BRATTON…Greg Larson buying endorsements, Kara Meyberg Guzman quitting, Octagon Sushi Bar someday, Dr. Millers Pizza Shop soon. GREENSITE…on ADU changes. KROHN…Campaign issues now and coming up. STEINBRUNER…Landscapes Book, Soquel Creek Water District secrets and Water Board forum, Historic Resources commissioners, PG&E trees. PATTON…Constitutional Dictatorship. EAGAN…Subconscious Comics and Deep Cover. JENSEN…reviews Monsters and Men. BRATTON…critiques A Star is Born, Monsters and Men, A Simple Favor and Pick of the Litter. UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE GUEST LINEUP. QUOTES…on “RENT”.
JAMES BROWN & GREAT DANCER. Hillary Bratton found this grand version of HELL!! |
SAN FRANCISCO, THE GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE and THE 1989 QUAKE. I think some of this is FX but watch it anyways. |
DATELINE Oct. 8, 2018
GREG LARSON GETTING DESPERATE. By now every Democrat in the city has received one of those 16 inch blue “Santa Cruz Voter Guide” doorhangers. It lists Donna Meyers, Greg Larson and Richelle Noroyan as being supported by Santa Cruz Democrat groups. Greg Larson was never and is NOT now supported by any Democrat groups. Meyers and Noroyan were endorsed by the Democratic Women’s Club and the Democratic Party of Santa Cruz, but NOT GREG LARSON!!! The People’s Democratic Club endorsed Justin Cummings and Drew Glover, but not Greg Larson. If you read the fine print on the back of that doorhanger you’ll see the doorhanger was paid for first by Greg Larson’s campaign committee…and others.
Looking at the campaign financial reports as officially filed you’ll also see that Larson’s campaign is one of the wealthiest, supported by the usual developers and big money investors. Isn’t there some way this Trump-like buying of politics can be stopped? Well, yes — by being very thoughtful on NOVEMBER 6th.
KARA MEYBERG GUZMAN QUITS…WHY? I think that many of us Santa Cruz Sentinel readers hoped that the changes, ideas, and some new directions of Kara Meyberg Guzman the new editor would expand, and give us a daily newspaper we could be proud of. But it was not to be, and just last week she stated…
“The decision to leave was difficult, but due to differences with this company’s management, it’s time for me to move on. I am sad to report that I am resigning from my role as managing editor of the Sentinel, effective Thursday night. The company is recruiting for my replacement…”
And so on. Let’s hope she shares exactly what her “differences” with management amounted to.
In case anyone has forgotten, Sentinel owner(s)? are ?Digital First Media and … Wikipedia says, “The MediaNews Group formed Digital First Media in 2013 when it merged with Journal Register Company. The company is controlled by the hedge fund Alden Global Capital.” Wikipedia also says… “MediaNews Group is known as a cost-cutter in the newspaper publishing industry. The company has a reputation for buying smaller daily newspapers in an area (examples include Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay) and consolidating their operations, including sharing staff writers and printing facilities”. As a result of the cost-cutting, according to an article in the Los Angeles Times,[30] some former employees say that the newspapers are focused on making a profit to the detriment of good journalism.
OCTAGON SUSHI BAR. On one of my weekly sits at the Octagon Platz I asked one of the owners/workers just how long they predict it’ll be before they’ll be opening their new sushi bar. Six months was the answer: six months!!! Then again, I guess you should look inside the Octagon and see just how complex and difficult it must be to figure out the angles inside an octagonal building.
Besides that, I hear that Dr. Millers Coffee House at Cedar and Elm Streets — complete with a new prison wall with eight foot spikes — will become a fancy Pizza Place.
The deadline for input on the proposed changes to the city’s Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance came and went before last week’s BrattonOnline was published. The Planning Commission will vote on these changes on Thursday October 18th at 7pm in city council chambers. If adopted, the new ADU Ordinance will forever change the character and livability of our neighborhoods. Below are the comments that I submitted and which are a summary of the major changes proposed.
