EXTREME TEETER TOTTER. Unbelivable stunting…watch this one..
DATELINE May 8, 2017
CITY GROWTH AND CORRIDOR REZONING NEWS. Every city in the S.F.Bay Area is suffereing from growth. And the attempts at solving transit problems with BART, Cal Train, more bus service, and adding or widening freeways hasn’t helped at all. People are leaving the area in greater numbers than ever due to all of above and especially because of the rent and the cost of all housing. The very same is happening to Santa Cruz. Our traffic data studies are out of date and we need new studies. We are overwhelmed by traffic now.
Our officials must look at and re-consider the so called Level Of Service (L.O.S.) so far the City has said that the level D as being OK with them. The LOS is the amount of time spent at specified intersections.
Now with our 100% developer- supporting Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors we are being drastically threatened by the Corridor High Density Zoning plan. The four major corridors Soquel, Water Street, Ocean Street and Mission …see here
http://www.santacruzcorridors.com/where-are-the-corridors.html are the target areas. With huge increases in tenants and their cars, replacing local business with chain stores, and the cutting through any and all neighborhoods to get someplace “faster” these corridors will further destroy our community.
WHAT TO DO ABOUT ALL OF ABOVE? Attend the City Planning Commission meeting in the City Council Chambers Thursday May 18 at 7 p.m. Let them know you care, get involved…growth hasn’t brought any advantages to any community in the world,ever.
ABOUT CABRILHO COLLEGE. Last week I wrote as the caption to a 1967 aerial photo of the Cabrillo College campus…” CABRILLO COMMUNITY CAMPUS 1967. Remember these good old days when the entire community was so proud of Cabrillo College? Remember when the teachers were so active and sincere and involved? What ever happened to the mutual pride we had for that College and the pride it had in itself?” Some great and some misunderstood reactions came quickly. To be as clear as possible I, in no way was suggesting that today’s Cabrillo teachers aren’t hard working, loyal, way underpaid, and as dedicated as any Cabrilho faculty in history. Nick Royal wrote, “Pride: I think many of us feel Cabrillo is a wonderful school”. Sure Cabrilho is a wonderful school, like all schools are wonderful schools, it’s just that Cabrillo college has changed and the community has changed.
Bill Grant wrote in to say…We grew too fast. Our setting and weather attracted lots of people. Now we have a city on a hill instead of a small college. Our first ten years were golden. I was the second faculty hired (Roberta Bristol was first and is still with us). We had the best administrators. Sad, sad, sad”. Bill Grant as he states, was the second teacher ever hired there.
We’re also talking about the first Cabrilho president Robert Swenson, vice president Floyd Younger and teachers such as Dolores Abrams, Howard Ikemoto, Sandy Lydon, Morton Marcus, Claire Biancalana, Holt Murray, Rob Edwards and many more who made such huge commitments and contributions to the community, and became well known for doing just that.
**** I’ll bet not one in 5000 people walking down Pacific Avenue in Santa Cruz or Main Street in Watsonville could name the current President/superintendent of Cabrillo College. See answer at the very bottom/end of this issue of BrattonOnline.
MINDFULLNESS & ANXIETY CLASS. Not even including Trump, there’s more than enough issues, challenges, pressures and uncertainities facing us each day to make us wonder. For nearly three years now I’ve been attending Carla Brennan’s classes/sessions on dealing with those pressures. She studied with Jon Kabat–Zinn and has been imparting mindfullness for over 40 years.
Carla recently wrote…” Life, by its nature, is uncertain, unpredictable, and constantly changing. For many of us, this fact can be a source of anxiety and worry, and can undermine our well-being. Buddhist theory and practice directly addresses the truth of life’s uncertainty. Through dedicated effort we can learn to be more at ease with unpredictability and we can discover inner resources for peace and balance. Training the heart and mind through meditation can release us from habits that increase our unhappiness and difficulties. Anxiety is a physiological response usually triggered by repetitive thought patterns. Through mindfulness, we can learn how to calm the body and interrupt old ways of thinking”. I’m letting everyone know that she is offering a five week class on Wednesday nights starting May 31st. Check it out and I’ll meet you there.
