Blog Archives

September 3 – 9, 2018

Highlights this week:

BRATTON…Santa Cruz Indivisible event & open house, Greg Larson loses Democrat support, Dream Inn development battle just beginning, Save Scotts Valley event, Salmon fishing in Santa Cruz. GREENSITE…on Learning to love Trees. KROHN…City council biz, killing the giant Sequoia, water bonds, developers and $$Density Bonus$$, UCSC and no growth issue, Homeless housing debacle, vote on Library/garage on Sept.11. STEINBRUNER…Soquel’s drinking sewage water to save money? Soquel water Board shutting up citizen input, Monning’s Water Bill loses again — hooray!, County Supes stop public input. PATTON…on Presidential lying and honesty. EAGAN…classic Subconscious Comics and new Deep Cover. JENSEN…still has visitors and will return next week. BRATTON…critiques Little Stranger, Searching, and Juliet, NakedUNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE GUEST LINEUP. QUOTES…about September.


KU KLUX KLAN IN SANTA CRUZ? July 4, 1927.  For decades many of us believed this was a photo of Klan members marching on Pacific Avenue. Sandy Lydon says — nope, it’s just some women wearing white. He even has another photo on his website that does show KKK with hoods marching right where Louis Rittenhouse built his building. Check it out  and read the KKK Santa Cruz history there too. No it doesn’t include the former Omei Restaurant’s support of David Duke, former head of the KKK.                                           

photo credit: Covello & Covello Historical photo collection.

Lincoln Taiz found this Trump tribute!!!
LU WATTERS AND HIS YERBA BUENA JAZZ BAND. Not enough people know that Lu Watters was born in Santa Cruz. He is solely responsible for the 1940’s-1960’s San Francisco revival of New Orleans jazz. He was also instrumental in the fight against PG& E’s Nuclear Power plant in Bodega Bay, which we won!!

Photo  Caption

(photo courtesy of Covello & Covello Historical photos)

DATELINE September 3, 2018

SANTA CRUZ INDIVISIBLE. Trying to find a way to get involved and help the battle against the Trump forces? Want to meet friends and neighbors who share your interests? Go to the Santa Cruz Indivisible Blue Wave Show at the Civic this Saturday. Here’s what they sent out…

“Can’t get involved during the summer? Don’t worry, on September 8th at the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium, SCI will be having a general meeting from 10-11:30am, followed by a day of Blue Wave volunteer recruitment from 1-5pm, where you will be able to take short training sessions about canvassing, phone and text banking, GOTV, and writing postcards to voters. Before you leave you will be able to sign up for any Blue Wave actions that fit your schedule and interests.

Feel intimidated about participating, or don’t know how to get involved? Don’t! To help guide you we will have continuous, revolving, 20 min. intro sessions to learn how to effectively connect with voters using various electoral tools like: canvassing, writing postcards to voters, phone and text banking. Attend for 20 minutes or two hours, whatever fits your schedule!”

This is the time to find folks and neighbors who share your concerns. S.C.I will have Active issue teams at the Civic representing Local politics, Freedom of the press, LGBTIQ, gun violence, Black lives matter, California single payer, common ground, climate solutions, public lands, water issues, wildlife, children and education, economic policy, voter suppression, and of course Trump politics. It’s a perfect way to get involved. That’s 10am to 5p.m. at the Civic. Go here to get the info and go there to help our country get back on track.

GREG LARSON’S CITY COUNCIL CAMPAIGN. Is anyone else surprised that Greg Larson got NO endorsements from both the Democratic Women’s Club and the Democratic Central Committee? What is equally surprising is that he’s pushing his endorsements from so many of the the police groups — such as Santa Cruz POLICE OFFICERS Association, Santa Cruz POLICE MANAGEMENT Association, Scott Seaman, Past President of CA Police Chiefs Assoc. Kevin Vogel, Past Police Chief, City of Santa Cruz. That puts him way into the Terrazas-Cynthia Mathews camp, instead of where so many of us hoped otherwise. At the next forum be sure to ask him where he stands on Rent Control or West Cliff Dream development. Don’t let him cop out like so many are doing by saying … “oh yes I’m for rent control, just not this measure”.

