BRATTON…Amazon buying Del Mar and The Nick?, Greg Larson supporters, West Cliff Drive & Bay street development, Monterey and De-Sal, Good Times apology, KSQD update. GREENSITE…Gillian is traveling. No piece this week. KROHN… is also “off this week, but he will be back with news and views from the Santa Cruz city council, next week”. STEINBRUNER…Planning dept. to increase dense developments, Public Works Director and disconnect, Soquel Water District and public comment time and being forced to reduce rates and to install Smart Meters. Gary Lindstrum a great candidate for Soquel Water Dist. PATTON…and Delegative Democracy. EAGAN…Subconscious Comics and Deep Cover.JENSEN…her secret and James Aschbacher’s event. BRATTON…critiques Puzzle, Alpha, Crazy Rich Asians and Never Goin’ Back. UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE GUEST LINEUP. QUOTES…about BORDERS.
DATELINE August 20, 2018
AMAZON BUYING OUR LANDMARK THEATRES? At first I was very worried to hear from Joe Blackman that Amazon was “thinking and not responding” to rumors that they might buy the Landmark theatre chain. We should remember that Jim Schwenterley and Bill and Nancy Raney lived here and had a wonderful and genuine ability to judge which films would “go over” in Santa Cruz. They ran our three independent movie theatres (Aptos included) with insight and concern. Landmark, with 52 theatres and 200 screens, books by numbers as we’ve experienced.. Read the Chronicle or any film online page and see just how many great independent, art and foreign films we have been missing since Landmark took over. So maybe Amazon would be different? Maybe even better? We really don’t get to say much…or even vote on it, but just maybe?
GREG LARSON AND SUPPORTERS. With high profiled Greg Larson entering the City Council race, naturally everyone wants to know where he stands on issues. Next time you see him, ask him how he’d vote on the West Cliff-Bay Street Development or how he’s going to vote on the Rent Control measure. I’d be very surprised if you get a straight answer on either one of those. Take a look at who we know supports him already: Hillary Bryant, David Terrazas, Fred Keeley, Richelle Naroyan.and Geoff Dunn. Most bets are saying he’ll be right in the middle of the Council and will support all the proposed development and growth, just like his friends and supporters.
WEST CLIFF DRIVE & BAY STREET DREAM INN DEVELOPMENT. Neighbors, environmentalists, hundreds of concerned citizens are gearing up for a genuine battle against the proposed development by Ensemble Real Estate Investments. They are going full steam on their huge commercial/residential development across the street from the Dream Inn. Traffic at that corner has always been a serious problem and with this four storied distraction it’ll be nearly permanently grid locked. They also plan on a two story underground parking lot. How tourists and residents will be able to drive into that underground space has yet to be determined. Stay tuned…and involved!!
MONTEREY, MARINA AND DE-SAL. If you want to bring back some de-sal memories read this article from the Monterey County Weekly… think about Bill Kocher and those days.
GOOD TIMES & APOLOGY. Dan Pulcrano the CEO and executive editor of Metro Newspapers emailed to tell me that I erred in stating that “Ownership” of Good Times had changed. I knew better, I was careless in using that word. Dan is now listed as publisher of Good Times. Metro Newspaper Group acquired Good Times in 2014. Dan tried to get a job with Jay Shore’s Good Times back in 1977 but was turned down. That was about the time that Jay Shore and Neil Coonerty co-owned Lulu Carpenter’s Café now a coffee house up there on Pacific avenue, next to Barry Swenson’s development.
KSQD UPDATE. I mentioned last week that KSQD fm would go on-air Sept. 1st. Nope, according to a press release they immediately sent out they’ll go on air and live “this October”. They also sent out a on air schedule listing some very familiar names of the new programmers. That includes Wallace Baine, Jim Emdy,Charlie Lange, Leigh Hill, Rachel Goodman and quite an impressive longer list. They are apparently still dealing with tower leasing problems with UCSC. Then they’ll purchase their license and start the building of their studios on Encinal Street.
