Blog Archives

April 18 – 26, 2011

CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR RONALD REAGAN ON UCSC CAMPUS.Believe it or not the students were protesting by means of a vigil the increase in student tuition. This was on May 18 1967 just before Ronnie was elected Governor.

photo credit: Covello & Covello Historical photo collection.

Additional information always welcome: email

1000 HAND DANCE. 10 Million viewers can’t be all wrong…check it out!!!

DE SALINATION FORUM. The League of Women Voters did their usual professional, clean, calm, well planned public forum this time on the contentious desal plant issue. How the Sentinel can count 10 people per row and multiply by 20 rows and report “more than 100 people” will keep their circulation as low as it is.( “Below 25,000”).

Former Santa Cruz County Supervisor Gary Patton was there and reports on it in his KUSP radio program he said, “The great “desalination debate” held in Santa Cruz on Thursday, April 24th, was well attended, and I thought extremely informative. The League of Women Voters of Santa Cruz County deserves kudos for running what amounted to a flawless program. The debate, of course, focused on the plans of the City of Santa Cruz, and the Soquel Creek Water District, to build a new desalination plant, taking water out of the ocean, and then converting it by a reverse osmosis process into something we can drink and use to water our lawns.

The cost, if the project goes forward, will probably be upwards of $100 million dollars, based on what I heard at the debate. Whether we should be spending that kind of cash on a high-tech drought protection system, or whether we should invest, instead, in more conservation and a better sharing of regional water resources, was really the meat of the discussion. There are some arguments on both sides, all well displayed at the debate. Will the voters get to decide?

Speaking for the Santa Cruz City Council was former Council Member and Mayor Mike Rotkin. I thought his answer to a question about whether the voters should get to weigh in was revealing. In essence, he said that if the voters want to have their say, the voters will have to qualify their own referendum or initiative; no promises that the City Council itself, or the Soquel Creek Water District Board of Directors, will ask for the voters’ opinion. I’d say, start studying up!” End of Patton’s report.

“4-20” UCSC’s BIGGEST CELEBRATION. Here’s how UCSC admin looks at UCSC’s biggest news making effort of the year…every year.

April 14, 2011 To: UCSC Faculty and Staff

Fr: UCSC Public Affairs

(photo courtesy Santa Cruz IndyMedia go here for their coverage )

Re: Message to faculty and staff regarding “4-20”.UCSC anticipates that next week, as in recent years, there will be an unsanctioned “4-20” gathering on campus. It is likely to be disruptive for many on campus and in the surrounding community. This message is sent to help members of the campus community, others with valid reasons for visiting UCSC on the afternoon of April 20, and campus neighbors plan accordingly. To minimize this anticipated disruption, the following measures will be in place next Wednesday, April 20: • All inbound traffic at the campus’s West entrance will be diverted beginning at 2:15 pm.• Metro buses will enter campus through the Main Entrance only, travel up Coolidge, and loop back to the Main Entrance via Hagar. Metro buses during this period of time will only make one stop in the campus core, on Hagar between Quarry Plaza and OPERS.• A reduced number of campus shuttles will be in operation connecting the east and west sides of campus, following the normal “core” route west before turning uphill on Heller, and returning along McLaughlin to the east side of campus. (Disability van service, with the possible exception of delays caused by traffic congestion, will be unaffected by these changes.)• Campus parking regulations will be strictly enforced.• Sections of Empire Grade, uphill from the Arboretum, will be designated as a tow-away zone. Extra patrols will be on duty to enforce this restriction, and vehicles will be ticketed and towed at owners’ expense. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


ELERICK’S INPUT. Earth Day Celebration in Santa Cruz a success!

Even though the location was less than ideal, (remember how much fun the Spring Fairs on Pacific Avenue were?) hundreds turned out last Saturday at the bench lands portion of San Lorenzo Park to celebrate Earth Day. Actually, the attendance could have been in the thousands, but you’d never know it by what our Sentinel reported the next day, which was not much! This should have been a front page photo-op, but instead they chose to cover a gimmick act at the Beach Boardwalk, which surely helps the Seaside Company folks, but not much else; hardly worth headlines on Sunday’s newspaper.