DREAM INN DEVELOPMENT DISASTER. Tourists are already trying to avoid the enormous traffic problem at West Cliff Drive/Dream Inn/ West Cliff Villas corner. Soon tourists will start avoiding that entire area of our fair city. Dream Inn owners are pushing developer Ensemble Real Estate to get this project moving ASAP. It’s the 4 story, 47 foot tall town house building with two underground parking levels.  As Save Santa Cruz Westside’s website says, that’s… “89 Luxury Condos, Minimal Local Housing, and 15,790 square feet of commercial retail space at a critical intersection”. So many of these units will be escape destinations for wealthy Silicon Valley escapees… and won’t help our housing crisis at all. Many, many of the immediate neighbors are fighting this. For sure the trailer park folks behind the site are worried about it, but neighbors in the West Cliff Villas right there at that Dream Inn corner are fighting just as hard to prevent this destruction of our threatened environment. Join in… It’s our community.

SAVE SCOTTS VALLEY TOWN GREEN EVENT. This is from an email in this week’s mail bag. “Our invitation to one of the most important discussions in the history of Scotts Valley was buried on page 15 of the latest Press Banner. The city has known about this for weeks, yet has made minimal effort to spread the word. If you live in Scotts Valley or the San Lorenzo Valley, and are concerned about this high density housing mega-project which will crush the Mt. Hermon corridor and impact the safety of our Middle School kids, spread the word and attend the meeting Saturday September 8th from 11-2 at the SCOTTS Valley Community Center. The meeting coincides with the Farmers Market “Apple a Day” Festival, so bring a few extra bucks and plan to stick around after we tell the developers our downtown is the WORST LOCATION for hundreds of high-density housing units”.

SALMON FISHING IN SANTA CRUZ. Last week I ran a video clip of some guys just sweeping salmon out of the water somewhere in Santa Cruz. I asked if anyone knew where this bizarre event took place. I got much more than that from Jean Brocklebank. She wrote… “The video was taken a couple of years ago at the upper end of the harbor, where the once lovely Arana Creek fed a natural wetland/lagoon system.  Nowadays, salmon are artificially raised at a hatchery, then released into harbor waters to head for the ocean and return for sport fishing.     Thankfully, the Port District has since stopped the absurd practice of fishing off the end of the upper harbor, where — once the word got out — dozens of people showed up and did what the video shows so well. It became a human feeding frenzy and ruined the upper harbor.  Landscaping was trampled. Guys were peeing into the water. There was trash left behind, including fishing line (of course). No fishing there for the past two years and that’s fine by me!”

September 3, 2018

I grew up around trees. Very tall trees. When I was about 8 years old my family moved from the state of Victoria to the state of New South Wales on Australia’s east coast. I recall my father telling us why he chose to buy the modest weatherboard two-bedroom house, which cost $2,000 at that time, sold for $20,000 in 1970 when my father moved to New Zealand and today the same house is worth well over a million dollars. Housing speculation has similar impacts on both sides of the Pacific Ocean.

The first house my father looked at was a well-made larger house that would have been ideal except for the fact that its spacious yard was full of mature trees. My father wanted a large vegetable garden, which required sun. He therefore chose instead the lesser house on the other side of the valley with only native brush, no trees and full sun. Cutting down the trees for more sun never entered his mind. That early lesson and countless others instilled in me a respect and love for trees that is deeply rooted. It has fuelled a passion to save trees from human selfishness and ignorance both of which abound in Santa Cruz, more so than in other places I’ve visited. When I revisit my hometown in Australia, the trees from my childhood are still there, only much bigger after 50 years. I joke with friends that after being away from Santa Cruz for a month, I expect to see any number of big trees gone on my return. Sadly that is often the case.

As properties change hands in Santa Cruz, as second units are approved on single-family lots, we are fast losing our mature trees, sometimes for frivolous reasons. Just two examples: one involves a house on my street where a heritage tree grew in the front yard of a house that recently sold. The tree, when just a six inch slip, was brought from Indiana in the back pocket of a man who loved trees and wanted to plant it as a reminder of his previous home. It was a mature tree when I moved to the lower Westside 40 years ago. The property has changed hands a few times and new owners cared for the tree until the present owner moved in. Within a few months, and conveniently when I was out of town, he cut down the tree without any permit, ripped out the landscaping to make room for another car, forever changing the look and feel of our street. The other example involves a large Sequoia tree growing in a private yard on King St. The new owners who purchased the house a year ago decided after buying that they wanted to get rid of the tree. The city’s urban forester denied them a tree removal permit since the tree is healthy, not a danger and not damaging a structure; all conditions that would warrant a tree removal permit. Contrary to popular belief, very few tree removal permits are ever denied by the city’s urban forester and there are hundreds of such requests each year. When one is denied, it’s a guarantee that the tree is worthy of saving. The property owners appealed the denial, won at the Parks and Recreation commission level and the issue headed to council on appeal for the August 28th meeting. The vote was split. With Mayor Terrazas absent, council members Krohn, Brown and Chase voted to save the tree while council members Mathews, Noroyan and Watkins voted to let the owners cut it down.

