McPHERSON CAMPAIGN MONEY. I was going to launch into another tirade about Bruce McPherson and his 5th District County Supervisor campaign. I was going to write more about McPherson’s Anti-John Laird campaign, about how McPherson supported Schwarzenegger 100%, about his strong Republican Santa Cruz Sentinel history, his being a Bank owner but I won’t!!! Instead, as we’ve all read, McPherson’s campaign has brought in more money from out of the San Lorenzo Valley than any other County Supervisor Campaign in history. More importantly as we’ve said all along, this money comes from developers and pro-growth, pro-corporation investors…its part of the newly empowered Growth Coalition. Read these names, you know these folks. If they had their way we’d have hotels on Lighthouse Point, 10,000 homes on Wilder ranch, a freeway through the center of town. We’ve already memorized these names, you’ve seen them all before…now they’re backing Republican McPherson with $$$. Joe Appenrodt, Victor Bogard, Charles Canfield, Bruce Woolpert, Louis Rittenhouse, Doug Ley, Ariadne Symons, Thomas Reese, Betty Danner, Craig French, Tim Morgan, Daniel Kriege, Clint & Karen Miller, Mike Scarborough, Larry Pearson, Harvey Nicholson, Bob Bosso, Doug Austin, John Biondi, William “Bill” Brooks, Thad Corbett, Jeanette Crocetti, Ted Burke, John & Linda Burroughs, Dene Bustichi, Michael Janni, Chuck Maffia, Stanley Prolo, and Michael Termini. That’s just the list up to now.
Remember….not one resident of San Lorenzo Valley has contributed.
ELIMINATE COUNTY TREASURER JOB. Folks in the County Building have been concerned; people all around the County have been concerned, now it’s time to act!!! Fred Keeley doesn’t have anything worthwhile to do in his job as County treasurer. He smarms about with the Sierra Club, acts and interferes in anything that keeps his name prominent, but what has to happen here is what has been happening all over the state..
ELIMINATE THE COUNTY TREASURER POSITION!!!. Other counties have combined the few remaining functions with the auditors job, and it works just fine. I’ve heard that it’s been discussed by the Board Of Supes but they need to take a look at Keeley and get him out looking for another job and save our hard strapped County some big money.
JAZZ FOR COWS. Photographer/filmmaker Ken Koenig sent this first clip… |
COASTAL COMMISSION MEETING NEWS. Mark Stone emailed to tell us…”The Santa Cruz meeting is February 8 & 9. March is in Chula Vista. March is the usual time for the Central Coast, but there is a big project in Chula Vista that they want to hear in March. We swapped dates with the San Diego area”.
GIRL SCOUTS…MAKE YOUR COOKIES SAFE (at least). I’ve always thought that Girl Scouts should stop selling junk food altogether and sell something beneficial to the planet. Next best would be to boycott the cookies just give those little urchins the money, and let the cookies rot in protest. But now along comes some scouts who tell us what’s happening to the rain forests and about palm oil. Read this petition, sign it and pass it on. The orangutans, the locals and your health will thank you.
SHAKESPEARE EXPERTS TO DEBATE HAMLET. UCSC’s John Dizikes and Cabrilho College’s Don Young are going to have a debate over Hamlet’s character. Both of these retired professors/authors/lecturers have spent decades studying and forming opinions on, as Don Young says, “Hamlet had many flaws and was a tragic figure”. John Dizikes on the other hand, states “Hamlet had many superior qualities”. If you know these gentlemen you know it’ll be fun, serious, intriguing, and it’s free. It’ll be this Saturday February 11 at 10 am. at The Christ Lutheran Church at 10707 Soquel Drive in Aptos. That’s off the Freedom Blvd. turnoff, sharp right past the CHP, and just up the hill. I’ll save you a seat.
BABY ESCAPES FROM CRIB. Just watch this little devil |
PATTON’S PROGRAM. After talking about land use issues and warning everyone not to sit at home and watch our City Council sessions on their computers Gary closes by inviting everyone to a Kickoff party. He defines it by saying…”One of the major issues now confronting the City of Santa Cruz, and residents outside the city limits, too, is whether or not the City should partner with the Soquel Creek Water District to construct a $100 million dollar desalination plant to meet the need for water during drought periods in the City of Santa Cruz water service area, and to help relieve the threat of groundwater overdraft in the Soquel Creek Water District. I have a link to the SCWD2 website in the transcript of today’s Report, so you can review the arguments in favor.