The counter argument is the ostensible need for more housing, a mantra that has been elevated to a status of apparent crisis. Dare to challenge that assumption and you are an elitist homeowner or worse, a NIMBY. There is much handwringing and exaggerated concern for our police, firefighters and teachers who apparently are out looking for a place to live and can’t find one since we don’t have enough housing. But is that accurate or just an emotional appeal that plays well? Examine the numbers. The total number of currently employed city police, firefighters and teachers is 874 individuals. Police: 94 sworn officers; firefighters: 60 (plus seasonal lifeguards); teachers: 420 certified city teachers plus 300 classified staff. Presumably many have families and presumably most have a place to live. New hires will probably find the cost of housing too high and will commute. However the numbers of new hires in all 3 categories is relatively modest compared to the elephant in the room, which is the approximately 9 thousand (and growing) UCSC student body looking for rental housing in town.
Cramming all this development into our town with its finite capacity to absorb it, whether it be the upcoming 7 story apartment buildings downtown and on the eastside or this ADU stimulus is about one thing only: accommodating the burgeoning UCSC student population. Opposing these ADU changes is not elitist or uncharitable; it is a clear-eyed challenge to a growth model that is out of scale with every measure of carrying capacity and neighborhood livability.
Comments on Proposed Changes to ADU’s
The 2030 General Plan contains language that aims to balance the need for additional housing with the need to protect the character and livability of established Santa Cruz city neighborhoods. The current Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance, which was crafted over many years and with many public hearings, has struck such a balance. These new proposed changes will significantly and negatively impact established neighborhoods, which seem to have been forgotten in the process.
In particular:
Gillian Greensite is a long time local activist, a member of Save Our Big Trees and the Santa Cruz chapter of IDA, International Dark Sky Association Plus she’s an avid ocean swimmer, hiker and lover of all things wild. |
Oct. 8
Santa Cruz City Council candidates, Drew Glover and Justin Cummings serve food at this year’s Labor Day Picnic at the Watsonville Plaza. Labor is supporting both candidates. They were endorsed by the Central Labor Council recently. |
A precarious, punishing, and close to near zero availability housing situation exists right now in Santa Cruz. A series of events has led to the ridiculous cost of renting in this town. Along with “short-term rentals”–550 is the cap right now–the explosive growth of the Silicon Valley (check out the Google buses every work day on Pacific Avenue), and the wicked price of owning a home all contribute to this community’s housing crisis. But perhaps, the number one reason for the loss of workforce and multi-family housing is the student, staff, and faculty growth of UC Santa Cruz. The next city council has to go back to basics and work on the following:
- Keep up demands on UCSC. The Chancellor is retiring. The next council has an opportunity to foster a clear, firm, amicable, but consistent relationship with the new Chancellor. No new student growth past 19,500 until students are housed on campus must be the continuous council mantra. The next council, from Day 1, has to be ready to work with state legislature and the UC regents in negotiating a deal that is based on the results of last June’s Measure U: 76% voted for no growth.
- Demand 25% Inclusionary! Renegotiate the developer-friendly “density bonus” and inclusionary housing regulations that the current council recently rammed through. We must ask more from developers, at least 25% inclusionary, if they want the right of building more market-rate housing in Santa Cruz. We must build housing for people who live here now.
- Look to… a.) housing land trusts, b.) no-interest accessory dwelling unit loans, c.) non-profit housing providers, and d.) buying up existing rental housing to keep affordable in perpetuity as all parts of a multifaceted solution.
Addressing Homelessness and Houselessness
- Building a year-round, 24/7 shelter. Our county will be the recipients of more than $9 million in state money come January to address homelessness and our mental health crisis. The next council has to offer clear direction to city staff that this is a top priority, one we can get done within the next year.
- Identify and open a safe and secure vehicle parking area for up to 100 people now living in their cars. We can do this.
- Expand the number of social workers on Pacific Avenue and being paired with police officers. We already know that police, fire, and parks and recreation expend considerable portions of their budgets dealing with the consequences and collateral damages of people not housed and living on the streets. Our city council must confront this situation head-on and provide leadership.