BERKELEY’S BRENNAN’S TO CLOSE. Larry Peterson sent this one…Berkeley standby Brennan’s Irish Coffee & Restaurant is closing on September 15 after 60 years of business. I lived there and was going to U.C. Berkeley when Brennan’s first opened in 1958. Along with Larry Blake’s Rathskeller and Spenger’s those drinking establishments were an integral part of our lives. Read this …if Brennan’s rings your bells.
More of the story here…”Brennan’s, the decades-old family-owned Berkeley hangout, will close on Sept. 15. Brennan’s is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. The hofbrau-style joint joins a growing list of East Bay landmarks that have shuttered over the last few months — Hs Lordship closed after 50 years in July, and Oakland’s Mexicali Rose lasted 91 years before bidding farewell in June. According to Margaret Wade, the granddaughter of John Brennan who built the Berkeley hangout in 1958, the closure is a sign of the times. “We have a 25 percent rent increase coming in October,” Wade said. “Everything when it comes to the expenses associated with running a business just goes up and up”.
SANTA CRUZ POTTERY TO CLOSE. Joel Magen opened the Santa Cruz Pottery in 1974. It’s that fine looking brick building at Mission and Olive streets (on the corner next to CVS). Rumors have it, and I’m still working on it, that Kevin and Nina Wahl the present owners are having problems with the lease. Stop by, buy some pottery and find out the real story.
Gillian is traveling. No piece this week.
Gillian Greensite is a long time local activist, a member of Save Our Big Trees and the Santa Cruz chapter of IDA, International Dark Sky Association Plus she’s an avid ocean swimmer, hiker and lover of all things wild. |
August 20
Chris Krohn is off this week, but he will be back with news and views from the Santa Cruz city council, next week.
(Chris Krohn is a father, writer, activist, former Santa Cruz City Councilmember (1998-2002) and Mayor (2001-2002). He’s been running the Environmental Studies Internship program at UC Santa Cruz for the past 12 years. He was elected last November to another 4-year term on the Santa Cruz City Council).
Email Chris at |
The County Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing and consider the Planning Department’s proposed changes to County General Plan and Zoning Codes that will allow very dense developments throughout the County and change the way it may be processed. Please attend the Hearing Wednesday, August 22, 9am, in the 5th Floor Supervisor Chambers at 701 Ocean Street. The quality of life as we know it in Santa Cruz County will drastically change with what the developers have cooked up here with the Planning Department without regard to the necessary infrastructure to support such dense growth.
These significant changes, if approved by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors, WOULD ALL BE EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) PROCESS OF PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW.
Note the reasons for CEQA exemption on pages 100-101: “There would be no potential to create a physical effect on the environment” with the proposed changes. What?!
The Planning Department is recommending the issues below be considered now by the Planning Commission in Public Hearing, but that other affordable housing issues (farm worker housing, permanent room housing in hotels & motels, and affordable housing projects on publicly-owned sites, i.e, the Consolidated Redevelopment Agency) require full environmental review and will be presented this winter.
Here is the essence of what is being proposed now:
- Allow up to 75% more units/acre if the development is 100% affordable. This exceeds the current State-required “Density Bonus” levels of a 35% density increase for affordable projects. The current County cap on density is 17.4 units/acre. The proposed 75% density increase would allow 31 units/acre. Wow.
- Change the process to initiate re-zoning for R-Combined Districts that can be even denser development with reduced setback requirements from neighboring property boundaries and possible parking reduction requirements. This would allow disgusting ghetto developments such as the Aptos Village Project to go up all over Santa Cruz County, with the ability of the developers to identify the locations for these new R-Combined Zones. This could be done, like the Aptos Village Project that Swenson has created, with a Planned Unit Development (PUD) agreement, which basically allows the developer to disregard most of the County Codes that specify setback, density, building footprint/lot size ratio (floor area ratio or FAR), parking requirements, and curb turning radius for emergency vehicles. According to the staff report, under these proposed developer-initiated actions, “it is anticipated that the areas will probably be smaller infill sites”, and not the larger subdivision sites the County apparently identified in 2007/2008 work. Hmmm…was that the pre-cursor of the Sustainable Santa Cruz County Plan that is still undergoing environmental review in the Planning Department?