TEETER TOTTER OF DEATH. Maybe a bit of nudity in this clip but hey!!! I tried to embed this video, but that was blocked, so use this link and check it out on YouTube. It’s some craziness from the Playa in 2013
On one level it was an even playing field: five top UCSC administrators, five community members (including one student) attending the May 4th information and scoping session on the largest housing development ever proposed for the UCSC campus. As a gauge of student and community interest or concern it was abysmal. That it conflicted with the City Hall To You event was unfortunate and hopefully an oversight although these two large institutions should check their calendars. Maybe they did. Students had asked for an on campus meeting, which was rejected.
The purpose of the evening was to communicate an overview of the development, answer questions and allow for community input on what should be included in the Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR) which is required since the development involves a re-zoning of campus lands from Campus Resource Lands to Colleges and Student Housing, an amendment to the 2005 Long Range Development Plan.
At first blush, any development of housing on campus is likely to receive a three cheers response from the community. After all, if they provide more housing on campus for students that will free up housing off-campus for community members, right? Wrong. Although this development is for a total of 3,000 beds, only 900 will be net new beds. The rest will ” decant the pressure” from the current practice of squeezing 3 students into dorm rooms designed for 2 and the conversion of college lounges, important social spaces, into bed space. And since UCSC is accepting 500 additional students above the annual norm of 5,000 new students, it’s easy to calculate that even this behemoth housing development will be full in two years after its projected construction. If continued growth is accepted, expansionist eyes will then turn to the upper campus lands.
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~Gillian Greensite is a long time local activist, a member of Save Our Big Trees and the Santa Cruz chapter of IDA, International Dark Sky Association http://darksky.org Plus she’s an avid ocean swimmer, hiker and lover of all things wild).

Thinking about what happened this week I am reminded by the title of the documentary chronicling historian Howard Zinn’s activist life, You Can’ Be Neutral on a Moving Train, and also pundit, Jim Hightower’s admonition, “the only things in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead armadillos.” As an elected official, you are asked to vote often and to take many positions, only thing is, the majority of votes on the Santa Cruz city council are usually unanimous ones. That’s right, unanimous. No matter the disagreements between Cynthia Mathews and me, for example, most of what we vote on are pretty good community things like signing off on keeping the water flowing, or maintaining Parks and Rec. programs, or passing consensus ordinances like prohibiting discrimination of various kinds within the city. And then there was another unanimity vote to send back some under-reported meeting minutes in order to get information about what had actually occurred at a certain pair of council retreat sessions in April.,,,
I made a motion to have the minutes of our “strategic planning” session come back to us with some bullet points of what was actually discussed. I raised the issue because I did not recall all nine items that were put into “Tier 1” of the city manager’s post-retreat task list. I was mildly surprised when other councilmembers agreed to send the minutes back too. Another unanimous vote. The minutes returned on May 9th with bullet points describing what the council’s priorities will be over the next two years:
- Sanitation and Illegal Campsites
- Beach Flats Garden and Other Beach Initiatives (not sure what the other initiatives are?),
- Youth Programs (not sure yet exactly what those programs are?)
- Employee Engagement Survey (trying to find out if city employees are happy?)
- Homelessness Response (The night of the May 9th council meeting was to be devoted to addressing homeless issues.)
- Measures Update—D & H (what are we going to do with all the bond money?)
- Economic Development Strategy (this is the battle between market rate, profit driven housing vs. building truly affordable units for people who live here now.)
- Disaster Plan Revisions and Updates
- UCSC (not much was talked about the “U” during the retreat, but this ten-thousand-pound gorilla in our midst will surely be sucking up oxygen in the next few months, read: Long Range Development Plan process.)
And at the top of this bullets page the council is again reminded that “85% of our staff hours are spent.” So, councilmembers should not expect much more than 15% because staff is already busy, I guess.
And then sometimes, as a city councilmember you have to take stands in order not to end up like one of Hightower’s dead armadillos in the middle of the road…
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~Chris Krohn is a father, writer, activist, former Santa Cruz City Councilmember (1998-2002) and Mayor (2001-2002). He’s been running the Environmental Studies Internship program at UC Santa Cruz for the past 12 years. He was elected last November to another 4-year term on the Santa Cruz City Council.