- Raise the hotel tax by 3% to fund affordable housing and homeless services. The next council must place this on the 2020 ballot.
- Sticking the downtown main library at the bottom of a five-story parking garage on the current site of our enormously popular weekly Farmer’s Market is one BIG issue in this race. Drew Glover and Justin Cummings are opposed, while Greg Larson, Donna Meyers, and Richelle Noroyan are in favor of park baby park. The current city council voted in favor of the library-in-a-garage concept, but the next city council can overturn that decision by electing Glover and Cummings. The “threesome slate” above will leave the library-garage in place, but Glover and Cummings say they lean toward renovating and reusing the existing library ($28 million) right where it is, and not building the parking structure (save $41 million) until a traffic demand management strategy has been put into place. There is much at stake in this election.
- The relationship between the city council and the city manager has been fraught with contentiousness for many years now. The next council will have a chance to really make inroads into the way that power dynamic ensues over the next two years.
- The corridors plan, wharf master plan, renovating the civic auditorium, purchasing the Beach Flats Community Garden, and managing all that housing that’s coming downtown…look out. These will all be thrust onto the agenda of the next city council! And by the way, all city labor agreements will be expiring need to be negotiated again over the next two years.
- Of course, three large issues are on the ballot this fall that could really impact the way the next city council conducts its business: Measure M, a local rent control law; Proposition 10, the repeal of Costa Hawkins anti-rent control legislation of 1993; and Proposition 6, the repeal of the 12 cents gas tax for infrastructure improvements. May we all live in interesting times.
Analysis of Rent Control
The city of Santa Cruz paid a considerable amount of money, $18,500 so far, to a Grass Valley law firm to essentially, analyze the impacts that the Measure M rent control ballot initiative might bring to Santa Cruz. According to the city staff report, “The Council requested a general analysis of the operation and administration of the Act, including (1) rent control and just cause eviction policies, (2) separately elected Rent Board’s powers and duties, and (3) interaction with and obligations on City policy, operations and administration.”The results of that report are available here
Besides the report being a hot political potato document that tries at many turns to discredit Measure M, it is an unnecessary intrusion really, coming 30 days before the general election. And guess what? No smoking gun here. Rent control, already in place in 15 other California cities, will not bring down our Surf City, with the exception of hopefully collectively stifling many real estate developers’ get-rich quick schemes. Can I get an ‘Amen’ to that! Here’s what’s in the conclusion of the consultant’s report: “In short, the Act will establish a rent control, just cause eviction, and rental housing regulation comparable to those in the 15 other California cities which regulate apartment rents…. City’s General Fund will be obligated to advance staff and funding to establish the Rent Board and its programs, to be repaid from Rental Housing Fees on landlords when those funds are available. The Rent Board will be an independent policy-maker with budget authority to the extent of its own resources and will have power to appoint some of its own staff.” If you think all that is a pretty good idea as I do, then vote Yes on Measure M.
Stay tuned. In the coming weeks of what’s been a grueling-dueling rent control campaign (this is Santa Cruz, would we have it any other way?) we will see just how “robust,” “mindful,” and downright “plucky” each side will be. As the Movement for Housing Justice gains steam with a broad endorsement list that includes labor, students, the People’s Democratic Club, former Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, and a long list of renters, homeowners and landlords, the Anti M’s are supported mostly by real estate and developer money that is fast approaching $800,000 and counting. This includes a mind-blowing $200k coming in from the likes of the Chicago Real Estate Ass., whatever that is. Much is at stake for some large corporations, remember, Goldman Sachs bought the Outlook, now Hilltop, Apartments last year for over $50 million. As Deep Throat often said to Bob Woodward as he was chasing down the sins of Richard Nixon, “Follow the money.”
(Chris Krohn is a father, writer, activist, former Santa Cruz City Councilmember (1998-2002) and Mayor (2001-2002). He’s been running the Environmental Studies Internship program at UC Santa Cruz for the past 12 years. He was elected last November to another 4-year term on the Santa Cruz City Council).
