Bratton…Keeley, Portugal and Joao Rodrigues Cabrilho, Alyce Vestal/Caudill’s gone, movie critiques. Greensite…will be back next week. Schendledecker…will be back next week. Steinbruner…carcinogens in our water, county housing project over view, passenger rail services and RTC. Hayes…BLM and managing the Cotoni Coast Dairies territory. Patton…The DeSantis Doctrine: A Petulant Politics. Matlock…FAKE QUOTES, KLANNED KARENHOOD, AND YOKELRY. Eagan… Subconscious Comics and Deep Cover. Webmistress… does some pyrotechnics Quotes…”The Pope”

PORTUGAL, JOAO CABRILHO, AND FRED KEELEY. Books, documents and historians and especially Portuguese believe that famed explorer Joao Rodrigues Cabrilho was born and raised in Portugal probably near Lisbon. The newly late Rob Edwards of Cabrillo College loaned me a book years ago about Cabrilho being Portuguese. Check out this link. I thought that since Mayor Fred Keeley is going to Portugal he could use his political muscle in Lisbon, do a little research and uncover the true story for the rest of us. Then we would probably have to change the college name again.
ALYCE VESTAL CAUDILL’S GONE. Alyce (Holland) Vestal died Friday July 7. She was a force to be reckoned with and gave a lot to our community. As it says in the Cabrillo Music Festival histories…”Along with Hughes, Ted Toews, Alice Vestal and Gene Hambleton, Lou Harrison was a part of the nucleus group that helped shape the expansion of the Sticky Wicket …” which developed rapidly at Cabrillo College. Not only did Alyce have a beautiful singing voice and performed at The Carmel Bach Festival but she was a fine artist too. She won many prizes and awards for her paintings of special houses and Maxfield Parrish style dreamscapes too. She was married to Sam Vestal photographer for many years at the Register Pajaronian and was the subject of numerous bathing suit poses. For her winning the title of Miss Watsonville in 1954 was very exciting and she used that image and reputation for the rest of her life. She was and is, an inspiration for all of us.
I search and critique a variety of movies only from those that are newly released. Choosing from the thousands of classics and older releases would take way too long. And be sure to tune in to those very newest movie reviews live on KZSC 88.1 fm every Friday from about 8:10 – 8:30 am. on the Bushwhackers Breakfast Club program hosted by Dangerous Dan Orange.
MARRIED TO EVIL. (MAX SERIES) (7.1 IMDB). You’d have to become a true sadist to enjoy watching this documentary featuring true stories of killers, brutes, and sick people torturing innocent partners who love them. There is no reason to watch this crazed document except to maybe sense some similarity to someone you know!!!
SUITS. (PRIME SERIES) (8.4 IMDB). Now we get a chance to see what Meghan Markle looks and ACTS like…and it ain’t that special. This is mostly courtroom drama back when Marijuana was still illegal. So it’s about corporate attorneys, legal picayune details, patents and a judge’s wife ad infinitum. Not worth 10 minutes except to see Meghan Markle at her cutest.
THE INITIATED. (PRIME) (7.6 IMDB). Part of this movie takes place in the actual Kasbah and centers for a while on toxic water shortages. A journalist with some complex issues in addition to being bipolar takes on everything including lady wrestlers
SUSPICION. (APPLE TV) (6.2 IMDB). There are five British citizens who get involved in a kidnapping of an American business man’s son. Did they do it or not? It’s low key, fairly dull and doesn’t even make sense at times. However there’s a murder and one of the five are totally involved…it keeps you/us guessing.
I’M A VIRGO. (PRIME SERIES) (7.3 IMDB). I could only stand/stomach this waste of time and however they “film” things nowadays for less than 15 minutes. It’s about a young boy from Oakland who is 13 feet tall…and it gets less believable and unfunnier by the minute.
PAST LIVES. (DEL MAR THEATRE) (8.4 IMDB). A beautifully created movie about a couple who were youngsters together and close friends. They led separate lives moved continents apart then reunite. They explore and debate their similarities and likes and loves together and silently consider their chances on ever getting together again. It’s another Korean delight…as so many are lately.
MY NAME. (NETFLIX SERIES) (7.8 IMDB). (also listed as “Undercover”). Another Korean fine action film. This one is about a young woman whose gangster father gets killed. She becomes an undercover policewoman in the drug investigation department and joins the mafia trying to find the man who killed her dad.