- Change the inclusionary affordable housing requirements to require any development of seven or more units to get Board of Supervisor approval to pay the in lieu affordable housing fee instead of actually building it in the development (right now, as of 2015, the developers can arbitrarily decide what to do) but if the Board approves the in-lieu payment option, the developer would not have to actually pay the fees until the final building inspection is signed off. That could be a really long delay in actual payment to the County for affordable housing to get built, and the cost of building that housing would most likely have increased substantially.
I have attended the County Housing Advisory Commission meetings when developers and real estate agents showed up to lobby the group to recommend these developer-friendly proposals to the Board of Supervisors. There were many questions and some hesitation on the part of some of the Commissioners, but eventually, everyone approved it. Here is a link to the audio file for that meeting.
THESE CRITICAL CHANGES WERE INITIALLY PRESENTED FOR BOARD APPROVAL ON THE CONSENT AGENDA (Item 57) THAT WOULD HAVE HAD MINIMAL PUBLIC SCRUTINY had Supervisor John Leopold and members of the public not requested it be pulled and discussed more thoroughly as Regular Agenda Item 75.1. (Note: the Consent Agenda is for non-controversial and small financial matters???)
The Board hailed this “unanimously-approved” set of recommendations during their consideration of the matter. Here is the documentation from that Board consideration before the public on June 12, 2018
Please take note that only the written comments are included in the documentation. The minutes for that meeting, to my understanding, did not include note of any public testimonies (that policy has recently changed to at least include speaker name and summary of testimony). To watch the Community Television recording, click here
Contact the Planning Commission and your County Supervisor and let the know your thoughts. Attend the Planning Commission Public Hearing if you can. Hmmm….I wonder how the public was notified of this Public Hearing? I was sent a notice by the Planner Suzanne Ise ( I suggest you get on her notification list, too.
Becky Steinbruner is a 30+ year resident of Aptos. She has fought for water, fire, emergency preparedness, and for road repair. She ran for Second District County Supervisor in 2016 on a shoestring and got nearly 20% of the votes.
Email Becky at |
#226 / Delegative Democracy
We are running into a problem, Houston! The New York Times publishes “The Interpreter Newsletter,” written by columnists Amanda Taub and Max Fisher. The Newsletter is distributed by email. Click this link to sign up. In a recent edition, the Newsletter made some important observations about American democracy:
American democracy is built, in large part, on an assumption … that the three branches of government would jealously guard their power and co-equal status. It’s a reasonable thing to assume. People — particularly politicians and judges — like having power and status and generally aren’t keen to give them up. Human nature, the founders reasoned, would naturally lead the branches to check and balance one another, as much out of self-interested competition as constitutional duty.
As the Newsletter notes, “that assumption is looking a bit shaky these days.” It asks, “What happens if that foundational democratic assumption in the separation of powers collapses? What would American democracy become?” The answer, according to the Newsletter, is delegative democracy:”Delegative democracy is an old concept in political science,” Amy Erica Smith, an Iowa State political scientist, told us. It emerged after a series of Latin American dictatorships transitioned to democracies in the 1980s — but to a sort that seemed less than fully democratic.
“There was this collective head-scratching over what sort of democracy we have in Latin America,” said Dr. Smith, who studies the region. “We had free and fair elections that met the minimum criteria for democracy. But they didn’t look exactly like what we think democracies are supposed to be.” The key difference, the experts decided, was separation of powers. It existed on paper in Latin America democracies, most of whose constitutions were modeled on that of the United States. But, in practice, the courts and the Congresses did what they were told. They delegated their power to the president — hence, delegative democracies.
These countries, for the most part, were still democracies. But they didn’t function all that well. They had what’s called “vertical accountability” — leaders had to answer to voters, who could kick them out of office — but not “horizontal accountability” from other branches of government. That tends to degrade governance. There’s little to keep the president from putting her interests first. Corruption and abuses of power become more common. Apolitical agencies get politicized, hurting their ability to function. The president’s support base tends to get preferential treatment; those not in her support base can face discrimination or worse.
The Newsletter also denominates this phenomenon as the “presidentialization” of political power. We are definitely running into a possible problem here, and the essence of the problem is that a system that was supposed to keep our government responsive to voters organized on a local basis, through the 435 different Congressional districts spread throughout the fifty states, has become ever more “national,” and the “national” elected official who is most prominent is, of course, the president. The way to make sure we don’t end up with some kind of “delegative democracy” is by making sure that our elected representatives in Congress actually represent their local constituents, i.e., the people who live in their districts.