One expects property owners who wish to get rid of a heritage tree to use fear-based hyperbole and nasty personal attacks as their weapons and both were in no short supply in this particular presentation to council. One expects council members to understand that a Heritage Tree ordinance exists to protect trees, especially from those who hold no love of trees in their hearts; who find trees a nuisance, dirty, in the way, out of place.  One expects that council would respect the expertise of their staff who had her decision peer reviewed and supported by one of the leading arborists in Santa Cruz. Not so for the council members who voted to take the tree down. Employing that trite expression, “it’s the wrong tree in the wrong place” council member Noroyan voted to end the life of this majestic tree as casually as if she were pulling a weed. Given a tie vote, the issue will return to council sometime in October.

Watching the council meeting online from Florida, I was reminded of my father’s example from long ago. If you are looking to buy a house and you don’t like trees or a particular tree is not what you want in your yard then don’t buy that house. Look for a different house. Trees are not objects to be disposed of as casually as a used tissue. They are living species. While worshiping trees was a hallmark of other cultures and times, the least we can do in our over-mechanized, increasingly warming world is to show them a bit of respect. Our future may depend on it.

Gillian Greensite is a long time local activist, a member of Save Our Big Trees and the Santa Cruz chapter of IDA, International Dark Sky Association    Plus she’s an avid ocean swimmer, hiker and lover of all things wild.

September 3, 2018

I told you I’d get back to you with news on various city council votes from our last meeting on August 28th. The Giant Sequoia tree appeal at 1420 King Street near the corner of Baldwin (Item #21) proved to be contentious and ended with at 3-3 vote. Mayor David Terrazas was absent, so it will be heard again on Oct. 23rd, according to city manager Martin Bernal. The three yes votes were cast by Sandy Brown, Cynthia Chase and me. There were moments during the discussion when I thought there would be four votes to maintain this grand tree. In fact, Councilmember Cynthia Mathews ambled on about how she too was a tree-lover and has shelled out a mountain of money to maintain her árboles. But, in the end she voted to cut it down. Now the fate of this beautiful and “healthy” specimen, according to city arborist Leslie Keedy, is up to the mayor, I guess, unless another councilmember changes her mind.

Proposition Political Posturing.
On item #21, no one had the stomach for taking on the staff recommendation of council-support for Proposition 3 water bonds, which both the Sierra Club and the League of Women Voters are firmly opposed to. I did get the council to agree to place Proposition 10, the repeal of the Costa-Hawkins bill that currently limits all rent control in the state after 1994, onto the next city council agenda for a discussion.

Developers Developing Santa Cruz for Developers
The big agenda item outcome–read $$$–of course, was council approval of item #20, the developer-friendly “density bonus” plan. The key provision for developers is ” Increasing the number of units (density bonus) up to 35% more units…”The reason it proved complicated was perhaps the “modifications to the minimum square footage,” or completely throwing out the “tier system” of incentives, but likely it was “Changes to the definition of transit stop…” Are your eyes glazing over yet? Well, most council eyes were possibly bored to tears on this one. The give-away passed by a 5-2 vote with councilmember Brown and me, the only ones to have posed questions for staff, and then we came out firmly opposed to gifts for developer.

click here to continue (link expands, click again to collapse)

“The trade union movement has led the fight for equal rights and economic and social justice. Today, Labor Day, we reflect on those struggles, and pledge our support to protecting workers’ rights and building an economy based on human needs, not corporate greed.” (Sept. 3)
(Chris Krohn is a father, writer, activist, former Santa Cruz City Councilmember (1998-2002) and Mayor (2001-2002). He’s been running the Environmental Studies Internship program at UC Santa Cruz for the past 12 years. He was elected last November to another 4-year term on the Santa Cruz City Council).