There are some compelling arguments “against” the proposed desalination plant, which I have also referenced by a link to the “Desal Alternatives” website. I urge all KUSP listeners and BrattonOnline readers to start tracking both sides of the debate, and I want to let you know, today, about a proposed initiative measure, in the City of Santa Cruz, that would amend the Santa Cruz City Charter to provide City voters with an opportunity to vote on desalination, before any of that $100-million dollars gets spent. The idea is to let the voters make the ultimate decision, since it’s such an important one.
The text of the initiative measure is online, and the “kickoff party” for the “Vote On Desal” initiative is scheduled for this Sunday, February 12th, at 418 Front Street in the City of Santa Cruz. The party starts at 12:00 noon, and you are invited! (Gary Patton is “Of Counsel” to the Santa Cruz law firm of Wittwer & Parkin, which specializes in land use and environmental law. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. Gary has his own website, “Two Worlds / 365” – www.gapatton.net)

ANCHOR IN ANTARCTICA. Tour guide Micaela tells tourist tales.
“Al Gore should get to the gym more often. That was my impression upon seeing him last Thursday (2/2) when he arrived with his expedition as part of The Climate Reality Project (CRP)*, a non-profit association of muckety-mucks who publicize climate issues. A handful of celebrities such as Tommy Lee Jones (monosyllabic and solitary), Richard Branson (old but fun), and Ted Turner (everybody’s BFF) added some sparkle to the show, but most of the participants came from the business sector: venture capital, “sustainable investment,” or other industries like real estate or shipping. The expedition’s tagline– “Destination: Reality”— sounds pretty ridiculous coming out of the mouths of multi-millionaires.
I confess that I had some expectations, despite my cynicism. Gore/CRP hired some amazing scientists to give lectures on ship and then act as naturalists when the group made landings at various ecological sites on the Peninsula. Sylvia Earle, the luminous First Lady of Oceanography, is probably the best-known name among them. The group also included scientists who do research in the Antarctic professionally. If I spent
several days in a boat with such amazing minds, one hour at Palmer Station would not provide nearly enough time to ask all my questions even as I tried to take in all my tour guide had to say. Many people in my tour groups had the attention spans of twelve-year olds and the manners of toddlers– interrupting, wandering off, and staring into space.
Not everyone behaved so rudely, of course. And every cruise ship brings a few people who just don’t get it. So why did they get on my nerves so badly?
I thought that they might have something to say to me, I guess. Some portion of my mind remained loyal to the idea that we belong on the same side, although our methods and priorities differ greatly, and that they would value the insights of the average US Antarctic Program worker. I foresaw disagreement, but I anticipated dialogue. Chagrin makes me grind my teeth.
We cannot expect any more from the new round of climate-themed non-profits than I should have expected from these people. No matter how polite or genuinely concerned they may feel, their backgrounds influence how they perceive “Reality.” Gore is a politician and investor; his approach to climate change is part campaign stump, part business pitch, all topped with a spoonful of fluff philanthropy and sprinkled with celebrity guests. They enjoyed themselves, based on the feedback we got from the station manager, and generally thanked us for the work we do in supporting science. I’m just not convinced they know what that is, exactly.”
(Micaela Neus works for Raytheon Polar Services Company as a utilities technician and is currently living at Palmer Station, Antarctica until April 2012.
VINTAGE DE CINZO. “Pilot Spare That tree” or something equally as money making…scroll down again.