M3GAN. (PRIME MOVIE) (6.4 IMDB). This could easily scare anyone into serious worry about the dangers of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE or AI! It’s about a toy company that made an automated animated doll named M3GAN. M3gan looks a lot like Scarlett Johannsen. The plot soon turns into a child abuse and child custody story. Many flaws in it but it is absorbing.
SPECIAL NOTE….Don’t forget that when you’re not too sure of a plot or need any info on a movie to go to Wikipedia. It lays out the straight/non hype story plus all the details you’ll need including which server (Netflix, Hulu, or PBS) you can find it on. You can also go to and punch in the movie title and read my take on the much more than 100 movies.
TAKE CARE OF MAYA. (NETFLIX DOCUMENTARY MOVIE) (8.1 IMDB). A very devastating document for what has happened and continues to happen when hospitals and “Child Protective Services” cover up their mistakes and blame parents by calling them Child abusers and create prolonged cases in courts, with parents losing. This true case happened in Venice, Florida but exists in many locales. The hospital kept Maya a prisoner for three full months for only so called legal reasons.
INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY. (DEL MAR THEATRE) (6.9 IMDB). A very poor wrap-up and closer to the Indiana Jones series that started with such a literal bang. It’s stuffed full of CGI car chases, bloody roof jumping and the much ballyhooed restoration of Harrison Ford. It doesn’t help but Antonio Banderas and Mads Mikkelsen are almost hidden in it. It’s shallow, monotonous, pointless and painful…don’t go.
BLOODHOUNDS. (NETFLIX SERIES) (8.1 IMDB). Another Korean film that accomplishes exactly what was intended …and it works. It’s about loan sharks, everybody wearing covid masks, and guts flying everywhere. Guts fly because the lead characters are not just close buddies but also are boxers…Korean style boxers of course.
ROCK HUDSON-ALL THAT HEAVEN ALLOWED. (MAX DOCUMENTARY MOVIE) 7.8 IMDB). Rock Hudson’s real names were Roy Scherer jr. and Roy Fitzgerald. He died from AIDS in 1984 and was a Republican. He was gay and only hid it from the public, not his friends and fellow actors. He mainly did musicals and comedies and the 70’s were his decade. Doris Day and Elizabeth Taylor both liked him as a person and co-star. He starred big in Giant and author Armistead Maupin tells a lot of the background.
ARMAGEDDON TIME. (AMAZON PRIME MOVIE) (6.5 IMDB). This is a slow tearjerker of a movie with stars like Anthony Hopkins and Anne Hathaway leading the cast. It’s about New York City, it’s about being Jewish, it deals with Nazis and there’s even a character named Fred Trump in it for no good reason. Fred Trump was Donald Trump’s Dad and he died in 1999. It touches on father abuses among other issues, and it’s set in the 1980’s.

July 10
Gillian will be back next week.
Gillian Greensite is a long time local activist, a member of Save Our Big Trees and the Santa Cruz chapter of IDA, International Dark Sky Association Plus she’s an avid ocean swimmer, hiker and lover of all things wild. |

July 10
Joy will be back next week.
Joy Schendledecker is an artist, parent, and community organizer. She lives on the Westside of Santa Cruz with her husband, two teens, mother in law, and cats. She was a city of Santa Cruz mayoral candidate in 2022. You can email her at: |

Thanks to my friend, Al, who sent a link to a recent USGS report about water contamination by PFAS nationwide…this includes some significant finds in our local water supplies.
The Report features a map with many data points in Santa Cruz County
There are already alternatives available, including Komodo Fire System product that is non-toxic and plant-based, and is manufactured here locally. Komodo Fire System materials has been certified by the EPA as non-toxic to mammals and aquatic life, and is registered for use by the US Forest Service for fire suppression.
So, why does CalFire continue to use the toxic product? Just because it is what has always been done. Local CalFire staff who have seen the impressive Komodo product at work urge members of the public to contact local and state representatives, asking them to put pressure on the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection and CalFire to make the change quickly.
Firefighters have extremely high cancer rates, which could be linked to not only the PFAS suppression foams and other suppressants they use, but also their protective turnout gear containing PFAS.
Please contact your representatives and demand the change to protect our firefighters, our drinking water supplies, and the environment.
Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors
Assemblywoman Pellerin
Assemblywoman Addis
Senator Laird
California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection
Did you notice the interesting explanation of the County Planning Dept. Housing Element update wherein the CivicMakers consultants shepherded a new idea to use random people to make recommendations about where to re-zone areas for ultra-dense multi-story housing?
Take a look at the Project Overview statement in Appendix HE-C “Civic Engagement”:
“We also worked to make the facilitation of the meetings accessible, trauma informed, multi-lingual, and understandable at a 5th grade reading level.”
These were two parallel groups of people, Community Panel of random residents, and a Stakeholder Panel of developers and non-profits, getting what sounds like was a watered-down and condescending presentation of what the County has to do to update the 1994 General Plan in order to build the State-mandated Regional Housing number Allocation (RHNA) housing units and were asked to put sticky notes and dots next to the choices provided by the Consultants.
The Community Panel was supposed to have 20-25 people, but only 14 participated. Look at page 17-18 to see the composition. Districts 2 and 4 had hardly any representation.
The list of Stakeholder Committee members is interesting (pages 11-17). Note that the only developer allowed to participate was Jessie Bristow from Barry Swenson.
Shouldn’t there have been some smaller, locally-owned builders in the room?
Page 40 of the Appendix C has some good information in response to questions posed by the Developer and Non-Profit (Stakeholder Committee) that staff could not answer at the time of the first meeting on April 11. Here is a good example:
Q: Are these state levels or county levels of income that these go by?
A: Income levels are set by the state and then adjusted (by the state) to reflect regional differences.
Q: What proportion of the 5th cycle goals have been met?
A: 79% overall. Above Moderate = 66%; Moderate = 122%; Low 92%; Very Low = 59%
Q: What proportion of current RHNA units met is not moderate or above moderate?
A: 656 = moderate and above moderate vs. 377 low and very low
One suggestion the Committees presented was to increase densities around the rail corridor. That makes sense to me, as it would support the use of the rail corridor for passenger commutes and broader use than tourist excursions.
Appendix HE-E is a 17-page inventory of vacant land in the County that could be developed for dense affordable housing. The Assessor Parcel Number (APN) and acreage are listed with the possible minimum and maximum housing units that could be built.
I tried to look up some parcel numbers for the Aptos area, but discovered the County Assessor database is broken. Upon inquiring at the 701 Ocean Street County Government Building, I learned that the database is undergoing major work that will not be completed until July 10 at the earliest, but more likely July 15, so no information is available.
Public Comment on the Santa Cruz County Housing Element closed July 11, but there will be a flurry of Planning Commission and Board of Supervisor meetings that you need to mark on your calendar now, and plan to participate as much as you can.
This document, which the County must present to the State Housing and Community Development Dept. by mid-December, will drastically alter the look and feel of our Communities going forward. The State is wielding a mighty big stick…and in my opinion, we need to push back.
Take a look here at local people doing excellent work by currently circulating a Petition to increase affordable housing to 25% in new development, and grant Santa Cruzans the right to vote on the height and size increases of development above current, reasonable limits: They could use your help: 831-471-7822.
Also, on a statewide level, link up with these good folks who are working hard to educate the legislators who seem to be going along with the unreasonable RHNA mandates without regard to local jurisdiction discretion and infrastructure realities:
Last summer, the Train Riders Association of California (TRAC) submitted a Whitepaper to the Santa Cruz County RTC, outlining ways the existing rail could be reconditioned for passenger service at a fraction of the cost stated in recent studies, and recommending proposals for different types of lightweight passenger rail vehicles.
TRAC – Santa Cruz Rail Study 0722 [pdf]
The RTC rejected this proposal.
Want to hear more about all that? Listen online this Friday to “Community Matters”, 1pm-3pm, on the new online-radio Santa Cruz Voice platform.
Mr. David Schonbrunn, President of TRAC, will discuss efforts to support passenger rail in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties, as well as his work fighting the California High-Speed Rail Project.
Meanwhile, the RTC is embarking yet another multi-million dollar study about passenger rail possibilities in Santa Cruz County, citing more information needed regarding easements and bridge repair/maintenance.
Cheers, and Happy Summer,
Becky Steinbruner is a 30+ year resident of Aptos. She has fought for water, fire, emergency preparedness, and for road repair. She ran for Second District County Supervisor in 2016 on a shoestring and got nearly 20% of the votes. She ran again in 2020 on a slightly bigger shoestring and got 1/3 of the votes.