It’s impossible to write about all the great exhibits without leaving any out. The Campaign for Sensible Transportation got over 100 responses to a survey asking what people wanted to see their transportation dollars spent on. Five options were given; widening highway 1, improving Metro Bus service, using the rail line for transit, fixing potholes in roads and streets and improving bicycle and pedestrian access. Finishing a distant last in the survey was widening Highway 1, with strong support for improving bus transit. This should continue to confound the majority of our Regional Transportation Commissioners who continue to insist that widening Highway 1 stay as their top priority. People who stopped to talk about transportation issues were always astounded to find out that the RTC’s Auxiliary Lanes Project (it widens Highway 1 for less than one mile between Morrissey Blvd. and Soquel Ave over crossing) is costing over $22 million dollars while a reduction in bus service is being scheduled to save some $3 million per year. (Paul Elerick is thechair of the Campaign for Sensible Transportation, , chair of the Transportation Committee of the Santa Cruz Group Sierra Club. and is a member of Nisene 2 Sea, a group of open space advocates).

AN OUTDOOR READING ROOM. An anonymous reader sent this in ; tell your Santa Cruz City Council to forget that stupid de-sal plant idea and invest in this.

PATTON’S PROGRAM. Gary talks about how The Monterey County Board of Supervisors didn’t exactly approve the new shopping center on highway 68. He gives opinions on merging RTC with Metro Transit…he claims that Habitat Conservation isn’t about conserving habitat and how developers have to handle it. Read it all here!

(Gary Patton is “Of Counsel” to the Santa Cruz law firm of Wittwer & Parkin, which specializes in land use and environmental law. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. Gary has his own website, “Two Worlds / 365” )


VINTAGE De CINZO. Scroll below and see DeCinzo‘s take on Highway One’s “Fishhook” changes

EAGANS DEEP COVER. Tim creates a door knock for the ages, scroll down…

LANDAU’S PROGRES. Author, filmaker Saul Landau writes,” Almost 50 years after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, the university professor tuned in to his I-pod radio. A news bulletin interrupted “It’s Make Believe Ballroom Time” to announce that an El Paso jury had acquitted Luis Posada Carriles, well-known terrorist, on 11 counts of lying on his immigration application. The University of Miami scholar shrugged at the news. Although Posada in some circles was known as the Hemisphere’s Osama bin Laden, the professor and colleagues focused on their research agenda. None even asked if some of the Posada trial “observers” (who looked like extras on the Sopranos) might have intimidated the Texas jury; or even wondered why the government presented evidence that Posada bombed hotels in Havana (one person died) and then charged him only with lying. The academics daunting challenge was figuring out new ways to get taxpayers’ money as Republicans slash precious services. Click here for the complete Progreso Weekly article. Saul Landau is an Institute for Policy Studies fellow whose films are on DVD from


JANGO EDWARDS? I’d never heard of him until Sandrine mentioned him…here’s what I found on You Tube.
He’s more weird than Jerry Lewis ever tried to be!!!.

REGARDING MY “THE FRENCH LIKE JERRY LEWIS” REMARK. An email says, “Hello M. Bratton, I’m one of your French readers and listeners (I’m sure I’m not the only French person who follows you! am I? I also see you once in a while when I help out at the ticket booth for the Santa Cruz Baroque Festival). I do know the French get bad press about our devotion to Jerry Lewis and I think I came up with an explanation for that. I think it has to do with the fact that Mr. Lewis was accessible for us because lots of his skits were mostly visual AND he had a knack for funny sounds so forget about the language barrier!
That’s my explanation since most French people (I’m talking about common French people) do not speak English much or well this was really easy to cope with. There is actually somewhat of a culture of visuals (Mime Marceau) and funny sounds, which is personified in Louis de Funes’s style. Here is an idea of his talents in this video, it’s just an example and I was trying to find one with English subtitles but again, it’s not that necessary if you focus on what’s obvious, the sounds and funny faces!

I actually just remembered the French love another American called Django Edwards if I’m correct, mostly for the same reason, eccentric visuals and sounds!
I hope you will forgive my English and thank you for all your insight in your weekly column. Regards, Sandrine Georges.

