that there will be increased lobbying to remove the rail in the region. You can look at MBEP’s initiatives here.
The first keynote speaker was Dave Evans, a former Apple executive and co-founder of Stanford Life Design Lab and co-founder of Electronic Arts. His presentation, “Designing Your Region” was more about self-designing, and he instructed the audience to extrapolate his rapid-fire speaking content to regional work. For me, the most important insight he offered, citing a video called “Drive” by Daniel H. Pink, was that studies have shown that workers are not motivated to be more efficient by money. Rather, the best motivators are autonomy, mastery and a sense of purpose.
Becky Steinbruner is a 30+ year resident of Aptos. She has fought for water, fire, emergency preparedness, and for road repair. She ran for Second District County Supervisor in 2016 on a shoestring and got nearly 20% of the votes.
Email Becky at |
November 30, 2018 #334 / The Good Mayor
Sam Liccardo, pictured, is the Mayor of San Jose. He appeared as a featured speaker, a little over a month ago, at an annual conference of environmental lawyers held at Yosemite. This was the 27th annual environmental law conference held at Yosemite, and while the conference this year seemed just like earlier editions, it actually took place under modified legal auspices. The conference used to be sponsored by the Environmental Law Section of the California State Bar, but now the various special interest and voluntary sections of the the State Bar have been spun off to a separate and independent nonprofit, the California Lawyers Association. The conference met at Tenaya Lodge, at Yosemite, from Thursday, October 18th to Sunday, October 21st. I have mentioned it in a couple of previous blog posts. You can click right here for the program.
Liccardo was chosen to speak, I feel certain, because he has been an environmental leader in two different ways. First, he is working to make more “infill” housing available in the center of his city. Many environmentalists think that preventing sprawl and infilling our central cities is the best way to accommodate population growth with the fewest environmental impacts. Liccardo is advancing that agenda in the City of San Jose.
Liccardo is not just promoting more residential growth and development inside the city, though. He is also pushing for permanent protection for the open spaces surrounding the city (and within it, too). Specifically, Liccardo has been a leader in trying to preserve and protect the Coyote Valley, which has long been slated for industrial development, even though it is a vital natural link between the Santa Cruz Mountains and the Diablo Range. Protecting the Coyote Valley is critically important if we want to maintain our midcoast region as a biologically healthy environment. Liccardo’s strong support for Measure T, a bond issue that appeared on the November 6, 2018, City of San Jose ballot, helped convince voters to approve this measure. Measure T will provide up to fifty million dollars for land conservation in the Coyote Valley.
Because Sam Liccardo is working hard to protect the natural world, not just building more of the human world, I’m calling him out as a “good mayor.” Most city leaders are devoted to lots more “development,” and little else. A mayor who is at least equally dedicated to the preservation and protection of the natural world deserves to be called a “good mayor,” in my opinion.
PS: Just as a brief postscript, The Mercury News has reported that Mayor Liccardo (and other members of the San Jose City Council) signed “non-disclosure” agreements with Google, as the City negotiated in secret with Google over a proposed development in the heart of the San Jose. You can’t really continue to qualify for “Good Mayor” status if you are hiding the ball from the people you represent. Just a thought for the Mayor! There is a lawsuit about this in progress, and any one who cares about self-government should definitely be on the side of full disclosure by public officials, not “non-disclosure.”
Gary Patton is a former Santa Cruz County Supervisor (20 years) and an attorney for individuals and community groups on land use and environmental issues. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. You can read and subscribe to his daily blog at
Email Gary at |
EAGAN’S SUBCONSCIOUS COMICS. See deep inside our subconscious like for instance..mindless chit chat and beyond!! Scroll below.
EAGAN’S DEEP COVER. See Eagan’s “CLIMATE REPORT” down a few pages. As always, at you will find his most recent Deep Cover, the latest installment from the archives of Subconscious Comics, and the ever entertaining Eaganblog.
LISA JENSEN LINKS. Lisa writes: “My esteemed editor at Good Times calls Green Book “the feel good movie of the year about racism.” Well, yes and no: it doesn’t make you feel good about racism, but stars Viggo Mortenson and Mahershala Ali — forging an alliance on a road trip through the Deep South — makes it a trip worth taking, this week at Lisa Jensen Online Express ( ).” Lisa has been writing film reviews and columns for Good Times since 1975
BOY ERASED. The sad, many-leveled story of a gay teenager being sent to a sexual conversion center. If you now have, or ever have had, any issues with sex, religion or parenthood then see this totally engrossing film. Russell Crowe is the preacher/car dealer dad. Nicole Kidman is the well-meaning Mom and Lucas Hedges is perfect as the conflicted son. RT Critics give it 85, normal people give it 77. . CLOSES THURSDAY DEC. 6.