May 8. 2017
You may be amazed to read that the Assistant County Planning Director, Ms. Wanda Williams, recently told me “I prefer to let (Zoning Administrator) errors blow on through to the Planning Commission and have them look at it,” rather than correct the errors her staff makes.
What does that mean for the public? It means that if you want the staff errors corrected, you have to pay $1800 to file an appeal, and probably hire an attorney to represent you in the appeal process. Does that seem fair to you?
That is what I learned last week when I tried to file an appeal of Ms. Williams’ approval, as the Zoning Administrator, of a large commercial event center for Lester Winery on rural Pleasant Valley Road, near Corralitos.
I want to make it clear that I became interested in this development because my family often bicycles on the narrow County roads in this area. Lots of people do. The issues I have are with regard to the County not upholding its own County Codes and poor transparency to the public, not the Lester family.
I had recently been told by a planner that there are no provisions for waiving the $1800 appeal fee on the basis of economic hardship, but possible if there had been administrative errors made in the course of the approval decision process. He was kind enough to give me a copy of the fees and rules: “Any application and capital improvement fees may, at the discretion of the Planning Director, be waived, reduced, or refunded for applications resulting from an administrative error.”
The Project Planner, Ms. Sheila McDaniel, made lots of administrative errors in her Staff Report and presentation at the April 21 public hearing regarding application #151101. The applicant, Lester Winery, was represented by Mr. John Swift (Swift Consulting Services). Here are the errors, in a nutshell:
- The approval of a winery for large special events is not allowed under the current Santa Cruz County Code in rural residential and residential agricultural areas like Pleasant Valley. The Planning Department is pushing to change that with the “Code Modernization”, but that is still under environmental review. Approval of this event center that will allow 10 large events (200 guests) and 16 small events (50 guests) is not a permitted use under current Code and violates the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process.
- Because so many area residents have raised concerns about the negative impacts this commercial event center would have on the substandard (think single-lane) County-maintained road (think ‘NOT maintained’), the Planning Department required the developer to do a traffic analysis. Unfortunately, Ms. McDaniel reported the peak hour traffic counts as the total traffic counts. This is a huge error, representing the traffic totals at nearly 50% of what the traffic study actually reported.
- Likewise, Ms. McDaniel used these inaccurate traffic numbers to calculate the parking needs…so there is inadequate parking to serve guests as well as the event support staff (caterers, musicians, etc.). That could force overflow traffic to park along Pleasant Valley Road, a narrow country road with no shoulder in the area of the Lester Winery.
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~Becky Steinbruner at KI6TKB@yahoo.com or 831-685-2915
Becky Steinbruner is a 30+ year resident of Aptos. She has fought for water, fire, emergency preparedness, and for road repair. She ran for Second District County Supervisor in 2016 on a shoestring and got nearly 20% of the votes.

Pictured right is Milo Yiannopoulos, who apparently describes himself as a “cultural libertarian.” Yiannopoulos’ latest venture is what Vanity Fair calls an “ugly, for-profit troll circus.” In short, Yiannopoulos plans to develop a “live-event touring company,” dedicated to making the lives of political progressives “a living hell.” The company will be composed of “libertarian and conservative comedians, writers, stand-up comics, intellectuals, you name it.”
The political progressives that Yiannopoulos is specifically hoping to harass includes “journalists, professors, politicians, feminists, Black Lives Matter activists,” and those whom Yiannopoulos calls “other professional victims.”