Email Chris at

September 3, 2018

Why is Soquel Creek Water District working so hard to shove treated sewage water into the MidCounty drinking water supply and now using an erroneous report (my opinion) to justify the economics of doing so?  Why does the District insist on burdening ratepayers with perhaps $200 MILLION IN DEBT and threaten the entire region’s drinking water supply with pharmaceuticals and unknown contaminants, including carcinogenic nitrosamines (NDMA)??? (There are no drinking water standards established for these toxins).


The District’s Cost Benefit Report, done to support their PureWater Soquel Project, is flawed because it assumes erroneously that “no readily available feasible alternatives” exist. “Several decades of alaysis and regional efforts at implementing other options have not resulted in a substantial water supply coming online.” (pg. 1 of the Report).

How can the District Board accept such false information when this November, Santa Cruz City will begin sending hundreds of thousands of gallons from North Coast sources to Soquel Creek Water District customers, allowing the over-pumped aquifer to recover?  Further, the agreements between the two jurisdictions will be re-negotiated in 2020 and could allow for more water to be sent to the District during high-flow storm events.  Also,  other “place of use” water rights for the San Lorenzo River are currently being amended to allow Santa Cruz to send excess water to Soquel Creek Water District, allowing the over-pumped areas to recover.  The pipelines needed for this are already in place, and are used during emergencies between the two jurisdictions.

The District already submitted this bogus Cost Benefit Report to the feds last July for a $20 Million grant application, two-thirds of which relies upon this type of information.  The Board is only now being given the opportunity to review the Report at this Tuesday’s meeting (see Item 6.5 beginning on page 107)

The Report was created by Dr. Brent Haddad, Professor of Environmental Studies (NOT Economics) and graduate student Mr. Bryan Pratt (in Economics Dept.), both at UCSC, operating under the comparison of Orange County studies.  The Report was reviewed by Mr. Cameron Tana, Hydro geologist (not an economist) for Montgomery and Associates, the company developing the models to support the PureWater Soquel Project.  Doesn’t that seem odd to you?

Why does the Report claim an annual Operating & Maintenance Cost of $1.9 Million from figures supposedly given by Project consultants Brown and Caldwell, but never provides the actual document reference information?  Why does the Soquel Creek Water District document presented to the Board at the August 21, 2018 by District Financial Manager Ms. Leslie Strohm at the Special Board Meeting (NOT video recorded for the public) state “Supplemental Supply operating costs beginning FY 2023-2024 estimated at $2,440,000 per year” (page 6 of 25)???

click here to continue (link expands, click again to collapse)

Last Tuesday’s (8/28)County Board of Supervisor meeting Consent Agenda #62 approved an exclusive contract with Swenson Builders to move forward on a hotel at the 7th Avenue and Brommer Redevelopment parcel above the Santa Cruz Harbor.  Because I can no longer pull Consent Agenda items for better public discussion at Board meetings, I followed the newly-approved Board rule and wrote Supervisors Ryan Coonerty and John Leopold to ask that they pull the item for me.  I got no response from either until they both responded via e-mails sent moments before the Board meeting began that they would NOT honor my request and pull the item. 

Well, that action will help support County Administrative Officer (CAO) Carlos Palacios’ criteria for the success of the new Board policies regarding public input.  According to his staff, the changes will be successful if there are fewer Consent Agenda items pulled.  Does that seem like better public participation in local government to you?  That was one of the features of the “Vision Santa Cruz Strategic Plan” approved by the Board last June.

I think the Grand Jury needs to hear about this, don’t you?  What will be the next method of further stifling public participation?  Contact your County Supervisor and ask.


Becky Steinbruner

Becky Steinbruner is a 30+ year resident of Aptos. She has fought for water, fire, emergency preparedness, and for road repair. She ran for Second District County Supervisor in 2016 on a shoestring and got nearly 20% of the votes.

Email Becky at

#245 / Starr Struck

September 2, 2018

The Saturday-Sunday, September 1-2, 2018, edition of The Wall Street Journal carried an excerpt from Kenneth Starr’s new book, which Starr has titled Contempt: A Memoir of the Clinton Investigation. The Journal called its piece, “The Impeached President.” 