LISA JENSEN LINKS. In celebration of William Shakespeare’s birthday this week, visit Lisa Jensen Online Express (, and take a peek at the swashbuckling 30th Anniversary Season of Shakespeare Santa Cruz, shaping up now. Also, I continue to keep track of American Idol, so you don’t have to (including links to the videos you won’t want to miss)!

Lisa Jensen has been writing film reviews and a column for Good Times since 1975.


POETRY.Without a doubt this goes on my top ten films for 2011. I had read or heard nothing about it, and was emotionally devastated by its sensitivity and boldness. It’s a South Korean film and the official film website says, “A sixty-something woman, faced with a crippling medical diagnosis and the discovery of a heinous family crime, finds strength and purpose when she enrolls in a poetry class. Lee Chang-dong’s follow-up to his acclaimed Secret Sunshine is a masterful study of the subtle empowerment — and moral compass — of an elderly woman”. That’s all you need to know, just go and go quick…it’s beautiful. As The Nickelodeon says, “Santa Cruz has never figured out that they need to support these small foreign films on opening weekend if they stand
a chance of being around for more than a week”.
And Poetry won awards…here’s what Wikipedia says, “Lee won the Best Screenplay Award at the Cannes Film Festival.[12] At the Grand Bell Awards, Poetry won the prizes for Best Picture, Best Screenplay, Best Actress and Best Supporting Actor.[13] The film received the Korean Critics Awards for Best Picture and Best Screenplay.[14] The jury of the Blue Dragon Film Awards decided to exclude Poetry from the selection, since Lee had announced that he would boycott the ceremony. Still, they nominated Yoon for Best Actress as they thought the director’s decision should not affect the cast.[15] The award was eventually shared by Yoon and Soo Ae, for her performance in Night FM.[16] Lee received the award for Best Achievement in Directing and Yoon for Best Performance by an Actress at the 2010 Asia Pacific Screen Awards.[17] The film was also nominated in the categories Best Feature Film and Best Screenplay.[18]

CONSPIRATOR. Robert Redford’s big Lincoln assassination saga. It’s all about Mary Surrat’s (Robin Wright) trial and James McAvoy defending her. Wordy, interesting, and nicely filmed. Better on the big screen, but save your money and rent it instead.

WINTER IN WARTIME.More cliff-hanging scenes than Perils of Pauline and a bit hammy and predictable…but touching. A Dutch film about the Nazis vs. local Dutch. Well worth seeing, but not quite great.

LIMITLESS. I liked this businessman takes drugs to become millionaire by using all of his brain flick. Not as stupid as it sounds, and the lead Bradley Cooper looks exactly like Gavin Newsom. Robert DeNiro is in it too for some reason.

SCREAM 4. Because Wes Craven made this bloody gut-stabbing takeoff it’s insider funny IF you like bloody gut-stabbing films and scream masks. These films obviously make millions of dollars, otherwise there’s no justification for any of them. Insidious is a much scarier film but Scream films exist for blood scenes not scare time.


HOSTETTER’S HOT STUFF. Paul H reports…”Nothing utterly new and thrilling just yet, but a reminder of some good things coming right up, including a tragically under-announced Greek dance at Ashkenaz on Thursday, and some things on the weekend in Santa Cruz and Marin. It’s more or less all here:—pass it around, and pay particular attention to the New Music Works concert at Cabrillo College next weekend, which has a very unusual and varied program that I think a lot of folks, indeed from all walks of life, will enjoy. More on this in the next update just have a look now and plan ahead. All the best,

REEL WORK 2011. Valerie Lasciak sends this reminder The Reel Work Film Festival is about to celebrate our 10th Anniversary starting on April 22nd and culminating on May 10th. Please check out our wonderful events at We’d love to see you there, entry by voluntary donation only.

ART & CHOCOLATE.Tour Artists’ open Studios in Live Oak and Pleasure Point May 7 & 8. (Mother’s Day Weekend, of course) go to for maps, names and details.