Our system of representative democracy is intended to make representatives respond to their local constituents, but it has become ever more “nationalized,” and that kind of “nationalized” Congress is ever less willing to check presidential power, which also operates at the national level. More and more, our Congressional elections are presented as “national” contests. We read in our local newspapers about Congressional elections taking place in far-flung states we know very little about, and we get funding appeals from those running for Congress in those states, in places we may never have even visited.
Not to deny that every Member of Congress will vote on issues that will affect everyone in the country; that is certainly true. But our system is built on the idea that local people will be able to “terrorize” their local elected representatives, and make those representatives accountable to their local constituents (and not to some national political party).
We have a problem, and it’s not just in Houston. It’s everywhere.
Delegative democracy? I think that’s an oxymoron. If we want the kind of democracy that our Constitution contemplates, we can’t delegate our control over our own elected Congressional representatives to anyone – not to a national political party, and certainly not to the president!
Gary is a former Santa Cruz County Supervisor (20 years) and an attorney for individuals and community groups on land use and environmental issues. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. You can read and subscribe to his daily blog at
Email Gary at |
EAGAN’S SUBCONSCIOUS COMICS. Check out the new classic Subconscious Comic just a scroll downwards.
EAGAN’S DEEP COVER. See Eagan’s ” Deep Psychosis Trump” as part of his national Health Alert series #20 down a few pages. As always, at you will find his most recent Deep Cover, the latest installment from the archives of Subconscious Comics, and the ever entertaining Eaganblog.
CELEBRATING JAMES ASCHBACHER. Many, many of Jim Aschbacher’s friends are putting together a memorable celebration of his life. Free champagne, free event, lots of music, talks by some good friends, collections of photos and a great sense of community will all happen August 25 at the Rio Theater from 6-9 p.m.
We are really fortunate that the San Francisco Mime Troupe continues to make Santa Cruz one of their traveling stops. They’ll be performing their original time – traveling musical “SEEING RED” twice in San Lorenzo Park for free. That’s Saturday/Sunday September 8th & 9th. The great Mime troupe band starts at 2:30 the play is at 3 p.m.
LISA JENSEN LINKS. Lisa writes: “Everybody keeps telling me how brave I am, after the unimaginable loss of my Art Boy. It’s not true, but I do have a secret weapon against too much sadness! Find out what it is this week at Lisa Jensen Online Express ( ). And don’t forget to join me at the Rio this Saturday, August 25, to celebrate James Aschbacher’s inspiring life!” Lisa has been writing film reviews and columns for Good Times since 1975.
PUZZLE. A perfectly acted extra sensitive story of a woman finding her way to emporment. Also a view into the little known world of Jigsaw Puzzle addicts and experts. Go see this quickly, it probably won’t last long on Santa Cruz screens.
ALPHA. 88 on RT. A live action Ice Age cave man meets a dog for the first time. It does lack Raquel Welch or any cave babes in leather skimpys but it is fascinating….and you can take the kids. I’m serious about the man meets dog story. That’s the only plot it has.
CRAZY RICH ASIANS. A Hollywood movie with an all Asian cast. It’s about the same as “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, except Asian Americans instead of Greeks. The plot, laughs, and acting are all typical Hollywood re-hash. It doesn’t need your ticket money…it’s breaking many, many box office records already. Which means of course that there’ll be a dozen look a like sequels.
NEVER GOIN BACK. Two Texas teen age girls try to make sense of their lives. It’s one of the worst movies I’ve seen. Pointless, not funny, not serious, no plot. And the ending is meaningless too. (CLOSES THURSDAY, AUGUST 23)
BLACKKKLANSMAN. Spike Lee’s newest and most effective critique on what’s happening in America. It’s the progressive Democrats best statement since Michael Moore’s last film. Not subtle, even funny, bitter, and painfully true. It’s based on the true story of a black police officer who finagles a way to get a white guy into the KuKluxKlan. More than that he has meetings with David Duke, head of the KKK. Alec Baldwin has an opening scene Adam Driver is the “hero” and you have to see it. It earned 97% on RT
EIGHTH GRADE. A 99 on RT and the lead actor Elsie Fisher deserves at least an Oscar for her role as a conflicted and nearly typical eighth grader. The incredibly talented, funny, and profound Bo Burnham directed it. (See his Comedy special on Netflix!). You’ll relive the anxiety, insecurity, and fears we all had in eighth grade. It’s billed as a comedy and some of the audience laughed when I was watching it…but see it for the insights, the reality, and the remembrances of those times.