I have recently written in this blog about impeachment, and initially minimized the significance of the “high crimes and misdemeanors” with which President Bill Clinton was charged.

Almost immediately after writing a blog post to that effect, I had second thoughts, based on a column in The New York Times. I then restated my position, as follows: 

I really believe I stand corrected. I don’t want to be associated with any claim that when the President of the United States lies (particularly under oath), that such lying is in any way “ok.” We can’t allow any of our elected officials to operate under a “truth-optional” standard.

Naturally, I was interested to see the article in The Wall Street Journal, which is essentially a justification by Starr of his pursuit of President Clinton on the basis of the president’s lies about his sexual contacts with Monica Lewinsky. For any who lived through that part of our history, I imagine that the Starr justification will be worth reading. 

What I thought most noteworthy in the excerpt published in The Journal was the way it concluded. Starr says that he did not like the independent counsel law under which Starr’s investigation operated; he thinks the “special counsel” regulations under which Robert Mueller is operating are better. Nonetheless, Starr says:

Even with the reformed structure for appointing and overseeing special prosecutors, the cries are once again heard throughout the land: “Witch hunt!” The struggle for assuring integrity and honesty in government is being played out all over again.

The way I read this, Starr is legitimating the investigation of our current president, Donald J. Trump, and is saying that when the president violates standards of integrity and honesty it is perfectly appropriate to impeach the president on that basis. 

I agree!

Gary is a former Santa Cruz County Supervisor (20 years) and an attorney for individuals and community groups on land use and environmental issues. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. You can read and subscribe to his daily blog at

Email Gary at


EAGAN’S SUBCONSCIOUS COMICS. Check out Nemo and Boss and especially Ava as they traipse through land that is all too familiar to most of us!!! Scroll down.

EAGAN’S DEEP COVER. See Eagan’s “Bearing with the G.O.P.” down a few pages. As always, at you will find his most recent  Deep Cover, the latest installment from the archives of Subconscious Comics, and the ever entertaining Eaganblog. Containing his new poem/saga “Them”.

SAN FRANCISCO MIME TROUPE RETURNS. We are really fortunate that the San Francisco Mime Troupe continues to make Santa Cruz one of their traveling stops. They’ll be performing their original time – traveling musical “SEEING RED” twice in San Lorenzo Park for free. That’s Saturday/Sunday September 8th & 9th. The great Mime troupe band starts at 2:30 the play is at 3 p.m.

LISA JENSEN LINKS. Lisa’s taking another week off and enjoying a visit from her relatives. She says she’ll be back online and in print next week. See her blog at Lisa Jensen Online Express ( ). Lisa has been writing film reviews and columns for Good Times since 1975.  

LITTLE STRANGER. A carefully, slowly paced, haunted version of “Downton Abbey”. A spirit haunts an old mansion, never really shocking anyone, but keeping the movie audience in quiet suspense. Charlotte Rampling provides her usual perfect acting, and you’ll leave the film remembering this plot for a very long time.

SEARCHING. An nearly-all Asian cast makes this “disappearing child” thriller almost as unusual as does the fact that almost 90% of the movie is on computer and iPhone screens. Facebook, Google, and every contraption we use today is part of this hunt for the guy’s daughter. The ending is a letdown in more than one way. Wait and rent it.

JULIET, NAKED. Nope, it’s not reference to Shakespeare, darn it — but the title of a song that has been/legend Ethan Hawke recorded years ago. It’s got some laughs, many impossible plot twists, and you’ll have to be a full-time Hawke fan to sit through some very slow development. He’s done better…and so have you!!!

BLACKKKLANSMAN. Spike Lee’s newest and most effective critique on what’s happening in America. It’s the progressive Democrats best statement since Michael Moore’s last film.  Not subtle, even funny, bitter, and painfully true. It’s based on the true story of a black police officer who finagles a way to get a white guy into the KuKluxKlan. More than that he has meetings with David Duke, head of the KKK. Alec Baldwin has an opening scene Adam Driver is the “hero” and you have to see it. It earned 97% on RT

EIGHTH GRADE. A 99 on RT and the lead actor Elsie Fisher deserves at least an Oscar for her role as a conflicted and nearly typical eighth grader. The incredibly talented, funny, and  profound  Bo Burnham directed it. (See his Comedy special on Netflix!). You’ll relive the anxiety, insecurity, and fears we all had in eighth grade. It’s billed as a comedy and some of the audience laughed when I was watching it…but see it for the insights, the reality, and the remembrances of those times.