Email Becky at |

The US Bureau of Land Management- Species Conservationists?
The California division of the Bureau of Land Management suggests that it is concerned about rare species, but what evidence is there for those of us considering their management of Cotoni Coast Dairies? It is crucial that public land managers take care of rare wildlife and plants – doesn’t it seem like public lands are the right place for species conservation? Let’s consider what we’ve seen…
The BLM has some great policies to guide its management of rare species. It has a guidance manual, Manual 6840 “Special Status Species Management,” that says that BLM will manage not only for species on the USA’s list of threatened and endangered species, but also for species that are candidates for listing as well as those which State wildlife agencies consider priorities for conservation. The manual directs each BLM State office to keep a list of State Sensitive Species (both wildlife and plants) and to update those lists every 5 years in collaboration with State wildlife agencies.
BLM California has published the following lists of sensitive plants and wildlife.
California BLM’s Sensitive Species: Problems
Although BLM’s policies are good, somehow their implementation at Cotoni Coast Dairies, designated as one of 5 onshore units of California’s Coastal National Monument, has been faulty. For instance, plant species listed by the State as rare (Rank 1B) are automatically considered sensitive according to BLM policy, but the BLM California sensitive plant list is missing three of the California rare plant Rank 1B species that have been documented at Cotoni Coast Dairies: Choris’ popcornflower, Santa Cruz manzanita, and Monterey pine. In addition, although BLM’s State Sensitive Plant List has Point Reyes Horkelia, it is not noted as occurring under the management of the Central Coast Field Office, which oversees Cotoni Coast Dairies. Moreover, the last time BLM’s sensitive wildlife list was updated was 2009; it is missing many species recognized by California Department of Fish and Wildlife as rare, including some that occur at Cotoni Coast Dairies. Here are the Cotoni Coast Dairies’ wildlife species that would have been included on BLM’s sensitive wildlife list if the BLM California State Director Karen Mouritsen were following her mandated actions under Manual 6840:
Common name | Latin name | Rarity Status |
Grasshopper sparrow | Ammodramus savannarum | CA Species of Special Concern (nesting) |
Northern harrier | Circus cyaneus
CA Species of Special Concern (nesting) |
Olive-sided flycatcher | Contopus cooperi | CA Species of Special Concern (nesting) |
American badger | Taxidea taxus | CA Species of Special Concern |
San Francisco dusky-footed woodrat | Neotoma fuscipes
CA Species of Special Concern |
BLM Central Coast Field Office: Problems
The staff at BLM’s Central Coast Field Office have described themselves as being ‘conservationists.’ If this is so, then they are prevented from carrying out their self-professed ideology by someone higher up in BLM, perhaps at the State BLM level under Director Mouritsen’s oversight. In 2021, Michael Powers is listed as the author of the “Biological Monitoring Plan, Cotoni-Coast Dairies unit of the California Coastal National Monument, Updated December 2021.” It is odd that there is a monitoring plan in absence of the science plan mandated by the 6220 Manual, which provides policy for managing units of National Monuments under BLM’s stewardship. This oddness continues when one more closely peruses Mr. Powers’ monitoring plan.
Section V of the monitoring plan is titled “Special Status Species,” but the section fails to mention the majority of wildlife and plants on California BLM’s sensitive species lists. The only species listed in this section are the California red-legged frog, steelhead trout, and coho salmon – these noted as ‘Federally Listed’ at the top of that section. The section of the monitoring plan fails to list the monarch butterfly, which was published by the US Fish and Wildlife Service as a candidate for listing as endangered a year before the monitoring plan, in 2020. According to BLM policy in the 6840 manual, federally published candidate species are to be considered sensitive species with such monitoring plans.
BLM Natural Resource Impacts
Some would suggest that plans are just plans and lists are just lists, but how do these things really matter? Someone in one of the California BLM offices ordered candidate species monarch butterfly habitat to be destroyed at Cotoni Coast Dairies (one day, we’ll know who!). Destroying that habitat makes it more difficult to restore healthy populations of monarch butterflies on Planet Earth. The increasing rarity of monarch butterflies that BLM has created places more burden on other landowners, both public and private to help monarchs not become extinct.