Email Chris at |
Oct. 8
On October 20, 2pm-4pm, Kelly’s Books in Watsonville will host Donna Bradford, Chris Johnson-Lyons and Robley Levy, three contributing authors to “Landscapes: Activism That Shaped Santa Cruz County 1955-2005”. This is the ninth book in the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History’s Journal Series. How did these activists organize the communities? Is local government less responsive to the public now? What are these activists doing now, and what words of wisdom might they have for the massive County Zoning code changes the Board of Supervisors will consider next month? I hope you will attend this event, and ask questions. Kelly’s Books is near the Nob Hill Store on Main Street, just across the street from where they used to be until Kaiser gave them and all businesses in the Crossroads Center a 30-day eviction notice a couple of years ago.
Soquel Creek Water District is planning to drill a 1000′-deep pilot injection well near Cabrillo College and not make it public. Public Comment closes on October 12, but the District has kept it secret. Despite releasing the Negative Declaration for public comment in early September, the notice was not published on the District website until just a couple of days ago, and was never disclosed in the customer newsletter “What’s On Tap”.
The Project is part of the expensive and risky PureWater Soquel Project to inject treated sewage water into the aquifer that supplies drinking water for the Mid County region. District consultants, ESA, awarded the Pilot Injection Well Project a Negative Declaration because they determined there will be NO significant impacts. The Initial Study fails to address the long term impacts of injecting millions of gallons of treated sewage water daily into the aquifer, instead focusing only on the short-term impacts of the pilot well study to determine if the soils will accept the water.
The Pilot Injection Well location is at the edge of the Twin Lakes Church parking lot, adjacent to Cabrillo College Drive. The 6-8 Million Gallons of water to be used for the test will come from a hydrant on Rose Marie Lane nearby. Here is a link to the Project information
Here are some questions that beg to be addressed:
Cheers, Becky Steinbruner
Becky Steinbruner is a 30+ year resident of Aptos. She has fought for water, fire, emergency preparedness, and for road repair. She ran for Second District County Supervisor in 2016 on a shoestring and got nearly 20% of the votes.
Email Becky at |
Clinton Rossiter, who was an American historian, wrote The American Presidency (pictured above). I remember reading that book way back when. He also wrote another book, which I just came across in a giveaway book bin: Constitutional Dictatorship: Crisis Government in the Modern Democracies. That is a timely title, of course, so I picked up the book, which I had never heard of.
I have a generally positive recollection of The American Presidency, which I must have read over fifty years ago when I was an undergraduate student. I do not have a similar good feeling about this other book. I was genuinely disturbed and distressed by the edition of Constitutional Dictatorship that I fished out of the book bin. The original edition of the book was written in 1948, immediately after the Second World War. It seems it went out of print pretty quickly. A new edition of Rossiter’s book was then reissued in 2002, right after the terrorist attacks that occurred in the United States on September 11, 2001.
William J. “Bill” Quirk, who currently represents the 20th Assembly District in the California State Assembly, wrote an introduction for the new edition of Constitutional Dictatorship and indicates that he approves the idea that what America really needs right now, in the aftermath of the successful terrorist attacks on 9-ll, is nothing less than a dictatorship:
How shall we be governed during the War on Terrorism? Definitely not as we have in the past. Existing governing practices comprehensively failed to protect the people and cannot be continued. Since we have been forced to face the horrors of terror attacks on the United States we likewise need to consider the sort of government such a war will force us to adopt…
Rossiter’s book is premised on the idea that democratic societies, when they face crises, need to set democracy aside, so they can really get to work on the problems that confront them. Democracies are inevitably unable to deal with crisis. That’s what Rossiter argues, and that is what Quirk says, too.
May I politely and profoundly disagree?
I assume that Quirk’s introduction is, by now, an embarrassment to him. I surely hope so. Do we really want President Donald J. Trump to be our constitutional dictator? I am voting “NO.”