EAGANS DEEP COVER. Tim seeks out the signs of our times…scroll below
LANDAU’S PROGRES.Saul writes the second part of his two part piece titled “Environmental Internationalism Cuba’s New Mission?”. He says, “Since 1959 Cuba has played a significant world role, quite a feat for a nation of 5 million – 11 million now. Cubans have shown their values, commitment and solidarity in dealing with the aftermath of natural disasters around the world. Between 1960 and 2011, Cuba sent 45 medical brigades to 30 countries. From 1963 to 2010, 135,000 Cuban health professionals worked in 108 countries. Presently, 80 countries receive the health services of 38,000 Cuban “internationalists.” Because Cuba is such an important environmental reserve, and a treasure trove of diverse plant, and animal species, the Smithsonian labeled the island a “biological superpower” of the Caribbean. In addition, The “Tulane Environmental Law Journal” called Cuba a world model in coastal and marine management. (Summer 2003 issue dedicated to Cuba’s environment).Cuban leaders could use this environmental foundation to articulate a new and vital mission, to organize for the Earth’s well being and humanity’s survival. Cubans might even welcome green “internationalists” from everywhere to work with them toward that worthy goal. Read all of it here… Saul Landau is an Institute for Policy Studies fellow whose films are on DVD from roundworldproductions@gmail.com .
LISA JENSEN LINKS: Lisa writes: “This week at Lisa Jensen Online Express (http://ljo-express.blogspot.com/), let’s celebrate the 200th birthday of my favorite author, Charles Dickens. I forgot to get a cake, but I will share my Top Five all-time favorite Dickens film/TV productions. And speaking of creative geniuses, hold onto your socks when the Pina (as in Bausch) movie dances into town.” Lisa Jensen has been writing film reviews and a column for Good Times since 1975.
GABRIELLA CAFÉ LITERARY SALON NIGHTS. As mentioned before, Gabriella Café starts a monthly Literary Salon on the first Tuesday of every month, join us for our regular menu’s good food and wine in the atmosphere of a Literary Salon hosted by various authors, poets and scholars. A Salon “is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse one another and partly to refine the taste.” Beginning Tuesday, February 7, and continuing the first Tuesday of every month, dinner will be offered with the speaker at 8:00 pm. Readings and discussion will start at 9:00 pm over desserts and beverages.
Literary Salon Series Calendar:
February 7 & March 6: John Dizikes & Dale Johnson,
April 3: Stephen Kessler,
May 1: Peter Kenez,
June 5: Lisa Ortiz,
July 3: Patrice Vecchione. Save me a seat, I’ll be late.
ATHEISTS, HUMANISTS, AGNOSTICS GET TOGETHER!!! Howard Burman, from Atheists of SC and Monterey Bay sent this…” Local secular humanists will be holding Santa Cruz’s 5th Annual Darwin Day Celebration on Monday, February 13th from 7-9 PM at the Sesnon House (Rm 1804) off Soquel Drive on the Cabrillo College campus. The event is sponsored by the Cabrillo College Secular Student Alliance and co-sponsored by the UCSC Secular Student Alliance, Secular Humanists of Santa Cruz County and Atheists of Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties. We are pleased to have renowned eco-artists and environmental activists, Professors Helen and Newton Harrison, as our featured speakers. The Harrisons have recently settled in Santa Cruz after an illustrious career teaching and conducting academic research at UC-San Diego. They will be presenting a talk on “The Force Majeure: Evolving the Future in Light of Global Ecological Disequilibrium”. Their presentation will review projects they have initiated locally and globally to promote ecological sustainability and reverse environmental degradation.
THREE CRITICS AT THE NICK. As many film fans know, Lisa Jensen, Wallace Baine and I have an annual pre-Oscar “Meet The Movie Critics” event at the Nickelodeon one week before Hollywood does its thing. More than ever before we’re wanting to hear YOUR choices, and favorite films for 2011, so we’ll do exactly that, and of course discuss the films we think deserve Oscars. For example here’s
Lisa’s Runners-Up: 50/50, THE GUARD, THE DESCENDANTS
Lisa’s Guilty Pleasure: RANGO
Lisa’s They Coulda Been Contenders: TAKE SHELTER,THE TREE OF LIFE
So anyone and everyone with an opinion about movies should be at The Nickelodeon Sunday morning February 19th at 10am. It’s free, good fun, only a little serious, and it’s the Ninth annual. And yes, we miss Morton Marcus, – who doesn’t?
ALBERT NOBBS. For the first time ever, I didn’t like Glen Close!!. She played this guy Albert Nobbs so tight, so stiff, and so weird I never cared one bit about his/her happiness. It boarded on the creepy…not funny, not strange, just creepy.