According to Vanity Fair, this new political entertainment effort is to be “funded by a $12 million stake from ‘secret investors.'” Presumably, these investors are less concerned about the “for-profit” aspect of the venture, and are more concerned about the politics, which are coming from what is now called the “alt-right.” That term is deliberately non-descriptive, because when it becomes clear what “alt-right” actually means,”Ugly” would be a serious definitional understatement. Wikipedia provides the following explanation of the “alt-right” terminology:
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~Gary is a former Santa Cruz County Supervisor (20 years) and an attorney for indivuduals and community groups on land use and environmental issues. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. You can read his blog at www.gapatton.net

CENTRAL COAST SECRETS. Sandy Lydon is one of the aforementioned Cabrilho College movers and shakers. His Santa Cruz County History lessons changed many of our lives and made this county one of the most historically well educated and connected communities anywhere. Open this link http://www.sandylydon.com to his Central Coast Secrets May 2017 edition #41 and see his newest history awareness articles…and his tours and extra well-planned getaways. He writes about “bat bombs”. Read about artist Howard Ikemoto’s last art show and sale. Learn about Cambria’s Chinese legacy. And read about Annie Lydon’s next appearance with Dave Stamey on Saturday July 15 in the Corralitos Grange.
CLASSICAL DeCINZO. See how DeCinzo reveals bicyclists real feelings…below a few pages.
EAGAN’S DEEP COVER. See Eagan’s ” Subconscious Comics ” down a scroll or two. As always, at TimEagan.com you will find his most recent Deep Cover, the latest installment from the archives of Subconscious Comics, and the ever entertaining Eaganblog.
LISA JENSEN LINKS. Lisa writes: “Back by popular demand! Jewel Theatre Company closes out its 2016/17 season with the crowd-pleasing menage á dog comedy, Sylvia, this week at Lisa Jensen Online Express (http://ljo-express.blogspot.com).” Lisa has been writing film reviews and columns for Good Times since 1975.
THE DINNER. Richard Gere, Laura Linney and Steve Coogan do their very best (and that’s quite good) with a script and direction that is beyond comprehension. Two broithers and their wives jab, slice, cut and torture each other and the audience while they eat dinner at a fancy-beyond words restaurant. Their teen age sons have murdered a homeless black woman and their parents have their own severe problems in dealing with that fact and life itself. A confusing, angry, hostile film that will upset you almost as much as the schitzy parents….do not see this movie!!!
THEIR FINEST. Bill Nighy and Gemma Arterton lead off in this British semi-comedy set during WWII as England is being bombed while they are making a film trying to encourage the USA to enter the war. Jeremy Irons is in it for about 8 seconds. The film waves back and forth between drama and comedy. You won’t remember much of it afterwards, but it’s one of the best out and around at the moment.
YOUR NAME. This beautiful Japanese inspired animated film makes Disney animation look like Walter and Margaret Keane’s “Big Eye” paintings in San Francisco in the 60’s. It is drawn with such skill and a sense of what animation can create that even Pixar should hang their well-financed heads in shame. The story behind Your Name is complex and thought provoking. Centering on youth and growing up, and sex changes, and ghosts, and family… it is just brilliant. See the subtitled version to get the full Japanese sensitive touch.
LOST CITY OF Z. A pointless and true plot based on a book about a Brit who keeps trying to find what he thinks is a lost civilization deep in the Amazon jungle. Its 2 hours and 20 minutes long, but you’ll think it’s longer. It has everything jungles always have except Tarzan…and suspense. The hero leaves his wife and kids at home for years on end and you’ll wish you had stayed there too. The true name of the hero only adds to the boring trek… Percy Fawcett.
BORN IN CHINA. In 1952 my photography teacher in Pasadena Norm Wakeman shot hours of footage for Walt Disneys’ Water Birds. Coincidentally, he shot the water Ouezel footage up here on Swanton Road at The Big Creek falls!! He told me at the time just how severe Disney Nature films are anthropomorphized and edited/faked/dubbed to make them into the glossy, sweetened versions we still see in Born In China”. The photography is only stunning, amazing, and beautiful. Pandas, Snow leopards and cutesy monkeys are the main feature…if you can make it through all the added verbal poop.
GET OUT. Rotten Tomatoes gives this one an amazing 99%. Plus, it’s a huge box office hit !!! That’s surprising to everybody because it’s a low budget, semi horror-comedy, black and white theme film. Probably released in February because that’s when they release films that aren’t expected to make much money. Catherine Keener is about the only actor whose name any of us might know. It’s a white girl brings home a black boyfriend topic. Only it goes into zones and situations that will amaze and get you laughing!! Wild, inventive, new, fine acting, twisted…you’ll love it.