More broadly, someone evidently told BLM’s Mr. Powers not to consider the entirety of California State BLM-listed sensitive species in the monitoring and, presumably, management of Cotoni Coast Dairies. Since BLM State or local officials have not asked for help with budget, there must be some other issue, but political issues don’t seem logical. BLM’s policy states the following reason for analyzing, monitoring, and planning for the conservation of sensitive species: “to promote their conservation and reduce the likelihood and need for future listing under the ESA.” The majority of Americans on either side of the political divide support wildlife conservation. It is in everyone’s interest for species not to qualify for listing under the Endangered Species Act.
Without concerted collaborative effort, it is likely that at least one of the sensitive plants or animals at Cotoni Coast Dairies will face listing under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in the next 30 years. The Point Reyes Horkelia is probably the most likely species, but the Monarch butterfly is also quite likely. The BLM has no plans to monitor those species, so the agency won’t know if its management of Cotoni Coast Dairies is helping or hurting those species.
What You Can Do
Would you please help? Please write State Director Mouritsen and ask her to protect sensitive species at Cotoni Coast Dairies as well as throughout California. You might mention that she should:
- Order the Central Coast Field Office to consider BLM California’s sensitive plants and wildlife at Cotoni Coast Dairies as required by BLM’s 6840 Special Status Species Manual.
- Publish an updated State BLM sensitive wildlife list in collaboration with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, as mandated by the BLM’s 6840 Special Status Species Manual.
- Publish an updated State BLM sensitive plant list to include the State ranked 1B plant species documented at Cotoni Coast Dairies, as mandated by the 6840 Manual.
- Respect those who care about natural resource protection as much as she respects those clamoring for access for mountain bikes at Cotoni Coast Dairies.
- Publish a Science Plan for Cotoni Coast Dairies as required by BLM’s 6220 National Monuments, National Conservation Areas, and Similar Designations (Public) Manual
That could be a short email note….it would be fast to write! It could even be a cut-and-paste of those bullets. What we need is numbers of notes to show the Director that there are lots of people who care. Here’s her email address: It would be great if you could cc me, so I have a record of the communications:
Grey Hayes is a fervent speaker for all things wild, and his occupations have included land stewardship with UC Natural Reserves, large-scale monitoring and strategic planning with The Nature Conservancy, professional education with the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, and teaching undergraduates at UC Santa Cruz. Visit his website at:
Email Grey at |

July 5
#186 / The DeSantis Doctrine: A Petulant Politics

Ron DeSantis, a Republican Party candidate for president and currently the Governor of Florida, has recently visited the border between the United States and Mexico. He has a solution for our immigration problems: let’s kill us some immigrants!
Some immigrants, says DeSantis, are attempting to bring drugs into our country. He admits that it may not always be possible to determine which immigrants are trying to do that, and which immigrants are merely seeking asylum in the United States, which, in fact, is legally sanctioned. Given the problem, DeSantis suggests that anyone seeking to push past border barriers should simply be shot down and killed, on the basis that trying to reach United States soil in this way demonstrates “hostile intent.” As DeSantis explains it:
If you drop a couple of these cartel operatives trying to do that, you’re not going to have to worry about that anymore. They would end up “stone-cold dead.”
I am quoting from an article in the Tuesday, June 27, 2023, edition of The New York Times. The Times is certainly correct that “DeSantis’s proposal served as an escalation of Republican messaging on the border and was part of a host of plans he unveiled in an effort to match the hard-line immigration stance of former President Donald J. Trump, who privately suggested shooting migrants in the legs during his administration.”
This “DeSantis Doctrine,” suggesting that we simply kill immigrants when they attempt to push past border barriers because immigrants who do that might be drug lords, is definitely an “escalation” of Republican Party rhetoric around the nation’s immigration policies. However, my point in today’s blog posting is not, really, to focus on the specifics of what DeSantis is proposing, as horrific as his policy proposals truly are.
What I really want to comment on is an observation that Times‘ columnist Jamelle Bouie made in the same edition of the paper. The “DeSantis Doctrine” is just an example. The Republican Party candidates for president, Bouie says, have “no appetite beyond red meat.”
Another way of saying this might be that the Republican Party appears to believe that our election campaigns should basically be about all the outrageous things that we are “against,” what we really hate, instead of all the things that we’re “for,” those positive changes that we would like to achieve. I am not sure that the Republicans are alone in their “red meat” preference for “outrage” and “negative campaigning,” but as The “DeSantis Doctrine” demonstrates, they are definitely leading the pack in their appetite for “red meat” issues – and “red meat” solutions.