BLINDSPOTTING. Has a 93 on RT…and deserves it. A “blindspot” as we learn in the film, is when something is right in front of you and you can’t see it. In this case it’s the racial scene in Oakland and the rest of the USA. Violent, conflicted, heartwarming, well acted, and painful. It’ll leave an impression on you long after you leave the theatre.
SORRY TO BOTHER YOU. A 95 on Rotten Tomatoes, this is a crude take-off on telemarketers and their lowly status in life. It takes place in Oakland and is nearly all African-American themed. That means that to be a successful telemarketer you have to use your “white voice”. Danny Glover has a small part, and we can only hope he gets some decent roles again. This wasn’t one of them. There is too much racism, role-playing. and politic switching played as humor for me to really like this movie. You are on your own. (CLOSES THURSDAY, AUGUST 23)
EQUALIZER 2. Denzel Washington is back again as a vigilante. Unlike all the rest of the bloody, violent, killing, revenge movies, Denzel makes this one a little deeper, more thoughtful, and yet at the same time heavy-handed. There’s nothing new, imaginative or startling in it, but because it’s Denzel you’ll be able to sit through all of it.
MISSION IMPOSSIBLE :FALLOUT. Another Tom Cruise do it yourself stunt movie. Simon Pegg and Alec Baldwin are back again too. It has some wild and inventive stunt scenes that we’ve never seen before. Plus a music score that keeps almost all of the movie at a very intense level. It’s thrilling, mindless, pointless, but full of kicks. It’s made for the big screens.
ANT-MAN AND THE WASP. It’s embarrassing to watch Michael Douglas, Laurence Fishburne and especiallyMichelle Pfeiffer having to take roles in yet another factory-produced Marvel Comic mass-produced monster hit. (85 RT) Paul Rudd is back in this sequel, and does the best possible job as the Ant-Man. He shrinks; he grows, flies around on the Wasp’s back and does what little he can with this comic book movie. I’m guessing that these Marvel movies are best enjoyed by eight-year-olds. If you’re older than that, think at least twice before attending.
THE SPY WHO DUMPED ME. Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon play buddies from LA who for some kinky reason become involved with an international killers. The two of them go to
Holland, Hungary, Berlin, Austria, Denmark and Atlanta, Georgia. After more than two hours those locations plus the foolish, overused dialogue between the two women aren’t enough to make this flick worth paying to see.
INCREDIBLES 2. I liked Incredibles 1. Now Pixar/Disney has shifted to centering on Mrs. Incredible as a Wonder Woman who goes through numerous violent bloody battles against the one concept I thought was funny…the evil Screenslaver. Very little of the original charm, family stuff, human frailties, it’s another cutesy version of the Marvel Comics blockbusters
CHRISTOPHER ROBIN. Ewan McGregor does the best possible job he can with a boring, depressing, and very commercial attempt to make more money from A.A. Milne’s Winnie The Pooh books. It isn’t even Disney cute or Pixar creative it’s simply not interesting. And old Christopher Robin is forced by animated versions of Eeyore, Piglet, Tigger and other stuffed toys to remember how much fun he had as a boy. Don’t even send the kids.
MAMMA MIA! HERE WE GO AGAIN. It’s all of the original cast (even Meryl Streep for two songs) and ABBA music. It’s mindless, pointless, meaningless, and lacks almost all of the charm or naiveté of the first one. If you wait until almost the end you can watch a 72 year old Cher in tights singing to her daughter Meryl Streep — who is 69 years old!!! You could also watch Stellan Skarsgard, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth and Julie Walters embarrass themselves in this strictly for-the-money prequel. Or I could say, “here we go again… BUT you shouldn’t”.