I would vote “NO” on making Barack Obama a constitutional dictator, too.
Please, people, let’s have a little bit of faith in our system of democratic self-government! We have faced a lot of crises, from wars to economic collapse. No dictatorships have been required.
Let’s not start now.
Gary is a former Santa Cruz County Supervisor (20 years) and an attorney for individuals and community groups on land use and environmental issues. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. You can read and subscribe to his daily blog at
Email Gary at |
EAGAN’S SUBCONSCIOUS COMICS. From the Subconscious classics file see the real relationship between Hope and Fear just a bit more below.
EAGAN’S DEEP COVER. See Eagan’s “Real men” down a few pages. As always, at you will find his most recent Deep Cover, the latest installment from the archives of Subconscious Comics, and the ever entertaining Eaganblog.
West Coast Premiere of “Strange Window: The Turn of the Screw” will be presented Saturday and Sunday, October 14, 2018 at UCSC’s Experimental Theater, Theater Arts Center (UCSC). This imaginative and groundbreaking new interpretation of the gothic classic by Henry James is presented by the internationally celebrated, Obie Award-winning theater company, The Builders Association from New York. This new interpretation is directed by renowned stage director and UC Santa Cruz Professor of Theater Arts, Marianne Weems. Presented by the Arts Division in partnership with the Theater Arts Department. Strange Window: The Turn of the Screw provides audiences an exceptional opportunity to see this world-class production locally before it goes on to one of the most important performing arts venues in the world at its New York engagement and East Coast premiere at BAM, The Brooklyn Academy of Music, as part of its prestigious 2018 Next Wave Festival.
Tickets are on sale at General adult: $25 evenings, $20 matinees Students: $10 UCSC Faculty/Staff w/ID: $10 UCSC Alumni w/ Alumni ID card: $10. It’s a small theater. Limited seating for each performance. Purchase tickets in advance to guarantee admission. Tickets are not guaranteed at the door. Performance runs approx 70 minutes. There is NO intermission.
Saturday, Oct. 13 – 3:00 PM matinee, Saturday, Oct. 13 – 7:30 pm, Sunday, Oct. 14 – 3:00 PM matinee. Doors open 30 minutes before curtain. General seating; first-come, first-served. Parking $5
NEW MUSIC WORKS PRESENTS “October Surprise” October ignites with a 40th Season send-off of passion, fearless virtuosities and abundant beauty…the guest artists include
Andy Strain, trombone and garden hose, Andrew Carter, tenor, Lori Rivera, vocalist,
Larry Polansky and Giacomo Fiore, electric guitars…NewMusicWorks Ensemble, with Phil Collins, conducting.They’ll be playing 22 American folk songs (1930-1940) – Ruth Crawford Seeger…Five Songs from Cold Mountain (2010) Bun-Ching Lam…Anagnorisis (1964) Bob Hughes…Coming Together (1971) Frederic Rzewski… and especially Ritmicas: Homago al Roldan (1965) Lou Harrison and Bob Hughes (world premiere).
That’s Saturday, October 13, 2018 | 7:30 p.m. UCSC Music Recital Hall, Meyer Drive | Santa Cruz
LISA JENSEN LINKS. Lisa writes: “Thumbs-up from an intrepid 9-year-old reader and book blogger (hint; she loves Beast!), this week at Lisa Jensen Online Express ( ). Also, delve into the human stories behind the slogans of the Black Lives Matter era in the compelling Monsters and Men, reviewed in this week’s Good Times.” Lisa has been writing film reviews and columns for Good Times since 1975.
MONSTERS AND MEN. A well-deserved 83 on RT. But a extra foolish title — and NO advance promotion — has it closing this Thursday, Oct.11. Brooklyn police shoot an unarmed black man, and it’s photographed by a young black kid who has to decide whether or not to turn in the evidence. It’s exciting, depressing, painful, and excellent. It feels like it happened yesterday, and will bring out all those suppressed feelings we share over today’s street scenes.