It is true, of course, that we do need to find ways to oppose and eliminate the things that we don’t like – and there are a lot of things we don’t like, a lot of “problems.” It’s hard to avoid thinking that our political and public policy debates must take account of how we might prevent things we don’t like from happening.
On the other hand, without adorning my blog posting with a big “Smiley Face” (or maybe I should), I would like to propose that our politics could be improved if we were having discussions and debates about what we would like to accomplish, as opposed to highlighting all the things we don’t like and want to eliminate.
I guess I am asking for a “positive” politics, instead of a “petulant” politics. Is that too much to ask?

Gary Patton is a former Santa Cruz County Supervisor (20 years) and an attorney for individuals and community groups on land use and environmental issues. The opinions expressed are Mr. Patton’s. You can read and subscribe to his daily blog at
Email Gary at |

For those of you who may have missed Senator Josh Hawley’s Independence Day tweet, the ‘Manhood‘ author raised his right-wing fist once again by misquoting Patrick ‘Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death’ Henry regarding the importance of Christianity in the founding of this nation. “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” he babbled. Further, Hawley claimed Henry said, “For this reason, peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.” That stretches it a bit about slaveholder Henry’s sentiments, but it’s also telling about the senator who is regarded as one of the GOP’s brilliant minds, being a Stanford University grad, thanks to his mother’s alumna status, and a product of Yale Law School, afterwards clerking on the Supreme Court.
The fake quote from Patrick Henry was sourced from the April 1956 edition of the hostile, antisemitic, white nationalist magazine, ‘The Virginian‘, later reprinted in ‘The American Mercury’, a publication co-founded by H.L. Mencken, which featured top writers from the 1920s and 1930s. Mencken described the work as “a serious review, the gaudiest and damnedest ever seen in the Republic. What we need is something that looks highly respectable outwardly. The American Mercury is almost perfect for the purpose. What will go inside the tent is another story. You will recall the late P.T. Barnum got away with burlesque shows by calling them moral lectures.” The magazine’s subscription form featured the Mencken quote, “The dead hand of the yokelry on the instinct for beauty cannot be so heavy if the handsome green and black cover of The American Mercury exists.”
Ownership changed in the 1940s, attracting conservative writers, one of whom was William F. Buckley. Another change in ownership in the 1950s provided a voice for far-right and anti-Semitic proponents, with George Lincoln Rockwell being a featured writer. Rockwell went on to found the American Nazi Party…enuf said? Later, the magazine sold to the Defenders of the Christian Faith, owned by Reverend Gerald Burton Winrod of Wichita, Kansas. The reverend had charges dropped for violating the Sedition Act of 1918, but he earned the nickname of ‘The Jayhawk Nazi’ during the Second World War. The magazine saw several transitions and mergers, eventually becoming a quarterly, and an article in 1978 praised Adolf Hitler as the greatest Spenglerian, while lamenting his death. The final issue in 1980 lamented the passing of Mencken’s time, “before the virus of social, racial, and sexual equality” grew in “fertile soil in the minds of most Americans,” while pleading for contributions to establish a computer index holding information on the 15,000 most dangerous political activists in the US. The website created in 2010 was condemned by the Southern Poverty Law Center in 2013, calling it a ‘Leo Frank Propaganda Site,’ deeply anti-semitic while retaining H.L. Mencken’s original magazine name. Frank was a Jewish factory worker in Atlanta, wrongfully convicted of murder, and hanged by a mob which removed him from his imprisonment. Senator Hawley knows how to access information to further incite the GOP base as he attempts to tailor himself as a mentor of masculinity, affirming that he is just as dangerous as Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene, Paul Gosar, and Lauren Boebert. The false vision they hold, the perverted version of our history they put forth must be defeated and called out in every instance!
Another case in point, is the recent Moms for Liberty ‘Blessings of the Liberty’ prayer breakfast during which North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson defended the group’s use of a Hitler quote in their newsletter, arguing that we should be re-reading the quotes of Der Fuehrer and other dictators. How convenient that the anti-LGBTQ hate group is living up to their nickname of ‘Klanned Karenhood’ by inviting Robinson, and coincidentally, a Rabbi as well! The Lt. governor had the chutzpah to reference Josef Stalin, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot and Castro as worthy of our attention, even as he runs for the governorship of his state. Need it be mentioned that he has endorsed Donald Trump’s run for a pardon, along with the GOP nomination for president? Former Senator Claire McCaskill said on Morning Joe, “I think it’s time we realize that Donald Trump is not running for president, he’s running for pardon. I think it’s time we realize that the Republicans are afraid of him, and the base that supports him, no matter what.” Sounds logical since The Don hasn’t come up with a platform that any one cares about…no mention of trade, foreign policy, healthcare costs, abortion, guns, the economy…only his victimhood – for another year and a half? Somebody help us!