WOMAN IN BLACK. Daniel (Harry Potter) Radcliffe does an ok job in this film and you only think about Harry Potter a little bit. But all he can do in this role is act scared, that’s the way the script is written. More than that I never understood why the ghosts kept coming back. Revenge, hating children, habit, what?? It’s dark, gothic, scary, nerve wracking a little bit, but not really satisfying. If your budget is tight right now don’t go.
CHRONICLE. A kooky mix of Blair Witch and extraterrestrial powers. Here again, the plot made no sense to me whatsoever. I never figured what the point was. Why did they get these powers? From whom? And how were they supposed to use them? It was just nuts. Don’t bother, except that you will stay in touch with it all the way through, but you’ll be sorry you bothered.
SANTA CRUZ BAROQUE FESTIVAL. The Santa Cruz Baroque Festival presents Season Concert I: “Exotic Baroque” Featuring the California Koto Ensemble, Bach on Bars (marimba ensemble), and the Santa Cruz Guitar Orchestra. February 11, 2012 at 7:30pm This concert takes place on February 11, 2012 at 7:30pm at the UCSC Music Center Recital Hall. Tickets can be purchased through the UCSC Ticket Office (www.santacruztickets.com, 831-459-2159) and the Civic
Center Box Office. For more information please visit www.scbaroque.org
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE. Each and every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. I host Universal Grapevine on KZSC 88.1 fm. or on your computer (live only, or sometimes old programs are archived…(see next paragraph) and go to WWW.KZSC.ORG. Glen Schaller coordinator for the Monterey Bay Labor Council will bring us up to date on the state of the unions in and around the Monterey Bay on February 7th followed by Brad Kava, who had his phone stolen and couldn’t make it to last week’s Grapevine. Nina Simon director of MAH and Susan Hillhouse curator of MAH will talk about Love on Valentine’s Night Feb 14th followed by Lisa Jensen to talk about our critic’s choices for best films of 2011. (Wallace Baine can’t make Tuesday nights). Kirsten Brandt will discuss her music and upcoming UCSC Concert on February 23 followed by UCSC students Kimberly Schneider and Krysta Thornton talking about a water discussion event happening on campus Feb.22. Do remember, any and all suggestions for future programs are more than welcome so tune in, and keep listening.
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE ARCHIVES. In case you missed some of the great people I’ve interviewed in the last 5 years here’s a chronological list of just this year’s podcasts. Click here http://kzsc.org/blog/tag/universal-grapevine then tap on “listen here” to hear any or all of them… all over again. The Great Morgani on Street performing, Paul Whitworth on Krapps Last Tape. Jodi McGraw on Sandhills, Bruce Daniels on area water problems. Mike Pappas on the Olive Connection, Sandy Lydon on County History. Paul Johnston on political organizing, Rick Longinotti on De-Sal. Dan Haifley on Monterey Bay Sanctuary, Dan Harder on Santa Cruz City Museum. Sara Wilbourne on Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre. Brian Spencer on SEE Theatre Co. Paula Kenyon and Karen Massaro on MAH and Big Creek Pottery. Carolyn Burke on Edith Piaf. Peggy Dolgenos on Cruzio. Julie James on Jewel Theatre Conpany. Then there’s Pat Matejcek on environment, Nancy Abrams and Joel Primack on the Universe plus Nina Simon from MAH, Rob Slawinski, Gary Bascou, Judge Paul Burdick, John Brown Childs, Ellen Kimmel, Don Williams, Kinan Valdez, Ellen Murtha, John Leopold, Karen Kefauver, Chip Lord, Judy Bouley, Rob Sean Wilson, Ann Simonton, Lori Rivera, Sayaka Yabuki, Chris Kinney, Celia and Peter Scott, Chris Krohn, David Swanger, Chelsea Juarez…and that’s just since January 2011. Hear them all!!!
QUOTES. “The three most beautiful words in the English language are “find check enclosed”, Dorothy Parker. “I feel sorry for people who don’t drink. They wake up in the morning and that’s the best they feel all day”, Dean Martin. “An alcoholic is anyone you don’t like who drinks more than you do”, Dylan Thomas.
Deep Cover by tim eagan.