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE. Each and every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. I host Universal Grapevine on KZSC 88.1 fm. or on your computer, (live only or archived for two weeks… (See next paragraph) and go to WWW.KZSC.ORG. On Aug.21 cardiologist and Doctor Neil Sawhney talks about heart problems. Then Lisa Sheridan and Robert Morgan from Sustainable Soquel talk about car dealerships and Soquel traffic. Aug. 28 has Lisa Rose and Ken Koenig from Santa Cruz Indivisible talking about their latest plans and events. Then Phyllis Rosenblum president of the Santa Cruz Chamber Players talks about their new season (2018-2019) concerts. On September 4 Rotimi Agbabiaka from The San Francisco Mime Troupe discuss their performances here on Sept. 8 & 9. Then Rose Sellery and Tina Brown share style scoops from their PIVOT: Art Of Fashion show happening 9/22. September 11 Michel Singher from the Espressivo Orchestra will describe their upcoming concerts. Then Julie James from The Jewel Theatre shares news of their new play season. Sept. 18 has Don Stump pres. and CEO of CCH housing returning to discuss affordable housing. Nora Hochman guests on September 25 to talk about rent control and Housing Justice. OR…if you just happen to miss either of the last two weeks of Universal Grapevine broadcasts go here… You have to listen to about 4 minutes of that week’s KPFA news first, then Grapevine happens. Do remember, any and all suggestions for future programs are more than welcome so tune in, and keep listening. Email me always and only at
This is sooooo cute!! 🙂
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE ARCHIVES. In case you missed some of the great people I’ve interviewed in the last 9 years here’s a chronological list of some past broadcasts. Such a wide range of folks such as Nikki Silva, Michael Warren, Tom Noddy, UCSC Chancellor George Blumenthal, Anita Monga, Mark Wainer, Judy Johnson, Wendy Mayer-Lochtefeld, Rachel Goodman, George Newell, Tubten Pende, Gina Marie Hayes, Rebecca Ronay-Hazleton, Miriam Ellis, Deb Mc Arthur, The Great Morgani on Street performing, and Paul Whitworth on Krapps Last Tape. Jodi McGraw on Sandhills, Bruce Daniels on area water problems. Mike Pappas on the Olive Connection, Sandy Lydon on County History. Paul Johnston on political organizing, Rick Longinotti on De-Sal. Dan Haifley on Monterey Bay Sanctuary, Dan Harder on Santa Cruz City Museum. Sara Wilbourne on Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre. Brian Spencer on SEE Theatre Co. Paula Kenyon and Karen Massaro on MAH and Big Creek Pottery. Carolyn Burke on Edith Piaf. Peggy Dolgenos on Cruzio. Julie James on Jewel Theatre Company. Then there’s Pat Matejcek on environment, Nancy Abrams and Joel Primack on the Universe plus Nina Simon from MAH, Rob Slawinski, Gary Bascou, Judge Paul Burdick, John Brown Childs, Ellen Kimmel, Don Williams, Kinan Valdez, Ellen Murtha, John Leopold, Karen Kefauver, Chip Lord, Judy Bouley, Rob Sean Wilson, Ann Simonton, Lori Rivera, Sayaka Yabuki, Chris Kinney, Celia and Peter Scott, Chris Krohn, David Swanger, Chelsea Juarez…and that’s just since January 2011.
“Cinema is universal, beyond flags and borders and passports”. Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
“Security is a double-edged sword: While a fence sure protects the fenced; it also imprisons the protected.” Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Let borders become sunlight so we traverse this Earth as one nation and drive the darkness out.” Kamand Kojouri
“The moment you cross the border of your country to another, nature will blow you the breeze of revolution, no matter how long you may spend abroad, you will never return back home the same again, it is either greater or worse.” Elijah Onyenmeriogu
“Climate change knows no borders. It will not stop before the Pacific islands and the whole of the international community here has to shoulder a responsibility to bring about a sustainable development”. Angela Merkel
COLUMN COMMUNICATIONS. Subscriptions: Click and enter the box in the upper right hand corner of each Column. You’ll get a weekly email notice the instant the column goes online. (Anywhere from Monday afternoon through Thursday or sometimes as late as Friday!) Always free and confidential. Even I don’t know who subscribes!!
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