A STAR IS BORN. Yes, the crowds are right: Lady Gaga is a genuine actor now. She takes almost all the movie away from Bradley Cooper. Cooper directed, financed most of it and plays and sings too. It’s a saga, a melodrama, and shares almost zero with any of the other 4 or 5 Star is Born flicks. Go see it, even if like me you’ve never seen or heard Lady Gaga before. According to Wikipedia… Lady Gaga is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta (born March 28, 1986 in NYC)
A SIMPLE FAVOR. Anna Kendrick leads this half-funny tragi-comedy about the disappearance of her next best friend. There are a few (very few) laughs, a bunch of sex shots, and you’ll have a hard time explaining to anybody what this movie is about…or why they made it.
PICK OF THE LITTER. A very cute and cuddly documentary about how doggies are trained to be guide dogs for the blind. I liked it more than most folks, perhaps because I trained dogs in the army K9 corps. It did get 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. Data and techniques are missing, and you won’t learn much, but you’ll be touched.
FAHRENHEIT 9-11. This is more than a movie critique, it’s a plea to you and everyone you know to see Michael Moore’s latest fling and sling against a lot more than just Trump. No matter where you think you are on the progressive scale, Moore shows us data and details on Hillary, Flint water, Democratic Party politics, Super delegates, Jeb Bush, and beyond. Go see it ASAP and remember November 6. That’s’ the most important date for many, many years!
THE WIFE. Glenn Close, Jonathan Pryce and Christian Slater — along with a sensitive plot/script — make this another great 2018 film. Pryce wins the Nobel Prize; his wife Glen Close has a deeply involved and serious role as his lodestar. An excellent film, go see it. You’ll love it.
BLACKKKLANSMAN. Spike Lee’s newest and most effective critique on what’s happening in America. It’s the progressive Democrats best statement since Michael Moore’s last film. Not subtle, even funny, bitter, and painfully true. It’s based on the true story of a black police officer who finagles a way to get a white guy into the KuKluxKlan. More than that he has meetings with David Duke, head of the KKK. Alec Baldwin has an opening scene Adam Driver is the “hero” and you have to see it. It earned 97% on RT
JULIET, NAKED. Nope, it’s not reference to Shakespeare, darn it — but the title of a song that has been/legend Ethan Hawke recorded years ago. It’s got some laughs, many impossible plot twists, and you’ll have to be a full-time Hawke fan to sit through some very slow development. He’s done better…and so have you!!! Closes Tuesday Oct.9
BLAZE. Ethan Hawke is on his fourth director’s job for this bio-pic of the near-legendary country singer-songwriter Blaze Foley. In all fairness I’ll admit that it got a 98 on RT. I gave it about a 9! I didn’t like the acting, the plot, the music, or the arty-crafty directing. Foley’s real name was Michael David Fuller and he drank himself to death when he was 40. I’ve never heard of his biggest hit songs either: “If only I could Fly”, “Clay Pigeons”, and “Cold, Cold World”. Closes Thursday, Oct.11
THE HOUSE WITH A CLOCK IN ITS WALLS. A little 10 year old boy has to live with his creepy, trying to be funny uncle Jack Black. There is some story about the house and why it has so many clocks but I couldn’t stay awake long enough to find out the plot. Cate Blanchett is in it too, but she shouldn’t have been. Stay away. Even the kids probably won’t care for it. 68 on RT.
CRAZY RICH ASIANS. A Hollywood movie with an all Asian cast. It’s about the same as “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, except Asian Americans instead of Greeks. The plot, laughs, and acting are all typical Hollywood re-hash. It doesn’t need your ticket money…it’s breaking many, many box office records already. This means of course that there’ll be a dozen look a like sequels.
CHRISTOPHER ROBIN. Ewan McGregor does the best possible job he can with a boring, depressing, and very commercial attempt to make more money from A.A. Milne’s Winnie The Pooh books. It isn’t even Disney cute or Pixar creative it’s simply not interesting. And old Christopher Robin is forced by animated versions of Eeyore, Piglet, Tigger and other stuffed toys to remember how much fun he had as a boy. Don’t even send the kids.