WHIRLED ON A STRING. New Music Works presents: WHIRLED ON A STRING. A spirited evening of no holds barred virtuosity and lyricism. Featured Guest Artists: David Grisman, mandolin, Sandra Gu, piano, Chad Kaltinger, viola, and Akindele Bankole, tenor plus NMW Ensemble, featuring guest violinist Roy Malan; conducted by Phil Collins. There’ll be 3 World Premieres by: David GrismanEight by Eight (2011), Akindele Bankole, The Place ‘HA-MAKOM’ Opus 1, (2010) and Phil CollinsSpringing (2010) Plus music by:
Peter Maxwell-Davies
Dances from the Two Fiddlers (1978),Elliott Carter, atenaires (2006) and Luciano Berioo king (1968) (in memory of Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Morton Feldman, the viola in my life (1970) plus three David Grisman classics, specially arranged by the composer for NMW Ensemble:
– Dawg’s Waltz
Opus 57 in g minor
Shalom Aleichem (arrangement of a traditional Jewish prayer)
Post-Concert Discussion with The Artists. Saturday, April 23, 2011, 7:30PM
@ Cabrillo College Music Recital Hall (VAPA 5000 building), Aptos, CA.
Tickets at the door or at


Ukulele Dick is presenting s a special one-time-only show on Saturday, May 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the Rio Theatre. “Throwing Stones” features 21 of the best musical acts Santa Cruz has to offer. Each act performs one Rolling Stones song (penned by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards), done in the style for which the local performer is known. For example, Emmanuel Selassi will perform a Reggae version of the song “Salt of the Earth,” from the Stones’ Beggars Banquet album. The popular bluegrass band Harmony Grits takes on, what else, “19th Nervous Breakdown.” The roster includes singers Tammi Brown, Jayme Kelly Curtis and Alan Heit; dulcimer master Neal Hellman; Moneypenny & The Randy Agents (Bill Walker & Nancy Le Van); The Red Wine Sisters (Pipa Piñon and Paula Bliss); a revival of the popular Jugtown U.S.A.; Celtic band Isle of Light; the Andean stylings of Zun Zun; local “altared” wizard Rhan Wilson; country swingers Patti Maxine & Friends; Elvis impersonator Sandor Nagyszalanczy; Bottle Of Sound (offering French Musique); newcomers Peek-a-bone; a baroque trio composed of Barry Phillips, Shelley Phillips and Jesse Autumn; The John Baliff Capoeira Troupe; and of course, Ukulele Dick.
Several of the acts feature various kinds of dancers. Local writer Sven Davis provides a running narrative, and journalist Wallace Baine steps into the role of Beat Poet. The “Throwing Stones” backline features bassist Matt Bohn, drummer Olaf Schiappacasse, keyboardist/guitarist Bob Bliss, multi-instrumentalist Bruce Wandmayer and Ukulele Dick.

The Rio is located at 1205 Soquel Avenue in Santa Cruz. Tickets are $20 in advance at Logos Books and Music, 1117 Pacific Avenue, or online at Tickets are available for $25 at the door the night of the show. Service charges and city taxes apply. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. Lively and eccentric dress is encouraged. Live music and unusual art installations will transform the Rio lobby into a carnival midway. The Rio Theatre can be reached at (831) 423-8209 or online at

UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE. Each and every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. I host Universal Grapevine on KZSC 88.1 fm. or on your computer (live only, or sometimes old programs are on “blog”) at WWW.KZSC.ORG. On April 19th Mike Pappas owner of the new True Olive Connection Tasting Room on Lincoln Street will tell us all about his olive oils and vinegars. After Mike, Sandy Lydon returns to explain all his new trips, classes and tours. Tuesday April 26 Jodi McGraw talks about the secrets of our sand hills followed by Bruce Daniels discussing the Soquel Water System. Astrologer Sue Heinz will be on May 10. Maya Barsacq talks about Cadenza on May 17. Santa Cruz County Supervisor Neal Coonerty helps me celebrate 5 years of Universal Grapevine on June 7.The Santa Cruz Bookshop Short Story Winners read their entries for the full hour on June 14th. Don Young author of Battle For Snow Mountain will be on July 12.Any and all suggestions for future programs are more than welcome so tune in and keep listening. Any and all suggestions for future programs are more than welcome so tune in and keep listening.



“I love mankind—it’s people I can’t stand“, Charles Schultz. “To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness”, Oscar Wilde.

“Retirement at 65 is ridiculous. When I was sixty-five I still had pimples“, George Burns.


Deep Cover