WILDLIFE. With a 33 RT critics rating, 152 normal people rating — plus the astounding acting by Carey Mulligan and Jake Gyllenhaal — you can’t go wrong. This is actor Paul Dano’s first director job, an award-winning film about a teenage boy in the 1960s trying to make sense of his mom and dad’s near-crazed decisions and problems. It’s sad, tense, frustrating, and an excellent film…go for it. Not to be confused with Boy Erased! or Beautiful Boy!!!
CAN YOU EVER FORGIVE ME? A well-deserved 98 on RT! Melissa McCarthy plays real-life author Lee Israel, who, when she’s down on her luck, starts forging and selling fake letters from famous literary stars. McCarthy is better for my money at being straight than she is as a comic. An excellent movie, based on a book that Lee Israel wrote confessing the entire plot. Go see it…it’s why they make movies, and why we like to go see them.
FREE SOLO. A National Geographic documentary of young Alex Honnold free-climbing El Capitan in Yosemite. It is beautiful, terrifying, and the most tension you’ve ever felt from anything ever on screen. He climbs the three thousand-plus feet in a little over three hours. It’s a nearly perfectly-made film, on a topic you’ll never forget. See it on the big screen at the Del Mar…you won’t regret it, trust me!!! Oh yes 98 on RT!!.
BEAUTIFUL BOY. A long and drawn-out saga/story of a teenage boy Timothee Chalamet in his first real role. He becomes a crystal meth addict, and his Dad — played by Steve Carell — goes the full distance as a parent trying to relate and help. The movie is as sad as real life when parents lose touch with their kids. The background music is way too loud, but the acting is perfect, and it is a very sad, depressing film, without an ending that will leave you satisfied. CLOSES THURSDAY DEC. 6.
FIRST MAN. 88 on RT. Ryan Gosling as Neil Armstrong steals this saga about our landing on the moon in 1969. He’s nowhere near the type of human that Armstrong seemed to be, or must have been, to carry off this moon landing, marriage, fame, and some failures too. Claire Foy (The Queen) is wasted here as Neil’s wife. The movie is tense at times, nerve-wracking at others and is a full two hours and 18 minutes long. Armstrong died in 2012. It is such a tribute to our US space program, and such a hunk of our national pride, that it’s impossible not to enjoy. Go see it. Nope, they didn’t include the planting of the American flag.
WIDOWS. If you blink you’ll miss Robert Duvall and Liam Neeson, but you’ll see a little of Colin Farrell in a very uneven mess about a bank robbery. Viola Davis is the star of this “heist” movie. She leads two other women in a foolish, trite, and impossible robbery caper. It’s not only hard to believe in, or follow, it’s just a re-hash of a million heist films we’ve all seen before.
GREEN BOOK. Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali are getting extra-super praise for their roles in this almost-true story of a white chauffeur driving a black jazz pianist through the American south in 1962. I couldn’t buy the entire plot. Both Viggo and Mahershala play their roles way over the top…becoming caricatures. There isn’t a surprise, revelation, or any lesson to be learned from this movie. It’s a story we are all too familiar with. If Slumdog Millionaire got an Academy Award, this one could too. But not from me.
BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY. I should note that I’m no fan of “Queen” the band, or of Freddie Mercury, their Mick Jagger-copying lead singer. Even so this Hollywood-style movie is shallow, hammy, trite, and adds nothing to film, music, or history. It’s actually boring for much of its screen time of two hours and 15 minutes.
A STAR IS BORN. Yes, the crowds are right: Lady Gaga is a genuine actor now. She takes almost all the movie away from Bradley Cooper. Cooper directed, financed most of it and plays and sings too. It’s a saga, a melodrama, and shares almost zero with any of the other 4 or 5 Star is Born flicks. Go see it, even if like me you’ve never seen or heard Lady Gaga before. According to Wikipedia… Lady Gaga is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (born March 28, 1986 in NYC)
CREED II. Sylvester Stallone — now 72 years old — is back again with another Rocky sequel. Like just about every one of Stallone’s four Rocky or Adonis Creed movies…it’s totally predictable. But it’s also exciting. The added depth (if you can call it that) is that once again it’s America versus Russia — and it’s interesting to see Dolph Lundgren again, 30 years later, as Drago’s dad. You won’t fall asleep. It was 1976, and 42 years ago, when Stallone did his first Rocky movie.
FANTASTIC BEASTS: The Crimes of Grindelwald. I really liked most of the Harry Potter movies, but this is a far cry from the happy, brilliant, colorful, playful fiction of J.K. Rowling’s books and movies. Johnny Depp is terrible in this mess, and Jude Law is somewhere in it too, but Eddie Redmayne does a yeoman’s job in the lead. It lacks all the magic, the fairytale, and the imaginative fun of other Rowling films.