Charles Blow, in his New York Times column headlined ‘Republicans’ Anti-Woke, Anti-Vote Crusade Has Crashed into the Constitution’, writes, “The same party that argues for parental rights when haranguing and harassing educators about what is being taught and read in the classroom couldn’t care less about the parental rights of those trying to provide the best care for their children or who want their children to have an awareness and understanding of the broad spectrum of humanity and its expressions of love. The Republican politicians pushing these un-American laws aren’t constitutional absolutists; they are constitutional opportunists. The same is true when it comes to elections, where the Republican strategy has become clear: Rather than change their party to appeal more broadly to the electorate, many Republican politicians are whittling away at the electorate and our election architecture, trying to remove or hamstring those aspects of the process that could lead them to losing. They want to change the very meaning of democracy, shrinking to a government chosen by the chosen, a more originalist version of our system in which only certain people participate.”
When the GOP says ‘woke,’ they mean ‘Black.’ When they say ‘Soros‘ or ‘globalist,’ they mean ‘Jewish,’ When they mention parent’s rights, they mean Christian zealots’ rights to overrule all other parents. ‘Freedom‘ means freedom to indoctrinate and impose agendas, freedom to restrict voting and overturn elections, freedom to deny medical treatment, freedom to inspect children’s genitals, freedom to wield state power while encouraging vigilante violence against those who disagree or look different. The GOP today caters to three groups: the NRA, untaxed billionaires, and white supremacist theocratic bigots, leaving them with only two values: privilege and hate, while being chained to a grifting fraudster, a chronic liar who has no respect for the rule of law.
Though The Former Guy’s hopes for a pardon can’t be initiated by him should he be seated in the Oval Office again…power of the pardon to protect oneself from criminal liability is a no-no, at least at present. He was asked in the recent CNN Town Hall whether he would pardon the J6 Insurrectionists if he wins in 2024. He told Kaitlan Collins next to nothing as he gave one of his noncommittal answers, “strongly considering it, but some of them got carried away.” The ones who “got carried away,” in particular, are the Proud Boys who point their fingers at Trump as their boss, calling themselves the foot soldiers who were only following orders, so it’s too early (or is it too late…who can tell?) to be showing favoritism in the game. But what’s a president to do if some of the J6ers are BLM or Antifa, as many in his Base claim? Or if some participants were FBI who tricked Patriots into committing crimes? And why didn’t DJT use some of the $250k he grifted from his minions, to ‘stop the steal,’ in defense of his followers before they went to trial? But then, why did 500 or so people plead guilty if they were only ‘touring’ the Capitol on a normal day…as some of Trump’s Base followers claim?
Too late we find out about the J6 Truth and Light Festival held last Friday through Sunday in Rogersville, MO, near Springfield, featuring numerous speakers, live and via Zoom, some of whom are facing multiple felony charges in connection with the January 6, 2021 assault on Washington, DC, one recently being sentenced to eighteen years in prison. The website promised “An amazing weekend of love and support for our J6 community! Bring your RV, tent, lawn chairs and the whole family for this annual gathering of the Jan6 community!” A weekend family pass was priced at $150.00, an individual pass was $75.00, the daily pass was $37.50, and the J6 defendant pass was a bargain at $0.00! Opportunity for a donation to the American Patriot Relief fund was provided as well. Plus a fireworks display Saturday evening…what a bargain, and to think it’s an annual event, first held last year – be sure to get your photos taken with the detainees for the family album, an event to remember! However, the promo material specified it was a closed event, only for J6ers and families, with all funds raised going to honor those individuals charged. Seven of the 28 Missouri defendants are from the Springfield area, and those who monitor extremist groups say it only serves to promote future violence by framing the insurrectionists as martyrs and building toward a nationalist insurrection.