GIFTED. Hollywood stars Chris Evans (who usually plays Captain America) and Octavia Spencer along with British star Lindsay Duncan lead the cast of this feel good saga of a 7 year old girl who was born into a mathematical genius family and who becomes another mathematical genius. It’s too soapy, too cute, too unbelievable, too contrived to be a good movie. I can’t think of any solid reason to recommend it to any group except to families who may have a genius child and are wondering what to do OR not do, with her.
THE CIRCLE. This weak plotted pointless mess earned a 17 on Rotten Tomatoes… I would have given it maybe 18 because it was fun to see the making fun or evil of the Apple empire in Cupertino where I’ve visited a number of times. Tom Hanks does his usual job or being the perfect Steve Jobs – Mark Zuckerberg type guy. Emma Watson proves again that she can act…most of the time. Friends tell me that in the book Emma does not turn out to be a nice girl as she does in this flick but joins Hanks in trying to rule the world by controlling all personal data on everybody in the world.
GOING IN STYLE. Another tired re-hash is Going In Style starring Morgan Freeman-79, Alan Arkin-83, Michael Caine-84, Ann Margret –76, and Christopher Lloyd – 79 as the same grumpy old geezers who decide to rob a bank. That these actors would align themselves with Steven Mnuchin who was the National Finance Manager for the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump, and who Trump just appointed as Secretary of The Treasury is a shame. The first version was in 1979 and starred now long gone stars George Burns, Art Carney and Lee Strasberg. Making our senior citizens the butts of jokes is about as funny as Mantan Moreland, Aunt Jemina, Gordo, and any overused stereotypes that come to mind.
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. Total 100% Disney sights, sounds and drech. You couldn’t possibly tell the songs from this Disney production from any of the last 30 years of Disney product songs. A wasted cast includes Emma Watson, Kevin Kline, Ewan MacGregor, Ian McKellan, Emma Thompson, Stanley Tucci, and Audra McDonald. BUT most of these actors play the roles of animated tea pots and candlesticks. There is or are no reasons to see this re-hash of every commercial triumph the Disney Factory has turned out for more than 50 years. And the kids will probably love it.
LOGAN. Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart lower themselves considerably by playing the lead roles in this last of the Wolverine series. I’ve tried hard and failed to stop thinking that this is exactly the kind of film I’ll bet that Donald Trump likes. Even though the Wolverine (Jackman) is a comic book character and the special effects are just about 90% of the picture, the cruelty, killing, blood, evil, are all so typical of today’s biggest boxoffice hits, it’s too over the top for me. No plot, no emotions, no humanity…just more blood and more killing. Even the ending when Wolverine is in a stone covered grave I kept worrying and watching to see if some of the stones didn’t start shaking, meaning we’ll be tortured by an even worse Wolverine # 10. Yes Jackman has played the part nine times!!! Go- if you like Donald Trump type movies.
COLOSSAL. Nacho Vigolondo directed it….and that should be a clue..He’s a wild Spanish young director who did Timecrimes and Open Windows. Anne Hathaway tries very hard to make this into maybe a comedy or possibly a sci-fi fantasy, but the studio and the director were against her. It has Godzilla monsters under her control, it’s got her battleing a serious drinking problem, and a very brutal boyfriend who actually beats her up a few times. I can’t imagine anyone liking this stuff, but it’s strictly up to you!!!
FATE OF THE FURIOUS. Just about everybody who watches or reads the news knows that the Fate of The Furious (better title “Fart of the Furious” as in exhaust) movie topped almost every box office record ever set. Vin Diesel (real name Mark Sinclair) was born in Alameda in 1967 and has been the lead in all eight exact copies of one of the dumbest plots ever filmed. To see such stars as Helen Mirren sink to a three-minute role, Charlize Theron half act some part as a Russian killer is just sad. There’s a street race in Havana and somehow it ends with cars taking on the Russians in some sort of war. The USA reaction and most of the world’s reaction to such a crap of a film is an embarrassing statement of our collective taste. Dwayne Johnson is in it too but he is always in these sorts of things.

UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE. Each and every Tuesday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. I host Universal Grapevine on KZSC 88.1 fm. or on your computer, (live only or archived for two weeks… (See next paragraph) and go to WWW.KZSC.ORG. May 9th has director Kinan Valdez discussing the traditions behind the new version of the “Zoot Suit” play opening May 26-June 4 at UCSC. Kinan is followed by artistic director Anita Monga coming down here to talk about The San Francisco Silent Film Festival (June1 -4). Cruzio co- founder Chris Neklason tells us about Net Neutrality and the Cruzio position on May 16. Then Phil Collins from The New Music Works talks about their wild new fun raiser. May 23 features UCSC Prof. Maria Herrera’s students talking about recent new events happening on campus. Bookshop Santa Cruz features its top Short Story Winners on May 30. Do remember, any and all suggestions for future programs are more than welcome so tune in, and keep listening. Email me always and only at bratton@cruzio.com
Serious issue this time, no fluff. Please go watch this clip on Net Neutrality from John Oliver. Then go to www.goFCCyourself.com and tell them that you support strong net neutrality backed by title 2 oversight of ISPs. This is important beyond partisan politics. The FCC listened 3 years ago, and they should listen again now. |
NEW UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE ARCHIVE FEATURE. Stuff changes at KZSC a lot. If you missed either of the last two weeks of Universal Grapevine broadcasts go here… http://www.radiofreeamerica.com/dj/bruce-bratton You have to listen to about 4 minutes of that week’s KPFA news first, then Grapevine happens.
UNIVERSAL GRAPEVINE ARCHIVES. In case you missed some of the great people I’ve interviewed in the last 9 years here’s a chronological list of some past broadcasts. Such a wide range of folks such as Nikki Silva, Michael Warren, Tom Noddy, UCSC Chancellor George Blumenthal, Anita Monga, Mark Wainer, Judy Johnson, Wendy Mayer-Lochtefeld, Rachel Goodman, George Newell, Tubten Pende, Gina Marie Hayes, Rebecca Ronay-Hazleton, Miriam Ellis, Deb Mc Arthur, The Great Morgani on Street performing, and Paul Whitworth on Krapps Last Tape. Jodi McGraw on Sandhills, Bruce Daniels on area water problems. Mike Pappas on the Olive Connection, Sandy Lydon on County History. Paul Johnston on political organizing, Rick Longinotti on De-Sal. Dan Haifley on Monterey Bay Sanctuary, Dan Harder on Santa Cruz City Museum. Sara Wilbourne on Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre. Brian Spencer on SEE Theatre Co. Paula Kenyon and Karen Massaro on MAH and Big Creek Pottery. Carolyn Burke on Edith Piaf. Peggy Dolgenos on Cruzio. Julie James on Jewel Theatre Company. Then there’s Pat Matejcek on environment, Nancy Abrams and Joel Primack on the Universe plus Nina Simon from MAH, Rob Slawinski, Gary Bascou, Judge Paul Burdick, John Brown Childs, Ellen Kimmel, Don Williams, Kinan Valdez, Ellen Murtha, John Leopold, Karen Kefauver, Chip Lord, Judy Bouley, Rob Sean Wilson, Ann Simonton, Lori Rivera, Sayaka Yabuki, Chris Kinney, Celia and Peter Scott, Chris Krohn, David Swanger, Chelsea Juarez…and that’s just since January 2011.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”. John F. Kennedy
“The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall’. Che Guevara
“The digital revolution is far more significant than the invention of writing or even of printing”. Douglas Engelbart
“When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right”. Victor Hugo
COLUMN COMMUNICATIONS. Subscriptions: Click and enter the box in the upper right hand corner of each Column. You’ll get a weekly email notice the instant the column goes online. (Anywhere from Monday afternoon through Thursday or sometimes as late as Friday!) Always free and confidential. Even I don’t know who subscribes!!
Snail Mail: Bratton Online
82 Blackburn Street, Suite 216
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Direct email: Bratton@Cruzio.com
Direct phone: 831 423-2468
All Technical & Web details: Gunilla Leavitt @ godmoma@gmail.com