MID 90’S. Comic Jonah Hill directed this mid 1990’s near-documentary of skateboarder teen agers coming of age in Los Angeles. My grandsons are going through the same period of life, and in the same area right now — but I could not sense what point or comment Jonah Hill was trying to make with this short (84 minutes) drama. The story seemed disjointed and pointless, but maybe that was the point? CLOSES THURSDAY DEC. 6.
OVERLORD. You have to believe me when I tell you this is a movie about Paratroopers, D-Day, Nazi experiments and zombies…and it’s serious! It’s almost laughable (which is probably what is intended) but somehow Nazi experiments still aren’t funny to me. Forget it!!!
THE GIRL IN THE SPIDER WEB. I think Claire Foy is probably the best actor/actress in the business. She could have made Lisbeth Salander (“The Girl With The…”) unforgettable — but the script, the directing, and the characters all let her down. The other Lisabeth Salander films were well-done and incredibly exciting. This one is loaded with obscure references, dull explanations and few chase scenes. See it some other time.
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE. Each and every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. I host Universal Grapevine on KZSC 88.1 fm. or on your computer, (live only or archived for two weeks… (See next paragraph) and go to WWW.KZSC.ORG. Tandy Beal talks about her special performances on Dec. 4th. Then Carla Brennan shares news about Meditation and Mindfulness’ and how it can help get through the holidays. workshops. December 11th has former mayor and political consultant Bruce Van Allen talking about that last election. He’s followed by Scott McGilvray from Water For Santa Cruz bringing us up to date on our water issues. Jane Mio of San Lorenzo River Mysteries holds forth on Dec.18 talking about river management. Then Becky Steinbruner covers many south county and environmental problems. The Tuesday after that is Christmas and you know about that! OR…if you just happen to miss either of the last two weeks of Universal Grapevine broadcasts go here… You have to listen to about 4 minutes of that week’s KPFA news first, then Grapevine happens. Do remember, any and all suggestions for future programs are more than welcome so tune in, and keep listening. Email me always and only at
Woohoo, I love a good mashup 🙂 |
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE ARCHIVES. In case you missed some of the great people I’ve interviewed in the last 9 years here’s a chronological list of some past broadcasts. Such a wide range of folks such as Nikki Silva, Michael Warren, Tom Noddy, UCSC Chancellor George Blumenthal, Anita Monga, Mark Wainer, Judy Johnson, Wendy Mayer-Lochtefeld, Rachel Goodman, George Newell, Tubten Pende, Gina Marie Hayes, Rebecca Ronay-Hazleton, Miriam Ellis, Deb Mc Arthur, The Great Morgani on Street performing, and Paul Whitworth on Krapps Last Tape. Jodi McGraw on Sandhills, Bruce Daniels on area water problems. Mike Pappas on the Olive Connection, Sandy Lydon on County History. Paul Johnston on political organizing, Rick Longinotti on De-Sal. Dan Haifley on Monterey Bay Sanctuary, Dan Harder on Santa Cruz City Museum. Sara Wilbourne on Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre. Brian Spencer on SEE Theatre Co. Paula Kenyon and Karen Massaro on MAH and Big Creek Pottery. Carolyn Burke on Edith Piaf. Peggy Dolgenos on Cruzio. Julie James on Jewel Theatre Company. Then there’s Pat Matejcek on environment, Nancy Abrams and Joel Primack on the Universe plus Nina Simon from MAH, Rob Slawinski, Gary Bascou, Judge Paul Burdick, John Brown Childs, Ellen Kimmel, Don Williams, Kinan Valdez, Ellen Murtha, John Leopold, Karen Kefauver, Chip Lord, Judy Bouley, Rob Sean Wilson, Ann Simonton, Lori Rivera, Sayaka Yabuki, Chris Kinney, Celia and Peter Scott, Chris Krohn, David Swanger, Chelsea Juarez…and that’s just since January 2011.
QUOTES. “Donald Trump”
“I’ve always said, ‘If you need Viagra, you’re probably with the wrong girl”. Donald Trump “I have a great relationship with the Mexican people”. Donald Trump “People love me. And you know what, I have been very successful. Everybody loves me”. Donald Trump “The first thing the secretary types is the boss”. Donald Trump
COLUMN COMMUNICATIONS. Subscriptions: Subscribe to the Bulletin! You’ll get a weekly email notice the instant the column goes online. (Anywhere from Monday afternoon through Thursday or sometimes as late as Friday!), and the occasional scoop. Always free and confidential. Even I don’t know who subscribes!!
Snail Mail: Bratton Online
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