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE. Each and every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. I host Universal Grapevine on KZSC 88.1 fm. or on your computer, (live only or archived for two weeks… (See next paragraph) and go to WWW.KZSC.ORG. On October 9 Sean Van Sommeran talks about his Pelagic Shark Research Foundation. He’s followed by Hina Pendle discussing her “Power of the Heart” workshop. Rick Longinotti talks about the still controversial library garage first then Santa Cruz City Council person Sandy Brown discusses the elections and local politics on Oct.16th. October 22 has Ken Koenig and friend talking about communicating with your friends and relatives who like Trump. After that Candace Brown and Shelley Hatch talk about zoning, rent control and many hot voting issues. Jack Bowers and Dennis Morton describe their prison Art programs followed by City Councilmember Chris Krohn talking about voting and still more local issues on October 30. OR…if you just happen to miss either of the last two weeks of Universal Grapevine broadcasts go here… You have to listen to about 4 minutes of that week’s KPFA news first, then Grapevine happens. Do remember, any and all suggestions for future programs are more than welcome so tune in, and keep listening. Email me always and only at
Fould language, but this is hilarious…. She couldn’t get the number for the Coast Guard? 😀 |
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE ARCHIVES. In case you missed some of the great people I’ve interviewed in the last 9 years here’s a chronological list of some past broadcasts. Such a wide range of folks such as Nikki Silva, Michael Warren, Tom Noddy, UCSC Chancellor George Blumenthal, Anita Monga, Mark Wainer, Judy Johnson, Wendy Mayer-Lochtefeld, Rachel Goodman, George Newell, Tubten Pende, Gina Marie Hayes, Rebecca Ronay-Hazleton, Miriam Ellis, Deb Mc Arthur, The Great Morgani on Street performing, and Paul Whitworth on Krapps Last Tape. Jodi McGraw on Sandhills, Bruce Daniels on area water problems. Mike Pappas on the Olive Connection, Sandy Lydon on County History. Paul Johnston on political organizing, Rick Longinotti on De-Sal. Dan Haifley on Monterey Bay Sanctuary, Dan Harder on Santa Cruz City Museum. Sara Wilbourne on Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre. Brian Spencer on SEE Theatre Co. Paula Kenyon and Karen Massaro on MAH and Big Creek Pottery. Carolyn Burke on Edith Piaf. Peggy Dolgenos on Cruzio. Julie James on Jewel Theatre Company. Then there’s Pat Matejcek on environment, Nancy Abrams and Joel Primack on the Universe plus Nina Simon from MAH, Rob Slawinski, Gary Bascou, Judge Paul Burdick, John Brown Childs, Ellen Kimmel, Don Williams, Kinan Valdez, Ellen Murtha, John Leopold, Karen Kefauver, Chip Lord, Judy Bouley, Rob Sean Wilson, Ann Simonton, Lori Rivera, Sayaka Yabuki, Chris Kinney, Celia and Peter Scott, Chris Krohn, David Swanger, Chelsea Juarez…and that’s just since January 2011.
“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth”. Muhammad Ali
“I figure if I have my health, can pay the rent and I have my friends, I call it ‘content.‘ ” Lauren Bacall
“I’ve had grand pianos that are more expensive than, like, a year’s worth of rent”. Lady Gaga
“You rarely pay the rent by doing Shakespeare or Ibsen”. Mandy Patinkin
COLUMN COMMUNICATIONS. Subscriptions: Click and enter the box in the upper right hand corner of each Column. You’ll get a weekly email notice the instant the column goes online. (Anywhere from Monday afternoon through Thursday or sometimes as late as Friday!) Always free and confidential. Even I don’t know who subscribes!!
Snail Mail: Bratton Online
82 Blackburn Street, Suite 216
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
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Direct phone: 831 423-2468
All Technical & Web details: Gunilla Leavitt @