Sponsors of the festival included,, and American Gulag Chronicles, with supporters being listed as J6 Patriot News, Patriot Mail Project, Tommy Tatum News, Freedom Express Media, Mel Hawley of Justice in Jeopardy and Patriots at Large. The organization claims it is raising money to help families attend court hearings and jail visitations, and care for children. Don Haider-Markel, a poli-sci professor at the University of Kansas, and expert on political extremism predicted the festival likely has “a pretty narrow appeal. But I definitely think its further evidence of the sort of radicalization of the far-right, allowing participants to essentially publicly express their identity. That not only reinforces those identities, but it also can tend to radicalize people further.” The professor called attention to Taylor Taranto who was arrested in DC last week, near Barack Obama’s home, in possession of two guns, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, and a machete. “I think we will see more and more incidents like that, where we have individuals who are part of this larger movement who sort of spin off and decide, ‘Hey, I’m gonna go do something.”
Senior Analyst Daryl Johnson, formerly of the Department of Homeland Security, says the J6 defendants and their advocates have hijacked the ‘patriot’ name as they attempt to create the historical view that these people did the right thing, standing up to government corruption, as they attempted to save the Constitution. He says, “These people believe that God’s on their side, and they are self-righteous truth-holders protecting our country. And celebrating these people who participated in the DC riot by calling them patriots is keeping that fervor alive for 2024.” As Aldous J. Pennyfarthing writes, “Nice to know J6 rioters are a ‘community’ now. Of course, it makes perfect sense. Bashing in cops’ heads with flagpoles is hard work, and everyone needs to pitch in. Sadly, conservatives have been doing their best to normalize the J6 events, pretty much since that evening when Fox News and others openly speculated that the riot had actually been launched by liberal agitators who had inexplicably decided to disrupt the election of the guy they’d voted for and desperately hoped would win. As the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) noted on the second anniversary of J6, the danger Trump and his followers posed to our democracy on that fateful day has arguably grown. We had that whole Civil War business in the mid-1800s, and that probably should have settled the issue once and for all. But we let Confederacy-Humpers hang around like a bad bathroom chandelier.”
Aldous J. continues, “We have also learned that white supremacy and hard-right extremism have been normalized and mainstreamed to a dangerous degree. According to a June 2022 poll jointly conducted by SPLC and Tulchin Research, the mainstreaming of hate and anti-government thought, and the willingness to engage in political violence, are now widely accepted on the right. And now, they’re so enamored with their bumblin’ coup, they’re holding events to honor the perpetrators. Because nothing says ‘I’m sorry’ like a $9 Costco sheet cake that actually says, ‘Nice Try, Traitor – Better Luck Next Time!”
Trump’s aide tells him, “Sir, I had a dream you got your parade! It was miles and miles long, winding through Washington, DC. Joyful Americans lining the route, literally in the millions. People were laughing, cheering, playing in the street, and you were riding in the most beautiful carriage!” Trump asks, “I must have been really pleased?” The aide answers, “I couldn’t tell, sir. It was a closed casket.”
Dale Matlock, a Santa Cruz County resident since 1968, is the former owner of The Print Gallery, a screenprinting establishment. He is an adherent of The George Vermosky school of journalism, and a follower of too many news shows, newspapers, and political publications, and a some-time resident of Moloka’i, Hawaii, U.S.A., serving on the Board of Directors of Kepuhi Beach Resort. Email: |

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“The Pope”
(I re-found these in a BrattonOnline from June 4, 2017).
“My mother said to me, ‘If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.’ Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso”,
~Pablo Picasso
“I feel much freer now that I am certain the pope is the Antichrist”,
~Martin Luther
“My favorite time in the cycles of public life is the time when the Pope is dead and they haven’t elected a new one. There’s no one in the world who is infallible for those weeks. And you know, I don’t miss it”,
~Christopher Hitchens
“We’re all expendable. We think the world’s going to stop when a pope dies, or a king. And then… life goes on”,
~Sylvester Stallone

This was my 4th of July! I shot my first fireworks show, after having worked on them for years at this point. The video starts with my phone being upside down and moving over the edge of the roof of the shooting shack, finally falling down on the deck of the barge. Luckily, the firewatch guy picked it up and put it the right way, so the 2nd half of the show got filmed!
What you see at first is my right arm and my back, and then the phone tumbles. The shaking that happens every time something goes up is because the barge that the fireworks are on shakes from each detonation. It’s pretty cool to touch a stylus to a board and set off an explosion! Enjoy the Redwood City 4th of July fireworks display by Pyro Spectaculars!
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