BLINDSPOTTING. Has a 93 on RT…and deserves it. A “blindspot” as we learn in the film, is when something is right in front of you and you can’t see it. In this case it’s the racial scene in Oakland and the rest of the USA. Violent, conflicted, heartwarming, well acted, and painful. It’ll leave an impression on you long after you leave the theatre.

PUZZLE. A perfectly acted, extra sensitive story of a woman finding her way to empowerment . It’s also a view into the little known world of Jigsaw Puzzle addicts and experts. Go see this quickly, it probably won’t last long on Santa Cruz screens.

ALPHA. 88 on RT. A live action Ice Age cave man meets a dog for the first time. It does lack Raquel Welch or any cave babes in leather skimpies  but it is fascinating….and you can take the kids. I’m serious about the man meets dog story. That’s the only plot it has.

PAPILLON. This isn’t just a remake of the 1973 original starring Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman — the two new actors look just like them too! The acting is terrible, the camera work jarring, and it’s a very boring movie. I dozed several times. It’s all about Devil’s Island, prison life, and how to escape. Rent the original, which is a much better film.

CRAZY RICH ASIANS. A Hollywood movie with an all Asian cast. It’s about the same as “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, except Asian Americans instead of Greeks. The plot, laughs, and acting are all typical Hollywood re-hash. It doesn’t need your ticket money…it’s breaking many, many box office records already. This means of course that there’ll be a dozen look a like sequels.

EQUALIZER 2Denzel Washington is back again as a vigilante. Unlike all the rest of the bloody, violent, killing, revenge movies, Denzel makes this one a little deeper, more thoughtful, and yet at the same time heavy-handed. There’s nothing new, imaginative or startling in it, but because it’s Denzel you’ll be able to sit through all of it.

MISSION IMPOSSIBLE :FALLOUT. Another Tom Cruise do it yourself stunt movie. Simon Pegg and Alec Baldwin are back again too. It has some wild and inventive stunt scenes that we’ve never seen before. Plus a music score that keeps almost all of the movie at a very intense level. It’s thrilling, mindless, pointless, but full of kicks. It’s made for the big screens.

ANT-MAN AND THE WASP. It’s embarrassing to watch Michael Douglas, Laurence Fishburne and especiallyMichelle Pfeiffer having to take roles in yet another factory-produced Marvel Comic mass-produced monster hit. (85 RT) Paul Rudd is back in this sequel, and does the best possible job as the Ant-Man. He shrinks; he grows, flies around on the Wasp’s back and does what little he can with this comic book movie. I’m guessing that these Marvel movies are best enjoyed by eight-year-olds. If you’re older than that, think at least twice before attending.

THE SPY WHO DUMPED ME. Mila Kunis and Kate McKinnon play buddies from LA who for some kinky reason become involved with an international killers. The two of them go toHolland, Hungary, Berlin, Austria, Denmark and Atlanta, Georgia.  After more than two hours those locations plus the foolish, overused dialogue between the two women aren’t enough to make this flick worth paying to see.

INCREDIBLES 2. I liked Incredibles 1. Now Pixar/Disney has shifted to centering on Mrs. Incredible as a Wonder Woman who goes through numerous violent bloody battles against the one concept I thought was funny…the evil Screenslaver. Very little of the original charm, family stuff, human frailties, it’s another cutesy version of the Marvel Comics blockbusters

MAMMA MIA! HERE WE GO AGAIN. It’s all of the original cast (even Meryl Streep for two songs) and ABBA music. It’s mindless, pointless, meaningless, and lacks almost all of the charm or naiveté of the first one. If you wait until almost the end you can watch a 72 year old Cher in tights singing to her daughter Meryl Streep — who is 69 years old!!! You could also watch Stellan Skarsgård, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth and Julie Walters embarrass themselves in this strictly for-the-money prequel. Or I could say, “here we go again… BUT you shouldn’t”.

A.X.L. This bizarre drivel didn’t deserve even the 22 it got on Rotten Tomatoes. The army developed a secret mechanical dog as a modernized K9 corps tracker and killer. In case you forgot, I was in the U.S. Army K9 corps as a dog trainer…seriously! So I’m an expert on K9 dogs! This movie wouldn’t be worth watching even if it was free. The plot is absolutely beyond understanding, the special effects are poorly carried out, and it’s a waste of your time and admission charges.



UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE. Each and every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. I host Universal Grapevine on KZSC 88.1 fm. or on your computer, (live only or archived for two weeks… (See next paragraph) and go to WWW.KZSC.ORG. On September 4 Rotimi Agbabiaka from The San Francisco Mime Troupe discuss their performances here on Sept. 8 & 9. Then Rose Sellery and Tina Brown share style scoops from their PIVOT: Art Of Fashion show happening 9/22. September 11 Michel Singher from the Espressivo Orchestra will describe their upcoming concerts. Then Julie James from The Jewel Theatre shares news of their new play season. Sept. 18 has Don Stump pres. and CEO of CCH housing returning to discuss affordable housing. Nora Hochman guests on September 25 to talk about rent control and Housing Justice. October 22 has Ken Koenig and friend talking about communicating you’re your friends and relatives who like Trump.OR…if you just happen to miss either of the last two weeks of Universal Grapevine broadcasts go here You have to listen to about 4 minutes of that week’s KPFA news first, then Grapevine happens. Do remember, any and all suggestions for future programs are more than welcome so tune in, and keep listening. Email me always and only at

I love the stuff… 😀

UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE ARCHIVES. In case you missed some of the great people I’ve interviewed in the last 9 years here’s a chronological list of some past broadcasts.  Such a wide range of folks such as  Nikki Silva, Michael Warren, Tom Noddy, UCSC Chancellor George Blumenthal, Anita Monga, Mark Wainer, Judy Johnson, Wendy Mayer-Lochtefeld, Rachel Goodman, George Newell, Tubten Pende, Gina Marie Hayes, Rebecca Ronay-Hazleton, Miriam Ellis, Deb Mc Arthur, The Great Morgani on Street performing, and Paul Whitworth on Krapps Last Tape. Jodi McGraw on Sandhills, Bruce Daniels on area water problems. Mike Pappas on the Olive Connection, Sandy Lydon on County History. Paul Johnston on political organizing, Rick Longinotti on De-Sal. Dan Haifley on Monterey Bay Sanctuary, Dan Harder on Santa Cruz City Museum. Sara Wilbourne on Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre. Brian Spencer on SEE Theatre Co. Paula Kenyon and Karen Massaro on MAH and Big Creek Pottery. Carolyn Burke on Edith Piaf. Peggy Dolgenos on Cruzio. Julie James on Jewel Theatre Company. Then there’s Pat Matejcek on environment, Nancy Abrams and Joel Primack on the Universe plus Nina Simon from MAH, Rob Slawinski, Gary Bascou, Judge Paul Burdick, John Brown Childs, Ellen Kimmel, Don Williams, Kinan Valdez, Ellen Murtha, John Leopold, Karen Kefauver, Chip Lord, Judy Bouley, Rob Sean Wilson, Ann Simonton, Lori Rivera, Sayaka Yabuki, Chris Kinney, Celia and Peter Scott, Chris Krohn, David Swanger, Chelsea Juarez…and that’s just since January 2011.


“[T]hat old September feeling, left over from school days, of summer passing, vacation nearly done, obligations gathering, books and football in the air … Another fall, another turned page: there was something of jubilee in that annual autumnal beginning, as if last year’s mistakes had been wiped clean by summer.” Wallace Stegner, Angle of Repose

“The old summer’s-end melancholy nips at my heels. There’s no school to go back to; no detail of my life will change come the onset of September; yet still, I feel the old trepidation.” Sara Baume, A Line Made by Walking

“High up on Monte Salvatore the window of some shepherd’s hut opened a golden eye. The roses hung their heads and dreamed under the still September clouds, and the water plashed and murmured softly among the pebbles of the shore.” E.L. Voynich

“I used to love September, but now it just rhymes with remember.”Dominic Riccitello

COLUMN COMMUNICATIONS. Subscriptions: Click and enter the box in the upper right hand corner of each Column. You’ll get a weekly email notice the instant the column goes online. (Anywhere from Monday afternoon through Thursday or sometimes as late as Friday!) Always free and confidential. Even I don’t know who subscribes!!

Snail Mail: Bratton Online
82 Blackburn Street, Suite 216
Santa Cruz, CA 95060

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